Ch. 15 [Main Quest has Unlocked]

"You have to be honest. Have you experienced [Awakening]?"

And Noah's guess was true. What was he thinking now he faced. He is proud of his mind that is responsive and can be said to be smart. And he calmly replied,

"No. You see, I was immediately hospitalized as soon as I was hit by an attack from a monster in that cafe."

As soon as he said so casually and made Riley nod his head, suddenly someone crossed his mind.

'Speaking of the cafe, how's Ethan?' he thought.

But it's just a thought that will waste its time guessing rather than asking people who are nearby now.

"How's Ethan?"

Riley who was frowning and still feeling unacceptable by Noah's answer now turned to look at him. Her frown immediately turned 180 degrees into a face filled with confusion.

"Ethan? Is that the tall man with long hair, brother?"

Hearing Riley's guess, Noah nodded his head. Of course, that girl didn't know Ethan, because he had never introduced his friends to his mother and Riley.

'It's only natural that he doesn't know. I never bring my friends home.'

"Yes. How's it going after that monster?"

Riley looked thoughtful. That schoolgirl was probably processing what was in her brain. Thinking about the previous incident because of the many friends passing by in her mind casually. Somehow the girl was annoyed.

"Ah, my memory is vague. If I'm not mistaken he came home with his legs maybe ... uh, I can't remember."

Sweat started to come out of Riley's wide forehead. Many times she brushed off those flat salmon-colored bangs and over and over again she took a heavy breath. Her head felt so sore, throbbing, and dizzy that her body bent over to endure the pain.

Unable to force her memory back, Riley gave up and said languidly,

"Why does my head hurt so much."

Noah, who saw Riley acting in pain, wrinkled his eyes. Feelings of anxiety for Riley who is his cousin arise when she complains of pain when remembering the previous incident.

'She couldn't think of what happened before,' concluded Noah. Of course, the man with the eyes of the midnight express was shocked.

With his steps filled with caution, Noah approached Riley. Patted the girl's shoulder who looked frail, then looked into her eyes. The girl looked up at Noah's beaded eyes, which to her were filled with darkness.

"Since when did your head hurt like this?"

Riley, whose face was already pale, answered with all her might. Her eyes could not linger on Noah's beady eyes, because she had to look up and it would make Riley's head hurt even more. She must give up that very rare thing sincerely.

'Too bad I can't see his face clearly,' she thought.

When her body condition was not good, Riley still had time to admire the good looks of Noah's face, which for him was like an angel.

"Maybe after that foggy [False] incident, brother ...," Riley whispered. She didn't know what she just said. The throbbing of her head was still felt and luckily the dizziness slowly disappeared. Still, she felt pain even though it was faintly felt.

"Have you been treated?"

Noah was still showering Riley with questions and the girl happily answered them. His face looked so worried that the aura that could only be seen by someone who had experienced [Awakening] grew thicker. Luckily there weren't any [Hunter] around this.

Slowly the pain in Riley's head disappeared and her pale face had started to return to normal. Riley, who was bent over in pain, was now able to stand straight again.

Seeing the change in Riley's facial aura, Noah, whose question Riley hadn't answered earlier, added one more question. He was sure that Riley would answer his questions one by one.

"Is your headache getting better?"

Riley answered the last question first by nodding her head. Then take a deep breath and exhale gently. Trying to restore the stamina that had disappeared due to the intense pain happened in an instant.

"I have. I've been treated, but the doctor said that I do not have any disease. He said that I was just told to rest a lot because of fatigue during school," Riley replied at length.

However, Noah who had experienced [Penalty] and even the various experiences provided by the [System] felt disbelief. His forehead frowned in thought. He gritted his teeth as if the stature of an angelic face did not accept the increasingly chaotic world situation.

'Does this have something to do with [False]?' he thought.

He wanted to feel like he was cursing what had happened. Noah was helpless and could only watch what was happening in front of him. Why? Because he's still weak and he's still waiting for [Status] somehow he has to get it as fast as possible.

'Until now I'm still powerless to protect the people closest to me,' he continued thinking as if he was the weakest.

His hands were clenched tightly until his wrists trembled. Its teeth were gritted, revealing fangs that looked sharper than those of a normal human. His eyes were cold that he pointed somewhere, at least he was staring at the empty street. His face looked very cold before another notification flashed into his mind.


Noah was surprised, but his face still looked calm. A floating window displaying several sentences in it appeared before Noah's eyes. The blue radiation made him frown until his eyes got used to seeing it. A floating window that only he could see.

Meanwhile, Riley who witnessed Noah's strange attitude could only be confused while massaging her head whose pulse was still felt on him. Unable to ask questions and chose not to care about the Noah she had been admiring for all this time.

[Main Quest has unlocked.

Defeat [Misty Ghost] in a nearby [Dungeon Type]

Ended in [3 days]


+10 Strength Points

+1 Mortality Rest Potion

+ Shade Dagger]

The owner of those eyes that were colored midnight express that was like night rounded his eyes. Seemed surprised by what he had just read. His brain started to work hard and there were even more questions than before.

'[Mortality Rest Potion]?'

One sentence is the thing that succeeded in making him interested. As his hands were about to move towards the floating window, he stopped as soon as he remembered that Riley did not know that he had also experienced [Awakening].

'If I suppress it, then Riley will think I'm having a [Awakening]. I don't want anyone to know about this [Awakening],' thought Noah.

As soon as he thought about the [Mortality Rest Potion], the man who had the name Altair Noah Ortiz rubbed his face in frustration. For a moment forgetting Riley; because the girl has recovered. Another deep sigh escaped his mouth.

"Why should I ...," he muttered, sounding tired of what had happened to him.