Ch. 16 [Out of Hospital]

"Why should I ...," he muttered, sounding tired of what had happened to him.

From behind the right hand that still covered his handsome face, those were a drop of sweat coming out of his cheek. Riley, who did not hear Noah's words, asked him to repeat what he had just said.

"What are you saying, brother?"

However, Noah, who was preoccupied with himself, did not heed the words of the girl with royal brown eyes. Her big eyes never left Noah's face.

'Not. I can't complain. '

He took away his right hand which had previously covered his handsome face. There was a sharp, beaded midnight express look. For the umpteenth time, it was fortunate that the hospital road was deserted because, since [False] 's existence, people did not dare to roam around.

Noah looked up. Looking up to stare at the blue sky. Look for the existence of a large black portal that forms a navel above the sky. It was terrible that night.

'Maybe this [System] form strengthens me,' he thought before he realized that the [System] had been playing tricks on him. "Well, I hope so."

No conversation continued with Riley. And Riley who realized that her cousin's brother looked like he was going through a lot of trouble chose to shut his mouth. Riley locked her voice tightly so as not to interfere with Noah's charm when he was serious.

They stood silently in the middle of the hospital road. Right towards the big hospital gate. It was still the silence that haunted them and now Riley was starting to feel uncomfortable.

"Um ...."

The schoolgirl had not had time to call her older cousin, a man with marigold-colored hair and royal brown eyes, along with a woman with strong orange hair tied to a ponytail with chartreuse-colored eyeballs walking toward them -Noah and Riley- stood up.

"Is that Noah Ortiz's Altair?" The woman walking beside him made a voice. She closed her mouth and widened her eyes from behind his round glasses.

The man with her did the same. Staring in disbelief at what was in front of him.

"Ah, you're right. Isn't he still being treated intensely?"

The woman ignored his question and chose to walk toward Noah with faster leg movements than before. Somehow the man who walked with his also stepped faster to match the woman's footsteps.

"Excuse me, are you Altair Noah Ortiz?"

The man whose name was mentioned turned his head after he looked up for a long time. Tilted his head after seeing the woman's strong orange hair color.

Of course, the man called was Altair Noah Ortiz. The owner of the eye bead was a midnight express color, an eye color that could adequately describe 'darkness'.

However, innocently- Maybe you could say stupid, Noah answered the question just now formally. Staring at the woman's bead which was the same chartreuse color as her name.

"Yes, I am."

The man who had just managed to approach them with hasty footsteps was gasping for breath. Slightly bent his knees because of the strength suddenly drained by the woman. Then, he became furious when he heard Noah's words, which to him was very annoying.

"You idiot! You forgot him?!"

Still sighing, the man with the color of marigold hair jumped up in shock with a breath as passionate as a bull looking at a red cloth.

Noah, who heard a familiar voice, looked back at the girl with strong orange hair. His eyes flickered in surprise even though his cold face never disappeared.

"Alan Woods? What are you doing here?" asked Noah, not knowing himself that he was being beaten.

"Who do you think was the one who was hit hardest by the brute force of [False]?" Alan reversed his question.

Indeed, Noah Ortiz's Altair was the one worst hit by [False] 's attack.

Noah nodded his head nod as if he understood what Alan was saying before he knew the truth.

"Wait. I was the worst? Was anyone else hit?" asked Noah.

Alan, the [Wood Element] man who had soft marigold hair shook his head. Those soft royal brown eyes answered innocently.

"Nothing. Only you were hit by the attack."

Hearing what his friend said was able to embarrass Noah. The black-haired man ruffled his hair and grunted indistinctly.

'Even this is arguably the weakest of the weakest,' he thought sarcastically.

The woman with round glasses that almost disguised the color of her chartreuse's eyes finally made a voice. Earlier the woman had chuckled in a very brief conversation with Noah.

Ah, maybe that woman is also one of his fans.

"Speaking of delicacies, why are you outside?" She asked.

Noah blinked. Suddenly his mouth fell silent when he saw the woman's face full of ambition. His mind was still searching for data about the woman.

'Is she the Evelyn who had Alan talked about?'

Alan once talked about women who shared the same campus with them. Has a strong orange hair color and chartreuse eyes that make it stand out.

'Isn't she the woman that guy likes?'

Noah's gaze fell on Alan who was scratching his head. Then suddenly he yawned without covering his gaping mouth with one hand. That man; Alan choked when something got into his mouth.

Noah, who was watching, wanted to tell the woman named Evelyn to come to see the person who was liking him. However, Noah could only look at Alan with a flat, pitying look.

'How unethical.' These three words were all Noah could think of about himself.

"Um ... Altair Noah?"

Evelyn, feeling neglected, tried to bring Noah's focus back to her. She waved her hand in front of Noah who was staring in another direction -Alan to be precise- with a look of pity.

Feeling called, Noah immediately turned to the source of the voice. Evelyn who had called her now frowned.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I saw a bug passing unethically," Noah replied sarcastically.

After saying that, Noah caught the face of Alan doing something to his nose. Pick your nose. Seeing that, for some reason, the man who had a pair of midnight express eyes felt irritated.

'He's totally unethical.'

"What did you ask just now?"

'I'd better not see him.' Noah looked away from Alan. The marigold-haired man was immersed in himself.

"Ah that, why are you outside? Doesn't the hospital forbid seriously injured patients from roaming outside?"

Evelyn tilted his head. From her face, she was very curious about Noah himself. Yes. Noah felt a sense of ambition from Evelyn.

"I'm allowed to go home," answered Noah.