Ch. 17 [Change Earth into Sorcery]

"I'm allowed to go home," answered Noah.

She hears Noah's answer, not only Evelyn was surprised, Alan, who had been a listener, was also surprised. The man who was enjoying the heaven on earth from his nostrils stood beside Evelyn, and said in a tone of surprise,

"Don't joke! I heard you broke your spine. There's no way you'll recover in a week !?" argued Alan.

Evelyn nodded her head. "Alan is right. A spinal fracture usually recovers within 6 to 12 weeks, and it's unlikely you will recover in a week unless you're someone who also has [Awakening]."

How many times had he heard the word [Awakening] today and how many times had Noah been made to think hard with an answer that suited him.

'This is the umpteenth time people think I have experienced [Awakening].'

No answer came out of his lips. He was mum and chose to ignore Evelyn's -or what- guesses. The midnight express's eyes that were cold like that of the night stared at his palms.

'This power can't be said to be [Awakening] yet. Not even my [Status] is known,' thought Noah.

Altair Noah Ortiz. The man who upholds honesty is left with a dilemma with a suitable answer. There was absolutely no intention of lying to his friends and family. However, [System] confused him. Is the one thing left over it is permissible to say that he has experienced [Awakening]?

'If I tell the truth, it is possible that all eyes will return to me.'

An image of his past crossed his mind. The dark past, filled with envious eyes, made Noah want to remember it again.

'It won't happen if this [Awakening] is hidden as long as I can endure it.' He continued thinking for a long time and making his friends suspicious.

"Brother? What's wrong?" Riley was beside him. Staring worriedly with her handheld back from holding the shoulder of the man witch who she so respected and admired.

"Your face looks very pale, brother. Is those anything that hasn't recovered yet?" asked Riley, completing the question that had paused to catch her breath.

"What?! So you haven't fully recovered?!" Evelyn, who heard Riley's question, widened her eyes so that the chartreuse-colored irises could be seen very clearly.

"Then why did you come out? You're not kidding, aren't you!?"

The worried Noah shook his head calmly. His face looked uncomfortable. The woman in front of him was very troublesome and he didn't like fussy women.

Take note! Noah doesn't like fussy women!

"This woman ... Is this her character?" thought Noah.

His body unconsciously responded to move away from Evelyn who was getting closer to him. Of course, who is not uncomfortable with a new person suddenly feels familiar with him.

Noah didn't want to hook up with a woman full of vague curiosity. Plus Evelyn is a woman his best friend is approaching. Alan Woods, an unethical man, according to Noah, is currently in love with a woman who is full of curiosity.

Unique pair.

"I'm fine. There's nothing to worry about."

It felt like Noah cursed the [Healing Potion] which, without being ordered, had used it on Noah's body.

'As a result of that damn thing, I'm having a hard time,' he thought. The man did not want to continue the conversation which made him have to think hard in vain.

"Only the scars on the back," he continued. Noah didn't want this conversation to continue.

The woman with the round glasses grumbled indistinctly, while Riley, the schoolgirl who lived in the house of the best company owner in 10 countries, could only blow her mouth. Watching the bespectacled woman whom she considered Noah's friend with a frown. She didn't like it that Noah was close to Evelyn. However, Riley was aware of her position.

"Shall we-"

No notification sound from [System] filled Noah's ears which might have damaged his eardrums. However, a floating window that was more precisely a hologram appeared in front of his comrades who were experiencing [Awakening]. Ah, don't forget about Riley either.

Feeling curious, Noah saw Riley's hologram because she was the closest standing with Noah- and caught some of the words listed up there.

[Update System

Be strong against [False] and be victorious!]


The one-sentence notification was successful in surprising the cold-faced man who was the dream of these women. The bead of his midnight express-colored eyes was clearly visible from the look on his surprised face.

Who wouldn't be surprised by the vague notification?

"Why don't I get it?"

At that time Noah was completely incomprehensible to the work of the [System] and at that time he did not realize that greater distress than before would be facing him.

From his shocked eyes and gaping mouth. Then he frowned to think even if he was just guessing what [System] meant.

His friends, who were preoccupied with themselves, ended up confused. Choosing to come home feeling depressed.

The notification from the [System] that read [Update System] was experienced by everyone who experienced [Awakening]. With the same message of [Be strong against [False] and be victorious!]. Except for one person who is between [Awakening] or not.

Altair Noah Ortiz.

The man who was the weakest among his friends. Not because of his physical condition, but he couldn't do anything well. Only his face was his good mark. But it was of no use to him because why had a good-looking face but not being able to do a man's job properly?

At first, he thought that before what would happen afterward. His long and intelligent mindset led him down a path that made him strong.

It is just ....

Like the darkness that always followed him. The shadow that was always behind him when the light was in front of him. He will always follow while the body goes.

An arrangement made by [System Admin]. He is a ruler who is cruel to evil, has a power contrary to his goals.

That immense power is only possessed by one person. Among the people who only have one of the offspring of [Elementary Element] which consists of [Fire Release], [Wind Release], [Water Release], [Earth Release], [Air Release]. He is a different person. Not in [Elementary] set by [Admin] in [System].

He was the one chosen by the [System]. To become strong and invincible with a goal that [Admin] has never disclosed. As if to be a puppet controlling shadows. Above the ruler is the monarch.


[Something dangerous is coming sooner than expected. [Darkness Monarch Status] will be given to [Player Altair Noah Ortiz].

Do you want to receive [Darkness Monarch Status]?

Yes. Not.]


[Change Earth into Sorcery: End]