Ch. 24 [A Blond Man]

'Did this person not arrive?' he thought.

A year, people who do not come on the day that the invitation has specified will be punished. Since this is also for the safety of the world, the [False] which has such terrifying power, inevitably has to be followed by the public. It doesn't matter where he is.

Speaking of the seat occupied by Noah, he got a seat in the middle seat right among the people who were the [Hunter] candidates. The person on his left had a burly body and a fierce face, but his high-pitched voice made everyone not fear him anymore. Then, the seat on his right was still empty until the appointed committee had started to prepare something on the stage.

'Until now this seat is still empty, or is there no one occupying it?'

Noah looked around. He couldn't contain his curiosity. Of course, out of the hundreds of people in this room, there must be some who didn't follow him. Maybe that person doesn't want to join this event or that person is no longer in this world.

He shrugged his shoulders. There are about 5 chairs that are not occupied through his sharp eyeballs. Maybe it was because his [Sense Points] had increased without him knowing. Noah improves his position and looked toward the stage were just empty.

It's been a few minutes, maybe about 45 minutes, no progress so far.

'If it wasn't for mandatory, I wouldn't be attending this event,' thought Noah, starting to feel uncomfortable in his seat.

The lights that were attached to light up the hall suddenly went out. Everything became pitch black because no access to sunlight was made. That's because of the air conditioner or also known as AC -Air Conditioner-. It was pitch black because there was no light, and someone's cell phone was on.

Those in the room became noisy. Panic, fear, and anxiety are excessive. There is a mutual embrace for fear that half-dead.

Until one of the cellphones belonging to someone that Noah doesn't know turns on. He activated the flashlight from his cellphone and one by one other people also did the same. Anticipate first before something bad happens. Of course, they were afraid, it was because this world was no longer safe and could no longer be called home. They all thought that [False] came to attack the Academy's newly built by the organization [Hunter].

Out of the corner of the eye that the midnight expresses glowed in the dark, Noah accidentally activated his [Element]. It's just that people are not aware of his [Mana] which is already the same as darkness. as if,

They hide in the dark. Catches the opponent off guard and stabs them in the back.

Noah watched what was going on around him. There is no feeling that would threaten his life. Everything is still noisy because a few seconds have passed but there is no further notification given by the moderator.

Ah, even the host doesn't show the tip of his nose.

Suddenly the lights came back on. Just not to the rest of the room. But the light was shone into the stage. Right on the stage stood a man who was wearing a suit neatly. He did not wear a mask, nor a hat like circuses, but he only wore neat clothes like he was having a meeting with important officials.

'Looks like it's the host,' thought Noah before his eyes drifted elsewhere.

"Ah, sorry, excuse me!"

A woman walks in front of him. Making Noah's focus distracted and shocked. The woman had just arrived at her seat and she asked if she would excuse herself to take a seat. Noah nodded his head, then turned his head back toward the stage.

The presenter did not speak. He just smiled full of mystery and make the invitation back rowdy.


Someone's cellphone fell behind the noisy atmosphere of the hall. And Noah who was beside the dropped cellphone turned to the side. It was the woman's cell phone that was late that fell. She stuttered and quickly grabbed her cell phone. So fast as lightning that the midnight express man stifled a laugh.

Back again, from the corner of Noah's eyes who seemed cold to look at the woman. Right on the empty seat next to Noah, she took it.

The woman who has a hint of yellow eyes and short brown hair, which is the color of sienna, is tied back. Her hair color is like any other color, very easy to spot. Tied at the back, and if lose it might be about shoulder length.

She was wearing a white mask and her panicked face wasn't very clear. For some reason, Noah drew his attention to the woman. Maybe because his age is not far from him makes him want to be friends.

"Are you okay?" Noah's mouth moved without thinking.

The woman who felt questioned turned to the man who had black hair with his midnight express beads turning like the color of the sky at night. After putting her cell phone into her bag, she answered nervously.

"Y-yes," the woman replied. His hint of yellow eyes blinked a few times. She seemed to feel more awkward and she quickly tried to smile even though her smile was covered by her white mask.

Noah replied with a friendly smile. It was the shortest talk. He turned back to the front when the sound of the mic being tapped became the center of his hearing. And so did the woman.

Everyone refocused their eyes on the stage, which was precisely fixed on a man who was standing tall as if awkwardly. He knocks the mic several times and creates rhythmic sounds.

"Um… I'll explain about the Hunter Academy first before getting to the point," he said in an awkward voice.

The blonde-haired man scratched his cheek not knowing what to say next. Either it's just his style or he feels awkward in front of hundreds of people.

From the speakers sounded clear but somewhat shrill and deafening. Some people feel uncomfortable, and some feel normal.

Seeing that some people felt uncomfortable and most of them from prominent families, the host chose to keep the mic away from his mouth and gave it to one of the organizers who was nearby.

Of course, the invitees were confused. Whisper with his closest friends or ask himself.

"Why did he give the mic to that person?"

"What is he doing there?"

"He is an emcee, is not it?"

"Without a mic, can he just use his voice to convey information to this vast room?"

Yes. Was he sure he was only using his voice to explain the information he was about to pass on to the hundreds of invitees that were in this large room? And again, the high walls of this hall exceed 5 meters.

'What did he do?'

Noah's thoughts were the same as the others. He furrowed his brows as he was curious about what the presenter was doing.

From the stage, a blond man with blue eyes is generally breathed deeply. Then closed his eyes and smiled. His mouth was muttering like he was chanting something from there.


His eyes shone. Emit white light around his eyes. Proving that he had also experienced [Awakening].

Everyone was shocked to see his eyes shining. Is he going to attack the invitation? Or will he do a stunt?