Ch. 25 [Magical Core]

"This is the [Awakening] checkpoint."

Assistant Kei stop his feet and stood right in front of the door is a double door or two doors. Looks like a mysterious room and of course makes the invitees in the group of nine feel curious.

Noah looked up. There is nothing special about the door. The only difference is that the door carvings are made by skilled craftsmen.

Assistant Kei pushed the door, open it slowly so as not to make any noise. Slowly the contents of the room were seen and people who had high curiosity forced each other to enter first.

The room was dominated by the color white. The walls are white, the white roof and even the floor are coated with ceramic white.

'This is like an isolation room,' thought Noah as he looked around.

There is no light access in the room. even for the wind to enter is not allowed. The room has air conditioning which makes it cold like winter.

Within the [Awakening] examination room, there was only one table carved especially for the round thing and ten chairs that seemed to be reserved for invitees.

Noah's eyes were fixed on a single point, a round object that seemed to be surrounded by energy or called a [Element] that was on the table. The table is not painted and shows the original color of the wood, namely brown. Carved into a special place for the object, providing support so that it does not fall. And there was also a monitor that seemed to be a tool to check how much power a candidate [Hunter] had.

Assistant Kei is now standing beside the table. Touch the object calmly even though there is a reaction to the object.

"This thing is a [Magical Core] or what is commonly called a magical core. The [Hunters] get it through the [Tower] that appeared in this city at that time," he explained.

The atmosphere was noisy again. From here it can be heard by Noah that they are discussing an earthquake with a magnitude of around 7 on the Richter Scale.

"So that's the contents of that [Tower]."

"Looks like there are a lot of valuables in there."

"But that place is very dangerous, I heard from my friend who is also a [Hunter] that he was almost killed by the [False] over there, he said the [False] that attacked this town hasn't happened yet."

"[Hunters] are great, I wish I could be like them!"

That's what their conversation was like before Assistant Kei told them to be quiet.

"Alright! Invitees please sit on the chairs that have been provided and don't let anyone make a fuss. I hope ladies and gentlemen can keep things conducive."

Noah with the others walked over to take the seats that had been provided. After everyone took their seats and listened carefully to Assistant Kei's explanation of the Hunter Academy, he now returned to the point.

"Since the explanation about the Hunter Academy has been well explained by the MC, then I'll get straight to the point."

The assistant's eyes shone. Gives off a green light. The [Magical Core] he was holding was emitting more and more energy. An aura that has a purple color that rotates regularly. Forms infinity symbols and moves very fast.

"As I said just now, this is a [Macgical Core], a tool to check whether the master and madam have experienced [Awakening] or not. Even though you already know it, but in order to avoid mistakes, we did a check," he explained beside the [Magical Core]. ] shines and dazzles the eyes.

Although the body shuddered in horror, the people who witnessed it were very interested. Seen from every bead of their eyes that show interest and their mouths that managed to form the word 'wah'. Some of them clapped their hands and some of them shuddered in horror while nodding.

Noah just watched it. Did not show a salute on his face. Likewise with the people on the left and right. On his left was the burly man who had made Noah think 'is he going to be battered before the show starts', then on the right is the woman he thought was unique.

'Why do these people stick to me all the time?' he thought.

Even though he didn't show [Awakening] which might make people salute, these people chose to sit beside him instead.

"You know, kid, even if they go through [Awakening], people who are gone still won't come back."

Noah lifted his head. His body is very stocky and tall like a giant. It made him shiver slightly when he was stared at by the sharp eyes of the man who looked fierce.

'Why did he tell me?' He couldn't understand what the people on his left and right were doing.

"It's true because a life that has been taken is impossible to return. Unless it's a miracle," added the woman beside him. She stowed her cell phone in her sling bag and took off her hat. Revealing the color of her sienna hair and making the hint of yellow eye beads even clearer to see.

'Ah, she took off her hat.'

Noah blinked when he saw the color of her hair. With her mouth still covered by a mask.

"By the way, introduce my name is Giant Gideon, according to my name Giant, most people call me a giant. Well, maybe because of my big body and this scary look."

The burly man introduced himself to Noah and the still unknown woman.

"You must think I'm rude, don't you?" guess the giants.

The intonation of his voice sounded friendly and also shrill, but not as high as at the beginning which made Noah have to blink his eyes many times to wake up from his shock.

The two of them -Noah and the sienna-haired woman- nodded their heads. Their innocent faces both made Giant scratch his cheek because of his awkwardness.

"Oh, how about you guys?" asked the Giants. "It doesn't feel good if I'm the only one who introduces myself. Besides, maybe you guys can become my best friends."

"Altar Noah, only a 5th-semester student," said the black-haired man who had a face that could be said to be the most handsome artist category.

He's still not very good at introducing himself because Noah is straight to the point. His life is filled with seriousness and thoughts that are different from people's. Makes it difficult to adapt to the environment.

Ah, he didn't tell Ortiz's name.

'If I mention Ortiz, their view of me might change,' he thought.

Yes, that's because the Ortiz Family is respected. Has an inexhaustible wealth of 7 generations. Founded a global company and made other companies centered on it. They are the richest and most respected family and their closed lives make it difficult for the media to find information about them.

Giant nodded his head. "So Mr. Altar-"

"No. Just call me Noah, that's my call." Noah interrupted Giant's conversation which made the burly man surprised.

Then, he quickly laughed loudly to remove the awkward situation from himself and the two people in front of him.

"Ahahaha! Alright Mr. Noah, as you ask!" he said. He took Noah's hand and shook it. He swung his hand with great force, making the midnight express man stagger.

After Noah's brief introduction, Giant broke his handshake. Letting go and then directing it to the woman wearing the white mask.

'His power is terrible,' thought Noah who had just realized what he had been through. His head was suddenly dizzy after shaking hands with the big man.

"Then how about you miss?" asked Giant still in a friendly manner.

The woman turned to the Giant. She looked surprised and I don't know what she was surprised about.

'She was as surprised as I was when I first met this man,' thought Noah. He stifled a laugh and smiled instead.

The woman with sienna hair and a hint of yellow eyes took off the mask she had been wearing. I don't know what she's hiding behind that face.

The mask is opened and visible thin red lips. Her smooth and bright skin is sure to make men who see it will immediately like it. It was also experienced by Giant and Noah.

However, unlike Noah, he is not easy to fall in love with. His ideal type of woman has been arranged and now he is just looking for her.

"Agatha Willson," she answered. From those eyes, which initially looked weak, they immediately became cold and did not care about their surroundings.

'Her attitude has changed,' thought Noah, surprised by the attitude of the woman named Agatha.

"H-hi, Agatha."

Yes. Giant became nervous after seeing a face as beautiful and charming as an angel. It was just that his heart seemed to feel cold as a demon and terrifying.

"Number 188."

From up ahead, Kei's assistant voice called the number 188, which was Agatha Willson to be precise. Agatha's conversation with the Giant just stopped and no longer continued.

Agatha got up from where she was sitting, then she said goodbye to go to Assistant Kei was.

"I'll go first," she said. As if enchanted by his words, Noah and Giant nodded their heads, allowing Agatha to go ahead of them.

No more conversation, Noah focused himself to see what Assistant Kei would do with [Magical Core]. Previously, Noah didn't know how to use that [Magical Core] then what it was for.

'I'll have to see the use of my [Magical Core] later,' he thought.

His eyes watched what Assistant Kei did with Agatha.

"Just a moment," said the man wearing the suit -Assistant Kei-. He stared at the monitor beside him, his hand pressing something against the screen because the [Magical Core] in front of Agatha suddenly turned orange.


Of course, Agatha was surprised. It was clear from the two rounded eyes.

"That's it. Now, please hold the [Magical Core]."

Agatha's hand seemed hesitant to touch it. Uncertain about what Assistant Kei said, Agatha, turned to the man standing in front of the monitor.

The one who looked at it felt, and tilted his head and smiled more friendly than the MC who was on the stage earlier.

"No problem. You won't get hurt if you hold it," he said, calming the woman with a hint of yellow eyes.

She nodded her head and made up her mind to touch the [Magical Core] which had an orange aura.

Noah who witnessed the change of [Magical Core] frowned.

'Everyone who is going to do the examination, the color of that [Magical Core] will change. Does it have something to do with the [Element] that [Player] has?'

This time Noah didn't use the word [Hunter] as a person who had experienced [Awakening]. As long as they weren't officially part of the Hunter Academy -even though all [Hunters] would graduate-, he would use the word [Player] for people who experienced [Awakening].

After being observed by him, people who have not experienced [Awakening] will be visible in the eyes of [Magical Core]. The [Magical Core] will remain in its green [element], then become inactive after a few seconds a person who has not experienced [Awakening] touches it.

As for the person who experienced [Awakening], call it a [Player]; will experience a change in [Magical Core]. Before the [Magical Core] is touched by a [Player], the [Magical Core] will follow the [Element] owned by the [Player].

For example, a [Player] who has [Element Air] identified as blue, the [Magical Core] will change its aura or energy to blue. Meanwhile, [Fire Element] will turn red. And remember, this only applies to people experiencing [Awakening].