Ch. 26 [Awakening or Not]

'That means- I forgot her name, she also went through [Awakening],' he thought.

His beaded eyes shone at the [Magical Core] which was emitting its orange aura.

'The color orange is a mixed color of red with yellow and it's possible to tell that she has the [Fire Element], right?' Noah continued asking himself.

It wasn't long before he thought hard, the burly man spoke again. However, this time it was no small talk, but a serious question.

"Hey, Mr. Noah," called the Giant.

Noah raised his head to look at the Giant who was beside him.

"Did you experience [Awakening]?" he asked.

Hearing that question made his mouth shut. His brain was thinking what kind of answer would be appropriate for the man named Giant Gideon?

'I don't know what I'm going to answer, because [System] is confusing me with myself,' he thought.

Yes. Altair Noah Ortiz didn't know whether he experienced [Awakening] or not. Because his [Mana Points] suddenly disappeared, then the way his hologram worked was completely different.

'The way my [System] works with others is very different. If I say yes to Giant, but their [Magical Core] isn't active, then I'm just making a joke on him,' thought Noah still keeping Giant waiting for his answer.

'It's even more embarrassing than people think it's weird,' he continued.

"Um... Mr. Noah?"

Still with the word 'mister', Giant called out to Noah. Trying to ask for answers from a man with an ideal body like an artist, his handsome face, then his personality that could attract women.

"I don't know," Noah answered, which made Giant frown.

The grim-faced man was so confused that he subconsciously asked,


"I don't know if this can be called [Awakening] or not," explained Noah repeating his previous answer.

Hearing his interlocutor's answer, Giant scratched his cheek. He felt awkward talking to the black-haired man beside him.

'Somehow he has such strong pressure,' thought Giant.

A cold sweat suddenly slid from his forehead and he quickly wiped it off the back of his hand. Don't know what made him feel depressed with the man named Altair Noah.

"I'll email you the results right away, so check it out right away and go to the next room. Thank you."

Assistant Kei subjecting his body and returned by Agatha nod. Then, the woman left the all-white room and left two men waiting for their turn.

"Okay, next number 189, please come here."

Number 189 is the number in the previous Noah seat. He rose from his seat and excused the Giant to go ahead of him. Giant nodded his head and waved his hand and said,

"See you again."

He didn't know what else to say. If Noah also experienced [Awakening], then he would meet him again, but if not, the burly man only hoped that one day they would meet again and become partners. Well, that's what the guy called Giant Gideon expected.

Noah stepped to where the [Magical Core] was. As the previous person, Agatha did, she waited for Assistant Kei to tell her to touch the [Magical Core].

"Just a moment." Just as he said before, Noah nodded his head and waited for some time before Assistant Kei told him to touch the [Magical Core].

However, after fiddling with the computer screen in front of Assistant Kei, his reaction was different from the previous one. Kei's assistant looked surprised and felt awkward after staring at the screen.

He turned to Noah. Meanwhile, Noah, who didn't pay attention to him, was busy staring at the energy of the [Magical Core] which was now white, moving rhythmically to form infinity.

"Excuse me, sir ...." Assistant Kei called awkwardly.

Feeling formally summoned, Noah turned to Assistant Kei's face that felt awkward. Noah corrected his stance and so did Assistant Kei who was now suddenly bowing in front of him.

'Why is his attitude different from before?'

Noah nodded his head, bowed his body too then they both stood up straight again. Kei's assistant is now standing with his formal style after he didn't care about his attitude towards others.

"Is it true that your name is Altair Noah Ortiz?" asked Assistant Kei in a trembling voice. He uses formal language when talking to Noah.

Hearing that name, the one person living in the room was shocked. Giant Gideon who was originally sitting casually on the chair suddenly straightened up. Of course, he was surprised, he talked to the son of the owner of the greatest company in the world.

"Yes. But please don't mention Ortiz's name in front of other people," Noah replied coldly. His eyes stared intently at Assistant Kei. He didn't like people saying his name out loud and causing people who didn't know him to have a heart attack.

"Ah, I'm sorry, sir."

Immediately the assistant bowed again to apologize. His blood rippled very fast and made him feel panicked while he was doing his job.

'Even though I've checked his name, and of course there's the Ortiz Family name here, but still dealing with Mr. Ortiz makes me feel a lot of pressure,' he thought.

The black aura with a hint of blue was visible in the eyes of a [Hunter]. Kei's assistant experienced [Awakening] and he also saw the aura possessed by this Altair Noah Ortiz.

'Out of the many officials who gave me uncomfortable pressure, he was the one that scared me the most. What kind of aura is that that the hairs on my spine stand on end?!' continued Assistant Kei.

"Stand up."

A voice came from above him. And of course, the voice came from Noah. The man who had green eyes with his [Element] which was the [Sound Element] looked up. He stood back up and corrected his position. Stand up straight like an employee.

Noah turned to Giant Gideon who was in shock. Seeing the surprised Giant, Noah smiled even though the Giant was still surprised.

"I hope you forget this incident, Mr. Giant," said Noah with a smile that now turned into a threat. The aura around his body was black with a mixed blue color that made him shudder even more.

Giant Gideon also experienced [Awakening], because of that he could see the aura from Noah.

'Is that why he said he didn't know he had [Awakening] or not!?' Giant thought as he nodded his head following what he was asked- no. Threatened by Noah.

'Good,' thought the midnight express man. He turned back to Assistant Kei who was looking down from Noah. A form that he also honors the son of the owner of the world's largest company.

"That...." Noah paused his voice. Waiting for Assistant Kei to look up. And granted, Assistant Kei looked up and blinked his eyes.

"Can it be continued?" Noah asked.

The man with emerald green eyes immediately widened his eyes in surprise. He had forgotten about it because his panic dominated him. He quickly got up from the monitor he always used and walked briskly towards the [Magical Core] in front of Noah.

"Y-You can already use it, sir," he stammered.

Noah nodded his head. He wanted to live without being seen as terrible by people, but this was his destiny. Like it or not, he had to accept it.

'Troublesome,' he thought.

His feet walked over to the [Magical Core], reaching for the [Magical Core] to touch. At first, the [Magical Core] changed color to bluish-black, but after that, it suddenly stopped working. There was no aura emanating from the [Magical Core].

"Why disappeared !?" Assistant Kei was surprised which made Noah jump in surprise.

'Is there any problem?' thought Noah.

Indeed, what was in front of him right now had his [Magical Core] not emitting any aura at all. Noah thought that was the case, but seeing Assistant Kei panicking, his perception was wrong.

"And with the other does not matter, what happened?" Assistant Kei muttered which was clear to Noah's ears.

Feeling curious and unable to be restrained by Noah, he finally made a voice to ask.

"Is there any problem?" Noah asked.

Those who were asked jumped in surprise. He bowed again, then got up.

"Sorry, sir! It looks like there's a problem with the [Magical Core], but don't worry, you're recorded as having experienced [Awakening]," Assistant Kei replied with a very panicked look on his face.

Noah slightly widened his eyes. Surprised by the man's words.

'It indeed belongs to [Awakening],' he thought.

However, behind Assistant Kei's answer, there was a feeling of uneasiness between,

Did Altair Noah Ortiz experience [Awakening]?

Or not?

Or maybe he experienced a half [Awakening]?

Don't be ridiculous.

'I'm not too sure about that [Magical Core], whether Mr. Ortiz underwent [Awakening] or not, it's clear that the [Magical Core] originally gave off Mr. Ortiz's aura.'