Ch. 27 [Battle for Ranking]

Now those who are considered to have experienced [Awakening] are taken to the next room, while those who have not experienced it are welcome to go home and wait for the next test the next day.

Noah experienced [Awakening]. Not expecting that he experienced [Awakening] made him widen his eyes. He showed a surprised look on his face.

It was because he was different from the others. While people could show their holograms to other people, Noah couldn't do that. In addition, [Daily Mission], [Storage], [Penalty], and others make it look even more different from other [Players]. It's as if he's getting special treatment from the [System].

'Did I do something wrong?'

The thought suddenly crossed his mind. He stepped closer to the door in front of him. While holding the phone with the screen on. Noah swiped the screen and gleamed through his midnight express eyes, an email containing that he underwent [Awakening] with an unknown [Element].

'My [Element] is not yet known?' thought Noah.

He shrugged his shoulders and quickly quickened his footsteps.

'If the man doesn't mention my name, maybe I will wait for Mr. Giant to finish the examination,' thought Noah who was very sorry for what had happened to him.

He was at the door, pushing the door open to see what was in the room.

'Actually, why do you have to change places? Why not just in that room?' Noah had no idea.

He opened the door and looked around the room. At first, the light greeted him, making the cold-looking eyeballs have to squint. Then slowly adapt and the eye can see well what is in the room.

The room is very spacious. No. The room was open. The sky from there can be seen clearly, the sky is blue with a few cirrus clouds that are pleasing to the eye. There is a barrier with a high wall and above the wall, there are many seats that are made in tiers like in a cinema. The wall serves as a barrier, encircling the place Noah is now stepping on, namely the field.

'Is this the arena?'

Yes. That place is the arena. The [Hunters] gathered around him in a flustered mood. They are fidgeting. The ground they were on right now was a place to fight.

People around the door that Noah opened turned to look at him, whispering that they might be talking about Noah, some were amazed, some were envious, some looked down on him, and some didn't care. Various reactions were given to Noah, even though he had experienced it many times.

'It's the same as before,' thought Noah walking forward, not knowing which way he was going.

Then, after a few minutes, after he had been standing for a long time and his legs were sore, finally, someone who was familiar with his voice could be heard clearly in the arena.

"Welcome to the invitees who are experiencing [Awakening]!"

With human spontaneity, everything looked up. Looking for the source of the sound they heard and to be precise it was above which was the balcony. There stood a man dressed in a neat black suit, blond hair, and emerald green eyes. His eyeballs shone, a sign that he was activating his [Element].

'Isn't he the MC earlier?' thought Noah.

"Introduce myself to Eldan Witson, this time's host. Here I will guide you to show what [Class] you will find!" he exclaimed.

The person beside Noah muttered, "He talks too much."

Noah, who has good hearing, spontaneously turned to the man with brown pod eyes whose color also matched the color of his hair. His hair was a slick quiff, he wore glasses that were the same size as his eyes, and his clothes were neat; a white shirt with gray stripes, then dark gray spans pants.

'He looks like a hard worker. Maybe he holds a high position with that style of voice,' thought Noah, subconsciously judging the appearance of a person he didn't know.

The man who was part of the Otiz Family was only wearing casual clothes. Wearing a T-shirt covered with his black sweater, then wearing jeans. His shoes that he usually wears even though it's a famous brand.

He averted his gaze from the formalist man. looked back at the MC named Eldan Witson who was busy explaining what to do next. Maybe that was the important part, but Altar Noah Ortiz, the man who carried everything so casually didn't care.

His brain was tired of thinking for today.

"Hey young man." The man Noah had been staring at called out to him.

Surprised, but thanks to Noah's calm face turned to him. The man is about 30 years old.

"I'm guessing you didn't hear the MC's words, did you?" he asked.

Noah who heard that looked at him with a flat gaze. Can be interpreted as 'what's the problem?'.

The reaction given by Noah was able to make the bespectacled man chuckle. He was holding his stomach from his laughter which he couldn't hold back. As if Noah was a close friend, even though they didn't know each other.

'What exactly did he say?'

The man who had been talking to Noah finally stopped to laugh. He wiped his tears from his loose laugh. Then he said,

"Ah, no, I'm sorry." He cleared his throat. Improved his very hoarse voice.

"Because there's no one here I can talk to, after seeing you who don't listen to the MC, I invite you to talk," he explained which made Noah stare even more at the man.

'I still have other business, why do you have to talk to me?' she thought beside her using her straight face to the man.

The one who looked at him flatly turned out to be a person who was sensitive to the environment, he scratched the back of his neck that didn't itch because of his awkwardness. Then he said in his polite voice,

"Well, my name is Sean Harris, you can call me Sean. I asked you to talk to make sure that ...." Sean paused.

'That matter?'

Hearing this made Noah frown. The man named Sean turned out to have a low sense of humor. It can be proven that he can't joke at all at the beginning of the conversation.

"What are you saying?" asked Noah, impatient for Sean to continue.

Sean's hand that had been scratching the nape of his neck now turned to his cheek. Scratching it felt awkward, even the brown pod's eyes turned in the other direction. From his forehead, he was sweating profusely. It was as if he saw something behind Noah.

"You have a dark aura, I just wanted to make sure, what [Awakening] did you experience to make your aura different from the others?"

Hearing his words made Noah wince.

'What does it mean?' thought Noah.

Noah's aura is black with a hint of blue mixed in. Isn't it a natural thing to have aura than none at all? Since he experienced [Awakening] of course his aura came out, right?

"Ah, sorry, I sound presumptuous to the first person I met!" He suddenly apologized.

"[Darkness Element]," Noah replied coldly. Although he had no plans to frighten Sean.


Sean who had bowed to apologize immediately stood up straight. He blinked many times and his apologetic face disappeared in an instant. He was confused. It was clear from his wide eyeballs.

"[Darkness Elements]?" He repeated what Noah said and the man with black hair nodded in response.

"I'm hearing about it for the first time. As far as the information I got, the [Main Element] only consists of [Fire], [Water], [Earth], [Wind], and [Plants]. Other than that it's like a man's [Sound Element]. on top of that...." He pointed at Eldan Witson or the MC in this show.