Ch. 32 [Raging Flare of Laser]

Noah, who read the warning sign, squeaked in annoyance. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. His jaw clenched and anger flashed from his midnight express eyes.

'Unlucky!' he cursed.

The appearance of [System] made him fail to attack the man who was his opponent. However, the anger quickly turned into shock like the first time he saw the hologram that appeared in front of his eyes.

[Unknown mana has your Darkness Element blocked.

Complete Main Missions and get Rewards that make you stronger.]

Still standing, with people staring at him in bewilderment, and his silent opponent Noah staring at the hologram that no one could see. His brows furrowed at the writing displayed on the hologram.

'So is this the effect of the unknown [Mana]?'

His mind was blown when he heard Gerald Gardenium's voice loudly.

"You're a [Wind Element] user!? Y- you just tried to attack me from behind!?" he asked in a very loud voice.

Noah's attack from behind took him by surprise. Suddenly feeling goosebumps from the pressure exerted by Altair Noah Ortiz's aura and with a desperate capital, he tried to defend himself. It was clear from the look on his face that he was in great fear and shock.

Noah just stared at the pale gold-haired man. Didn't answer him, didn't defend himself, and chose to keep his mouth shut tight.

"And what the hell was that attack? Is that an attack?!" he asked. He again underestimated the black-haired man.

And still, the son of the owner of the Ortiz Company chose to remain silent. He didn't embellish his question and instead spoke to [System], as if in the eyes of others he was talking to himself.

"[Close]," Noah said to the hologram that only he could see.

[System] responded and removed all the holograms in front of the midnight express's eyes. And now, his eyes fell on Gerald who was breathing like a bull.

"You're not listening to me!?"

Gerald is a noisy person. Makes Noah's ears itch and want to be plucked. However, because he had been taught etiquette by his father since childhood, he gave up this intention.

'Too bad, so many people are watching,' he thought feeling very sorry for what she wanted to do.

His eyes focused on Gerald who was now casting a spell. Seen from his mouth that was muttering and his hands that he returned to the top. One thing that made Noah curious about Gerald's [Fire Element], and one thing that made it difficult for him to take care of it.

"Why does he always use the same attack," muttered Noah who was annoyed at the boulder floating above the pale gold-haired man's head.

He stared in annoyance at the lump. Enveloped by the smoldering fire and made this place feel very hot again. It drains more power than before.

'For today I hate [Fire Element] the most,' he thought sarcastically.

'Let me guess, he said [Flame], didn't he?' he continued trying to guess the course of this battle. Sounds monotonous because the attacks made by Gerald are always the same.


The expression on the fair-skinned man's face instantly changed. Starting from his face which was still in a calm state and seemed to still have the opportunity to joke, but now it turned into a cold and terrible figure.

His supportive aura, which was black with a hint of blue surrounding it, made the pressure that was already natural from inside Noah's body even greater. As the absolute decree of the king and the king deadly stare, as if he is the king of the tyrant.

'By using [Darkness Element] a little, won't make the [System] appear and won't make me miss the attack like earlier,' thought Noah.

His brain started to run as soon as the chunk of rock covered in smoldering flames broke. Form a smaller chunk of rock than the first and that's what will become a meteor. Which will attack Noah and inflict a new burn after his cheek.

'Without a weapon, I can't attack him,' he continued. 'If it's just empty-handed, it's likely that a lot of [Darkness Element] will come out in large numbers. And possibly, my attack could be fatal and this child of the Gardenium Family loses his life.'

He thought so because it happened when he went to the park. Attacked an old tree that couldn't be cut down and managed to make a hole through it to the back. It wasn't even the only tree that was hit by the attack, the garden behind the tree was crushed and razed to the ground.

'Uh ... it's more terrible if I do it to that person.'

It could be that Gerald Gardenium is just a name. His body no longer exists because it has become ashes. Noah wouldn't do such a risky thing.

'I will not choose a step that puts me at risk.'

"Why are you silent!? Quickly run away from there!"

The voice of someone outside the arena field was heard very clearly in Noah's ears. Because his words to tell him to run away made the man named Altair Noah Ortiz turn towards the source of the sound.

A person who wore clothes made of steel covering his entire body, he was the one who called out to Noah. Followed by the person who told him to stay away from the attack, made him feel curious.

'Why are they shouting like that?' he thought. His eyes widened in surprise at what the man said.

The people outside the arena's grounds cheered to stay away from the attack from the Gardenium. They are the ones tasked with protecting the spectators and fighters. They were [Tanks] and would protect the spectators and fighters if they were in danger.

"Quickly run, idiot!"

"You're in danger!"

Because Noah had been thinking too much at first, he finally realized that a threat was nearby. Gerald was expelling him [Fire Element] in large quantities and right now it wasn't what was called [Flame].

As soon as Noah turned to him and caught what Gerald had let out was something that threatened his life the most, he just rolled his eyes. That attack wasn't the previous attack, it wasn't the [Flame] on top of which were lumps of rock that gathered together and formed a large, round rock that was enveloped by smoldering flames, but,

"[Flare of Laser]!"

Before Altar Noah Ortiz had time to escape, before he could turn around, and before he had time to think of a way to dodge the attack, a huge sound like an explosion resounded throughout the Hunter Academy building.


Ah, how Noah has a slow response.

[Flare of Laser] had a terrifying form. With flames surrounding the user of [Flare of Laser], it is above the user's head and the flames form a circle. It looked like a portal with a fire core in the center of the circle of fire. [Flare of Laser] will release its tongue if the user calls the name, and through the core of fire in the center of the circle, the fire will form a laser and shoot towards the target opponent. [Flare of Laser] requires quite a lot of [Mana], that's because it requires a lot of energy, and the user who can't control it can get burned as a result of the flames.

Lucky [Tank] was quick to act. They were already in front of Noah and a part of the [Tank] that was in charge of protecting the audience had formed a [Hexagon Shield] in the arena part of the field. Resists the bounced particles due to the shield that [Tank] created to protect Altair Noah Ortiz.

There were five [Tank] people in front of Noah to protect Gerald's attack and two [Healers] who were healing him. Seeing this made him remember the novel he had read. Talking about war and at this moment the atmosphere reminded him of the battlefield atmosphere he had read about.

'Five [Tank Status] people intervened to block the attack,' thought Noah. His eyes widen at the barrage of attacks generated by Gerald Gardenium.

'What kind of power is that….'

"Sir, does it still hurt? Please tell us."

One of the [Status Healers] let out a voice. His face did show concern for Noah, but his fear was even greater. Indeed, it was a battle that could truly be said to be a fight at the moment, and it was the first time they had experienced something as horrific as this. Life-threatening other than [False].

"It's gone, the pain is all gone," Noah replied, smiling meaningfully at the [Healer].

While the other, a moss green-haired man was still using his [Skill]. Casts his [Healing Skill] on Noah's arm which he doesn't know since when he got the burn.

"Your hand still has burned, doesn't it hurt, sir?" he asked.

Noah turned his head towards his left arm, the burn he got was confusing him. One question crossed his mind, regarding the calm [Main Mission] he got a few days ago.

'Thinking about [Mana], I have to complete the [Main Mission] in the [Dungeon], but right now, my [Darkness Element] can only be used in small amounts….'

Noah stopped. His mouth gaped slightly and after that, he took a shaky breath. Covered his face with the empty palm of his right hand, and rubbed it. His frustrated face made the [Healer] panic.

"Eh, sorry sir! Does it hurt!?"

The green-haired man panicked when he saw Noah's attitude that seemed to be in pain. Even though he was feeling frustrated with the [Main Mission] he was going through without using [Mana] at all.

'[System] really wants to kill me,' he thought.

Everything started to settle down once a few [Tanks] blocked Gerald's attack. The intense emotion of the violet-beaded man was evident in his eyes, making him difficult to control.

"Calm down, sir! This is just a selection to get the level!"

From a distance that Noah's eyes could still see, one of the [Tanks] tried to approach him with the [Shiled] he was using. Some of his armor came off as he advanced step by step. Even his temples and cheeks were also burned.

'That man was desperate.'

"Gerald Gardenium, calm down! This is just a selection to get a level! You don't have to be that angry with Altair Noah-"

His words were suddenly cut off. His breath was ragged. The MC looked overwhelmed. Several of his assistants began to descend into the field and try to interfere in Gerald's attack.