Ch. 33 [After Raging Fire]

The atmosphere is still chaotic. Noah still felt the burning emotions of Gerald. His [Flare of Laser] had indeed started to shrink due to his [Mana] being drained a lot. Maybe his [Mana] is already 10 or worse is 5 to be used again. However, after that, he would fall unconscious, or at worst he would be in a critical condition.

"Where are the [Water Element Hunters]!? Quickly bring them here! We're in danger!" shouted one of the [Tank] trying to defend to protect Noah and the [Healers] behind him.

"This shield isn't strong enough! We can die with just one hit from Master Gerald!" One of the [Tanks] wielding golden armor helped his companion scream. He was also just as overwhelmed as the [Tank] beside him.

"Master! Calm yourself! You can make a lot of victims here!"

The MC who was on top of the balcony shouted at Gerald through his loud voice from using [Sound Element]. But still, [Sound Element ] couldn't calm a soul that was being filled with rage. For some reason the man from the Gardenium Family was furious.

'Why is he so angry?' thought Noah.

From the look in his midnight express eyes, he could see that there was a burning emotion like fire blazing amidst the mass fire in those violet eyes.

Several assistants sent by the MC finally reached the field. The flames that were gushing at Noah, the [Status Tanks], as well as the [Healers] were getting smaller and smaller. Quickly the assistant who had [Element Water] immediately attacked him by forming a hollow.

"Quickly put out the fire!" shouted one of the assistants who had the same blue hair as his irises to the other assistant.


Once Gerald calmed himself down and got a long talk from the MC, things slowly returned to normal. Even though there was a lot of damage to the buildings and the guests who had been spectators were traumatized, the battle continued.

Noah who is now being escorted by the two [Tanks] can only wait for the results of his class. He hoped that everything would be over quickly and that he would get a low-level class so he wouldn't be too flashy.

His eyes stared at his left arm which had been burned. There were no more burns on his arms and now all he could see was his fair skin. Although for him having fair skin was considered weak by his friends, now was the time he didn't care. Because slowly, thanks to the help of [System] he grew strong.

"Ouch! What should I do with this damage! My boss will definitely cut my salary!" chattered MC, although he lowered his voice, but still can be heard by Noah.

Again the midnight express's eyes glanced at one of the [Tanks] standing beside him. There was no reaction or change of their faces to be unpleasant. It was just an ordinary face like a knight guarding a royal family.

'They didn't hear it,' concluded Noah.

"I'll compensate for everything, you don't have to be so worried," Gerald replied with a sour face.

The man with pale gold hair certainly doesn't like hearing someone's chatter. There is no guilt in him, but his annoyance is shown to the person who is lecturing him while trying his luck about himself later.

"That's not the case, Mister Gerald!" The MC tried to yell, but he couldn't do it in front of one of the most respected members of the Gardenium Family.

Gerald would certainly compensate for all the losses he had caused himself, but he would not admit his guilt. No matter how much truth that person has, he will always be right in front of everyone.

Hearing the frustrated voice emitted from an MC's mouth -he didn't use his [Sound Element] anymore-, Noah became interested in watching them. Even though the distance was more than 15 meters, with good hearing since he was a child, Noah could still hear the conversation of the two people.

One was panicked and frustrated, but the other looked irritated and bored.

Noah scratched the back of his neck that was itching, then looked the other way. His eyes caught that there was a lot of damage to this building. And some of the audience was moved to another room. Maybe there are other areas.

'I'd like to compensate for the damage, but it's not my fault,' he thought as he remembered what had just happened to him.

He looked up. Looking up at the clear blue sky without clouds. The sun was no longer overhead which made him sick. And that means it's already evening.

A deep sigh and loud footsteps was coming towards him. He moved his head to look straight at who was approaching him.

Then, when he turned his head, the long sigh, as well as the heavy pounding of the footsteps, disappeared. Now only a blonde-haired man with blue irises was heading towards him. As soon as his footsteps stopped right in front of Noah, he asked in an awkward tone.

"Um... Mr. Noah, were you completely healed by [Healing] earlier? I hope you're okay," he said. Seen from the man's arm shaking very violently. It was obvious to Noah's eyes.

'He looks scared.' It is clear.

That's because Noah is the son of the dignified Ortiz Family. The MC was dying of fear because he had to deal with a dangerous family member, plus Gerald Gardenium almost made him die.

"I-I will be responsible for this incident," continued the MC said in a tone of fear. This time he couldn't help but be frightened, he quickly bowed his head in apology.

Noah who saw this looked coldly at the MC. The eyes that were diverse and there were thousands of them were now back on him. The guests who were watching must have wondered why the MC bowed in front of the [Hunter] candidate.

Altair Noah Ortiz. The man who doesn't like being the center of attention and being glorified looks coldly at the MC. The strong pressure seemed to threaten the MC's life, the hairs on his neck stood up and trembled when he felt the unpleasant air in front of him. He didn't dare to stand up until the man before he allowed him to stand up.

"Stand up. Never mind about me, I was fine until now," said Noah still with the cold voice.

The MC hesitated to stand up straight, but the longer the air he felt from his back grew thicker. He quickly stood up from his bow and made a strange motion. No one laughed, it was because the current atmosphere felt very strange to laugh at him.

"Thank you, Mister," said the MC. Suddenly the blonde-haired man gasped at what he had just done.

'Instead of Mr. Noah does not like to be the center of attention?' Sweat dripped profusely from his forehead, cheeks, to his neck. This attitude put him in more danger than before.

'What have you done, Eldan!?' he cursed from the heart.

Noah didn't show his displeased face when Eldan or the so-called MC stood up and showed his face. Just take a deep breath and then letting it out quietly won't sound like Noah is breathing. He looked at the MC named Eldan with a crooked smile.

"You can continue this fight, the guy seems enthusiastic about his grade level," he said calmly. He pointed the man mentioned earlier at Gerald with his thumb.

Hearing Noah's words made Eldan successfully roll his eyes. His mouth was slightly gaping because this man in front of him had just experienced a terrible thing.

"Ah, but how about you-" Eldan's question was cut off as soon as Noah showed his sharp eyes. The man who works as an MC quickly shut his mouth tightly.

"Go ahead and get this over with quickly," Noah called coldly. His midnight express eyes looked ghastly than before, and his black hair added to his dark aura.

"Y-yes, Mister!" answered the MC nervously.

Once again he bowed before Noah and made the audience even more curious. Noah could only roll his eyes and show his disapproving face with the MC's exaggerated attitude.

However, as soon as Eldan turned his body and started his footsteps towards the balcony he had used to enliven the event with his voice, Noah again held back his footsteps.

"Ah yes, Mr. MC," Noah called, making the MC surprised.

He quickly turned his body to look at Noah.

"Y-yes, sir? Is there a problem?" he asked frightened. If Noah complained to the MC, he could be fired by his boss today.

However, not according to what the MC thought to the point that he wanted to faint in that spacious place, Noah let out his words.

"Take my judgment like everyone else. Don't give me a high class if my [Element] can't be controlled," Noah pleaded.

He put on his trademark smile. It looks like the implied smile that he threw at Eldan and made Eldan who became the MC gulp his saliva with difficulty.

He was worried about what this noble-blooded man had just said. A respectable family never intervened in politics, but they were allied with the mafia. That's the rumor he's ever gotten. The Ortiz family, especially the owner of the company, have a terrible nature, their sharp eyes are more terrifying than Noah's. It was possible that he had also experienced [Awakening] and was currently carrying out his secret mission.

"But, sir-"

"Do not compare me with others."

Noah interrupted Eldan's words again. Made the man silent and blinked his eyes many times. The midnight express-eyed man's cold face made him speechless and even the smile that was plastered on his mouth instantly turned into a threat. That menacing gaze with a black aura that only those who experienced [Awakening] saw managed to make Eldan's hairs stand on end and give him goosebumps. He quickly nodded his head.