Ch. 34 [Clash Bulk]

"Y-yes, sir. According to what you say," he replied that still speaks haltingly.

A man with blonde hair and blue eyes. It has [Sound Element] which makes it easy to convey messages in open spaces. The man's name was Eldan Witson.

Eldan bowed his body to immediately say goodbye for the second time. There is no second call coming out of the mouth of someone he feared it. Stepped to the balcony; where he had been standing. Before boarding the ladder which is now in front of him, stood referees still in poor condition.

He signaled by nodding his head to the referee and the referee understood. He replied to the MC by nodding his head. It could be seen from his face that he was ready and Eldan, who was the MC, smiled. He continued his footsteps forward and climbed the ladder until he reached the balcony.

And now, Eldan Witson has stepped onto the balcony. Inhale and exhale gently. Warming up the sound to get ready for the continuation of the duel, which is 1 on 1.

Eldan closed his eyes and after a few seconds, he opened his eyes again with the light shining. The green light was visible and even his blue eyes turned green due to the bright light from his [Sound Element].

"The battle just now was thrilling! The invitees must be curious about their grade level, right?" Not forgetting to smile, Eldan spoke with a tone of enthusiasm just like when he started the event.

However, the people who were currently in the audience showed unpleasant expressions. Some of them were frightened and some even showed their resistance. Yes, Eldan knew that, but Everyone looked scared and there were looks of resistance from the Eldans.

He returned to show his sweet smile as at the beginning he read this program. This time it might be difficult because soon someone will argue with his words and will rebel to get out of here.

"Don't worry! Well-trained [Tanks] are ready to protect you from attacks that threaten your life!" said Eldan who was still full of enthusiasm. Even though in his heart, his heart was beating fast because he didn't want to let out 'that'.

What Eldan was thinking now happened. Some people started to rebel. One by one the people who had big guts stood up and denied also rebelled against Eldan who became the MC in the class level selection event to enter the Hunter Academy.

"You're crazy! Why do we have to fight before we officially become [Hunters]!?"

"Did you say we've become [Hunter]? What does this mean !?"

"Stop this crazy fight!"

Everyone protest. Things got hot again and some even tried to get up and get out of the arena.

"Fuck being an official [Hunter] or not, my only aim is to protect the weaklings from that damn [False]!"

Ah, especially in that burly man. He was the one who had invited Noah to talk and was surprised by who Altair Noah was.

He, Giant Gideon. True to his name -Giant-, he has a large and stocky body. His very visible face and brusque personality were very friendly people. Noah who has a cold attitude and likes to judge people admits it too.

He got up from his seat and walked away from where he had been. Walking while stomping his feet on the cement floor. As soon as they saw the reaction of the burly man, one by one the people followed in his footsteps. Get up from your seat then try to leave the arena.

However, it wasn't until he was on the ladder down to exit the arena, a person dressed in all black, wearing a black robe that only reached elbows in length stood blocking their path. They wear masks, some even cover their faces. Looks like an assassin.

Those who were wearing all black were showing sharp objects. Pointing the sharp object at those who want to leave the Hunter Academy arena.

"Who is this!?"


"Hey! What the hell are you !?"

Of course, everyone who was going down was shocked. There are even those who choose to stay away from the place of those people who wear all black clothes and have a seat thanks to the fast perceiving power of their brains.

Meanwhile, the one who still relies on muscles and has a rebellious soul raises his voice. Their jaws were hardened and even the veins on their foreheads were visible. Holding on to intense emotions.

Then, some were shocked and half-dead frightened when they saw the sharp object. Their hands and feet had already trembled and tears had begun to flow from excessive fear.

"Forgive us, because we only follow the rules. Anyway, this will determine the level of your class with the stylish look you directly fight."

Eldan's voice turned cold. And even when all eyes were on him, the smile he always gave now turned cold. A serious face that scared people and even felt a murderous aura.

"What the hell is this!? You're pointing a sharp object at a civilian?!"

However, a person called Giant ignored Eldan's cold and murderous gaze. Instead, he focused on one of the men in black, holding a sharp object, a dagger, in front of his face.

Seeing the Giant who didn't want to stay still, Eldan tried to explain his purpose. To tell those who will be selected that this fight is also useful.

"Sit down sir. The safety of the world is in the hands of [Hunters]. I hope you all follow the rules to the end and become official [Hunters]," Eldan asked.

Still, the burly man didn't hear him. It was as if his ears were deaf. He still rebelled against the man in front of him. The ignited emotions made him unaware that the grim reaper was heading towards him.

Because Giant didn't stop talking, finally the man holding the dagger in front of him spoke. He let out a voice and seemed to threaten the burly man.

"You'd better sit down, sir. We don't know what will happen to you if you keep rebelling."

Surprisingly, the man who has a burly body with a grim face complied. Like being hypnotized by the man in black and the Giant turned to get his seat earlier without a word coming out of his mouth.

From down there, in the arena field or the place to fight, Noah looked up. Watching the action that could be said to be rebellious for a while. He didn't move and didn't make a sound that would invite the two [Tank] that were standing in a row beside him.

A [Tank] who was just standing then yawned, and so on did the same with Noah; that is, leaning his back against the cold wall. The [Tank Status] man turned to his friend who was beside him. Also the same with [Tank Status].

"You know, being an [Assassin] seems like fun," said one.

The brown-haired man whose irises are the same as his hair color is talking to his friend who has blonde hair color with amethyst colored irises. The brown-haired man looked envious of the many people who wore all-black clothes.

"What good are they, I'd rather be a [Tank]. Being on the front line sounds cool," argued his blonde friend.

The brown-haired man rolled his eyes. The [Assassins] he said were the ones who had pointed daggers at the invitees. They were dressed in all black with black robes on the back of which was an insignia that was probably the Hunter Academy's emblem. The cloak only has a length up to my session. At their waists, they were tied with brown sashes and there was a place to put a dagger with a sheath. There's even a rifle they use with their rifle loaded. They were wearing slightly tight pants that made them move easily like an [Assassin].

"What's good about being on the front line, we'll die first in a war. I don't want that to be."

The brown hair objected, but the blond man didn't want to budge either. Until they finally argue. Arguing over something is just a waste of time because there's no point in it. They were already [Tanks] and there was nothing to regret about it.

Beside the blonde-haired man, Noah stood up. He just listened to the two of them who were busy with arguing. Well, it could be used as information because he finally found out that the people wearing black clothes were [Assassins].

'Not bad,' thought Noah. A faint smile appeared on his lips.

"Obviously, [Assassin] it has the strength to be admired!"

"We [Tank], people like us would certainly be useful! And take pride in our position!"

"I'm just complaining!"

"There's no point in complaining, you idiot!"

Yes, until now they were still arguing before the MC spoke again. Noah could only surrender and wait for the MC to speak. However, the MC has not made a sound, which makes him feel curious.

Out of curiosity, he looked up. Ignoring the piercing glare that was being directed at him. Gerald, ever since he was forced to stop his attack on Noah, his gaze never left this black-haired man.

'What have I done,' thought Altair Noah Ortiz who began to feel his discomfort.

He tried to ignore Gerald and stay focused on finding out where the MC was now. And right above; in front of Noah, the MC who introduced his name was Eldan Witson on the balcony; the place where he first started the event to start the fight.

The man named Eldan looked busy with two people who also wore suits neatly. Looks like it's his assistant. They brought notes and seemed to be arguing over something Noah couldn't hear.