Ch. 38 [Delphinium Flower Seed Poison]

As if his thoughts were being read, Jack slowed his attack. His murderous eyes stared deeply into Sean's brown pod eyes. He asked as he pulled his right hand back and clenched it tightly to prepare to punch Sean in the face.

"What do you think?" he asked.

Jack's aura can be seen by Sean's eyes. It was red which he thought was very scary. The red color is like a psychopath or a madman will kill.

On reflex, Sean rolled the spearhead at him. He pointed the spearhead forward and Jack quickly moved away from it. Sean's eyes, the man who was his opponent squeaked.

'He's getting too carried away fighting,' he thought, summing up what he saw.

The man named Jack was just as crazy as Gerald. Looking for a high level, but because of his [Steel Element] made him feel displeased. Not grateful for the reward of [System] they don't know its origin.

Looking at the unattended Jack, and seeing an opportunity to speak while the fight was going on, Sean let out his always friendly voice.

"Hey," he called.

Feeling Jack's self-called out, the puerte rico's eyes turned. Look at the man who has brown hair color that matches the color of the man's eyes. It is his opponent to determine the level.

"What?" asked Jack curtly.

For the first time, he was serious about doing something. Even Noah who was watching the fight was shocked. His eyes were drawn to witness the fight between Jack Reuv Smith; his college friends with Sean Harris; someone he just met.

"Why are you so enthusiastic about fighting?" Sean asked, making Jack frown.

"Why did you say?" asked his opponent. "That's because we're being watched to determine grade levels. You don't want to get either Ebuh Class or Dan Class either, do you?"

It was true, no one expected to obtain Ebuh Class and Dan Class. The two classes are at the lowest level. The highest class is Balin Class and Agra Class. Then, the middle class is Carola Class.

Sean admits that he doesn't want to be in the lowest class. He was also a human that he didn't want to be looked down upon, ostracized, and even looked down upon even if it was just a class to gradually increase the [Skill] of each [Hunter].

"I know our levels are being determined by bystanders, but you don't have to kill me with your horrific attacks," said Sean who suddenly got goosebumps remembering himself being hit so hard with steel.

"Fortunately this spear is made of high-quality steel," Sean continued to say matter-of-factly.

"What do I care?"

Jack looked unconcerned. His [Steel Element] reactivated and could be seen from his glowing eyes as the skin on his hands turned to steel.

Hearing words from Jack who did not care that made Sean annoyed. It can even be illustrated by his smile full of emotion and his dark aura, with his glasses cracked due to his patience running out.

'You children of today, don't know what kind of people's fate is.'

He took a deep breath, then let it out roughly. Scratching the nape of the neck that felt itchy. Well, he wanted to ruffle his hair, but because his hair was with great difficulty, Sean refused to do so.

Without any question from Sean, the person who was his opponent let out his words. With a rising tone, he said arrogantly.

"You know, I'm already a black belt in karate. You have to be careful this time because from here on out, I'll be serious," he said with a condescending laugh.

Hearing Jack's confession, Sean who was also looking for the highest level looked down. His irritated face was visible in Jack's eyes and of course, made Jack Reuv Smith emotional.

'This kid... really lives his life full of arrogance. He seems to have something to do with Noah,' he thought.

"W-why are you looking at me like that!?" Jack snapped, disapproving of Sean's stare.

The man with brown pod hair that matched his eyes shrugged. Then he sighed roughly as if he didn't want to deal with that kid named Jack Reuv Smith anymore. Sean wanted to quickly finish this, but he was at a loss to use his [Plant Element Skill] against the kid.

"Well, I just don't understand why kids these days don't think about the feelings of those who are older than them," Sean replied casually. Lure Jack's emotions to attack first.

'Come to think of it, Noah suggested me to use this spear, is it because this spear is suitable to attack him with a certain distance?'

Sean's eyes turned to Jack. The man standing in front of him breathed like a bull. The emotions of his chattering disparaging people turned towards him.

'He's already in the black belt of karate, meaning he's going to attack me head-on. I mean, without using the auxiliary weapon, he will use his bare hands, whereas I use the spear which can be to my advantage.'

Sean worked out his plans while Jack mumbled incoherently. Jack has a bad personality. An inexplicable mumbling would only waste time and give his opponent a chance to work out his plans in a short amount of time.

Sean's eyes turned to the spear he was holding. The spearhead with the stalk he was currently holding reminded him of a poisonous plant. [Plants Element] would greatly benefit him by using the spear.

'What if I put some Delphinium seed pollen on the spearhead?' thought Sean.

Well, come to think of it, the powder wouldn't stick to the blade of the spear. However, the thing called [Plant Element], they will be attached thanks to the [Skill] that people call magic.


The one in front of him began to act. Extending his right foot and backing his left foot made the sound Sean heard earlier. It looked like he was going to run as fast as he could, even his mouth was muttering like he was casting a spell to activate one of the [Skills] that required a lot of [Mana].

"[Drill Hands]!"

Her [Skill] activates when she casts her spell while running towards her opponent. His eyes gave off a red light. Makes his original eye color, namely Puerto Rico, turn red due to the strong color of the light.

"[Poisonous Flowers]!"

Quickly too, Sean called out. Cast a spell aloud and activate [Skill] on his [Plant Element]. Delphinium flower seed powder began to spread from the fingertips of the [Plant Element] user towards the tip of the blade on the spear he was holding.

Jack pulled his left hand back, clenched it tightly, and shouted to add strength to his fist. Running towards Sean with all my might. Sean pointed the blade at the spear he was holding at Jack who was running.


The fist touched the blade on the spear. However, because his hands were covered in steel, the poison that Sean gave him would not work on him. Seeing it made Sean want to squeak. He gritted his teeth and immediately changed his position which had been holding back Jack's fist with the blade of the spear towards his shoulder.



The knife managed to cut Jack's shoulder. Fresh blood gushed out and oozed out and began to wet his sleeves. Jack jumped back to dodge Sean's follow-up attack.

Seeing the amount of blood coming out of his right shoulder made him squeak. The pain is like 2 times the usual pain. His left hand covered the wound on his shoulder to stop the bleeding.

"[Steel Cover]."

His [Steel Element] tried to cover the wound. However, unfortunately only the edges can be covered. In the open wound, the steel couldn't reach it. It's like there's a [Skill] in [Element] that makes it not work.


Seeing this surprised Jack. His eyes widened and he winced in pain from the unbearable pain. Until finally, his body that had been able to stand up straight quickly lost its strength. His shoulders were numb and slowly his right arm was immobilized.

Everything happened so fast and made Jack Reuv Smith panic. He roared in pain as he said,

"What did you do to my hand, damn it!" he said harshly and loudly.

His legs that were strong enough to support his weight to stand up were finally unable to stand. Weakened until his knees hit the ground. Jack is now slumped on the ground of the Hunter Academy arena.

"Argh!!!" he shouted, enduring the pain he couldn't take any longer.

He heard footsteps approaching him. It attracts the attention of a pair of ears to hear it and a pair of eyes to turn to the source of the sound. A shadow was visible in front of him, he looked up to see who was in front of him.

Of course, it was his opponent to get a grade level. Sean Harris, the man wearing glasses who underwent [Awakening] and obtained [Plant Element]. Thinking that [Plant Element] sounds weak, but it's dangerous if the user understands the function and impact on each plant.

"It's the seeds of Larkspur Flower or you could say Delphinium. They come from the northern hemisphere, Western Europe." Sean explained the unimportant part in Jack's opinion.

The male [Steel Element] user was still grimacing. In a snarling tone, he said,

"Why must I care about that damn flower!?"

Sean smiled sadly at Jack's question. His face does drive women crazy, but he doesn't have to say harsh words to rude people. If you think that he doesn't know the Delphinium Flower, it's still fair.

Sean crouched in front of him. Staring at Jack's face, which was grimacing in pain while crying because he couldn't stand the pain in his shoulder wound.

"You better treat it quickly. The [Healers] are waiting for you there. If you don't treat it quickly, you can become paralyzed," said Sean.

Hearing those words made Jack look up again. After a long time cursing because of the pain that comes from the wound on his shoulder.

"W-what? You're telling me to surrender!? Threats like that are useless to me!"

Once again Sean smiled sadly. He turned his head towards the two [Healers] standing at the far end of the arena grounds. Waving to tell them to approach the man who was wincing in pain.

"You know, the seeds of the Delphinium Flower contain 1.4 percent alkaloids, and that's toxic. You could have cardiotoxic and neuromuscular blockade which will result in death if not cured within the next few hours."

Sean's words stunned Jack. His eyes widened at Sean's words. It was as if the world had turned cold and there was no sound, everything was going so fast. The shock made the pain disappear and even in an instant, his heartbeat seemed to stop.

Sean rose from his crouch. Stand up and straighten his body. He turned and immediately stepped away from where Jack was sitting. Saw two [Healers] running towards Jack to quickly heal him.

As soon as the two [Healers] approached him; passed Sean first, just as one of the [Healers] who was about to pass him, he said,

"The poison from the seeds of the Delphinium Flower is in his body."

The [Healer] stopped. Surprised to hear what Sean said. He turned his head, turned around, and caught the look of Sean's straight back. Walking away from him with relaxed steps while keeping both hands in the side pockets of his pants.

"It's a lethal poison, isn't it?" he asked.

Sean smiled. He stopped his footsteps, but he didn't look back. Instead, his head turned to look at the blue sky that was starting to turn orange.

"Yes. You'd better treat it as soon as possible."