Ch. 39 [Balin Class]

Sean Harris' fight with the gripping Jack Reuv Smith is finally over. Everyone who had opened their mouths in surprise at Jack who suddenly screamed in pain, now slowly clapped their hands. Slowly, the applause that sounded very small and full of doubt turned into rapturous applause.

Eldan Witson, as the MC to present the class level selection event for the [Hunter] candidates, gaped. His mouth opened and his eyes widened at what had just happened before his eyes in an instant.

Seeing no response from the MC until now, the assistant behind him stepped behind him. He patted the man on the shoulder, hoping that his gentle pat would wake Eldan Witson.

And yes, Eldan gasped. He immediately cleared his throat to fix his voice first and activated his [Sound Element Skill]. His eyes emitted a green light and even made his blue irises turn green due to the intense light from his [Sound Element].


Eldan cast his spell. Staring at Waltz who was confused about what was going on. Did not know what the brown-haired man would do and just stared at the man who poisoned Jack Reuv Smith who was walking towards the edge of the field.


There was a whisper from someone. Waltz reflexively looked left and right, but no one approached him to whisper. The voice sounded in his mind before Eldan said what happened.

"[Here's Eldan Witson. I used [Susurration Skill] into your brain, you can tell it's whispering or telepathy]."

Eldan said it through the [Skill] he just used. From above ana; where he stood was very far from the Waltz. As if Eldan was talking to himself or talking to himself.

Waltz was still confused. He will inhale to make a sound when he exhales. However, Eldan did not allow it and instead cut the sentence that would be issued from the referee's mouth.

"[There's no time to talk. The game is over and you better decide quickly who will be at which grade level]," he said to which Waltz nodded.

At first, Waltz had indeed been surprised and gawked not knowing what to do after that. One participant had been hit by a dangerous attack, but he still rebelled against the participant who was attacking him secretly.

'I'm not the only one who's surprised to see that man- wait, what is his name-'

He reached into his pocket and found a small piece of paper with writing on it that moved by itself. Look at the class level and some names that have passed the battle and got the class.

'Oh, yes. His name is Sean Harris. Let's see what level he is,' he thought.


His eyes widened in shock for the umpteenth time. Maybe his soul was tired because he had to be surprised many times by the [Skill] possessed by the [Hunter] candidates who came today.

"Wow. I don't understand the minds of the [Hunter] officials," he exclaimed which sounded like a salute. A crooked smile graced his mouth and he laughed awkwardly.

Waltz covered the paper with some of the paper he had folded to the side. After reading the contents made him want to become even stronger.

'Today's invitees have an [Element] with an unexpected [Skill],' he thought before he took another breath to prepare to make his voice loud and clear with the help of Eldan Witson's [Voice Skill]; his friend.

He stretched his right hand up, then his left hand touched his right shoulder. From up there, a bell rang after he gave the signal and after the bell rang loudly, the MC started to make his voice with the help of his own [Skill].

"What a thrilling battle! Let's hear the decision of the observers through our referee who is in the middle of this arena!" said the MC excitedly. Although there is still a sense of surprise when witnessing the incident earlier.

All eyes that had turned towards the source of the exciting voice - namely the voice of the MC - now turned downwards. Staring at the arena to fight using magic or what is said [System] is [Skills].

Waltz who was still standing still took a deep breath. Sighing gently and then uttering a loud voice with the help of Eldan Witson who was up there; precisely the balcony of the Hunter Academy arena.

Suddenly a gust of wind. Everyone seemed curious and couldn't even take their eyes off of them. They guessed, maybe Sean Harris was in the middle-class level, or maybe at the high-class level. Judging from his skillful use of [Skill] and also seeing his careful planning, it certainly gets applause from the observers and even the audience.

"Jack Reuv Smith! Got Dan Class!"

Everyone clapped, but not loudly. Well, that's natural because many men hate the charming Jack. There are even women who don't like his arrogant nature even though he's a handsome man.

Hearing that he was at the Dan Class level and even the lackluster applause succeeded in making the puerte rico-eyed man with his flame pea-colored hair stand on end. He snorted and stood up to stare at his destiny.

His legs were able to support his weight and his shoulder that had an open wound was now gone. Revealing her smooth, bright skin and no more poison in her body.

The referee sighed again. Cast the next sound if it's in the interest of conveying a message regarding the Hunter Academy.

"Sean Harris!-"

Waltz deliberately paused his speech. Well, he didn't expect Sean Harris to make such a surprise. The observers behind the scenes; unseen by those in the arena, were as shocking as Sean.

His pod brown hair tip moved in the direction of the wind, his eyes, which were the same color as hair, stared at the referee with an indescribable look. The corners of his lips lifted, revealing a smile. The office worker kept his hands next to his span pants pockets.

"Got Balin Class!"

Everyone who heard it was shocked. The atmosphere became noisy with people who got the highest grade level number 2 after the Agra Class. Most of the [Hunter] candidates get the Dan Class, or the most powerful will get the Carola Class. Only people who have [Skills] with [Elements] that are attractive in the eyes of observers will get Balin Class.

From up there, the man who covered his black hair with his black hoodie was as surprised as the others. His midnight express eyes faintly stared at the arena which was to be exact, Sean Harris was laughing while scratching the back of his neck.

Everyone cheers. Clap the hands. Some are happy because they win from their bets with others. There is also a frown. There were even people who were jealous of the grade level that the brown-haired pod got.

'He's great.'

One statement appeared in the mind of a man named Noah.

'I made the right choice to give her my information,' he continued.

However, he suddenly changed his mind. The look in his eyes that had been amazed turned into sharp eyes. It was cold and indicated that he wouldn't tell anyone that he had a [Darkness Element] which was an [Element] that wasn't in the [Basic Element].

'He must forget what I said,' thought Noah.

A man's voice chatted. His voice was so loud that it reached Noah's ears.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the man. The man was talking to a woman who was probably his friend as well. They've been chatting since then. I don't know what made them unable to stop talking.

'During the fight, they are the noisiest.'

Noah tried to hear their conversation. Although it should not be done, humans have ears to hear. Surely there are some of their conversations that will be recorded in the brain.

"I didn't expect him to get Balin Class," said a woman.

Her appearance is very striking, from her dress style that chooses colors that collide. Her dress is red with a yellow skirt. Her hair is black with a few blue stripes.

Noah who saw it was dumbfounded. Her appearance wasn't a problem for him, but it wasn't pleasing to the eye.

"Isn't Balin Class the highest class?" asked a man who was beside the woman.

He was dressed casually. Wearing a gray t-shirt and jeans with torn knees. His left ear has a black earring.

"Yes. Balin Class is the highest class after Agra Class. The grade level can be seen from the initial letters used," the woman said.

She tossed his hair as if she knew things more than anyone else. Being arrogant towards the man who asked just now.

"You mean?" The man was curious. He raised his eyebrows to ask for a clear answer from the eccentrically dressed woman.

Hearing the man's question, the woman sighed harshly. She rolled his eyes, showing her annoyance.

"The lowest class starts with the letter E, it's Ebuh Class, then D, C, B, and A is Agra."

The man rounded his mouth. Form the letter o and signify that he understands what the woman is explaining.

"Ah, I just noticed."

The woman smiled. Nodding her head, then briefly moved her head. She looked forward and looked back at the arena below which was a pod brown-haired man with glasses in his spotlight, named Sean Harris. Then, the man who she thinks is charming, has the eye color that she thinks is his charm, which is puerte rico, named Jack Reuv Smith. After that, the referee whose name she didn't know was speaking to the two men who were staring at each other in opposite directions.