I can play dirty too Part3

<100 Experience points have been rewarded>

Qin Hua disappeared once again. 

The two other goblins immediately rushed forward and stood back to back but the dog merely grinned as she looked down at the two foolish goblins.

1 vs 3 might be overwhelming but 1 vs 2 was completely manageable for her.

[It's useless idiots. Give up already. Woof!] She snarled and cast [Dark shackles] on the goblin on the right, completely imprisoning him on the spot.

As fear and dread filled the other goblin's eyes, Qin Hua growled and pounced on it, clawing its throat out, her paws swinging like sharp blades.

The goblin as well swung its dagger madly, but its small body was no match for her and even though it was stronger than her, she ripped its body into shreds, not caring about the damage she was taking.