I am fine

On a wide street littered with numerous corpses, blood, and flesh, a young man sat on the ground and a big black dog was walking around him in circles.

"See, I told you. I am completely fine. I am feeling great."

Lu Chen stood up, warmly smiling at the beast that looked like a ferocious demon from hell but was currently gazing at him in concern.

It would have been such a heartwarming scene if not for the stench of death and dried blood stuck on the dog's pitch black fur.

He leaned forward and nuzzled her head until a tongue stuck out, licking him reluctantly. 

Lu Chen smiled. He wrapped both his hands around her big furry head and hugged her silently for a minute. 

"I am alright. I am fine. I will be more careful from now on. Thank you for taking care of me."

Such a silly smile! Qin Hua turned her head away, a bit too overwhelmed by the jolt of emotions.