Chapter 1: Chapter One [1]

"Are you ready to talk vampire?" said Claire." I will never tell you anything" said the intruder. " Then you will have to answer to our Alpha" said Claire.

" Talking about me?! "said Divine. The one and only Alpha of the Red Shadow Pack. They turned to face her. And she said "what do we have here?".

"He was caught on the border of our territory and the gold's territory. According to him he was just passing through" said Claire.

" Is that so?, if I remember correctly the vampire king's territory is to the north of the Gold pack territory. So how would you be passing through the border of both packs, unless you were instructed to do so. Now the way I see it, you have two choices, you can tell what I want to know about the vampire king or I could..." said divine but was interrupted by the invader and he said " I will never tell you anything about my king. Your an abomination to all vampire kind. You have no right to even speak his name with that tainted blood of yours. I hope he drains every drop of blood in your body". And I was nice enough to give you a choice. kill him and find his mate and kill her too" said divine."Yes Alpha" said ruby. "No please kill me, just don't kill my mate". said the invader.

"No!" Ah! "don't hurt my mate, please spare her! ".Then they stabbed and beat him up until he was laying dead on the floor.


Divine came home exhausted but all of sudden she heard her mom shout "DIVINE ARE YOU HOME!". "Yeah mom" said divine. " COME EAT BREAKFAST! " her mom shouted. "I'll be down in a minute" said divine. Lazily going to shower.

" Life is hard enough for a regular teen in high school dealing with bullies and worrying about if your crush likes you back or not. But for me life is a little different. I'm a hybrid that is hated by vampires but that's alright with me because I have my pack and my mom. Being the Alpha of such a large pack is a little difficult but I manage just fine. It was my uncle's pack but he stepped down a year ago to travel the world. He didn't have any kids of his own, so the spot went to me. He and my mother raised and trained me to take over. Even though I'm half vampire the werewolves accept me as if I were a full blooded vampire..." DIVINE!!" her mom screamed distracting her from her thoughts. "GET OUT OF THE SHOWER AND GET DOWN HERE!!!" her mom screamed at the top of her voice. so she quickly got dressed and went down stairs. "Morning Mom". she said. "Mind telling me where you were early this morning?!" her mom questioned with folded arms and a very stern face. " I got a call from Claire that some of the pack members came across a vampire in our territory" said divine. " So you thought it was okay to leave the house at 4am this morning without my permission, I might add to kill a vampire?!" her mom asked " Not necessarily, I went to see if this one would give me info on the vampire king. But of course he didn't want to talk either". she said. "of course none of them are going to talk, his their king. And we made an agreement that you would be Alpha on my terms. And my term were...". "That school comes first and whatever issues come up I talk to you about it first" said divine in a low tone of voice. " And you have been doing but the total opposite. You are to young to be taking on the full responsibility as an Alpha alone and your not dropping out of school to be a full time Alpha. So listen to me very carefully, you will not have any connections with the pack for a week, so you will be able to get caught up on your school work.when you get done with school you will come straight home. And your phone will be shut off for a month". said her mom. " Mom you can't be serious!" said divine. " Does it look like I'm kidding!, you don't want to follow the rules there are consequences. Now go before you are late to school again" said her mom. " BUT!.." said divine. "You get your tail out of that door right now!" said her mom. Divine shut the door angrily and left. " What are we gonna do with her?" HAZEL: she will learn just give her time. " I hope you're right". she said.


Divine was angrily going to school when she stopped and said " I hope she didn't turn my phone off yet". Claire─ Hello...

" Claire? can you hear me?". Claire─ yes why wouldn't I be able to hear you?. "Just come outside, I'll explain it to you on the way". she said. Claire─ on my way down. she hung up. " What's up queen bee" said Claire. "Let's just go before I'm late again and I get punished for something else" said divine. "I know were this is going" said Claire. ALMA: Me too.

She told Claire how her mom reacted this morning. Which she kinda already knew it was gonna happen.

My mom trained me to be an Alpha but she wasn't expecting me to become Alpha so soon. She thought that my uncle would step down when I graduated high school or when I met my mate, which in all, really I don't think I have one. That's alright with me if I don't. To everyone else, life is about finding your mate, not me I have a much bigger goal in mind. My mother never found her mate so for her to expect me to have one is kinda unfair. I just wish my mom could see that being Alpha of The Red Shadow Pack is what I'm meant to do, it's what I was born to do and nothing is gonna take that away from me.


"Do you really think your mom is gonna keep you away from the pack for a week?" asked Claire. " What if something goes wrong and we need you". said Claire. " You will have to take over while I'm gone" said divine. " I can only do so much but so much we might be a team, but your Alpha not me" said Claire.

Claire was right as always. There is only so little she can do without taking my place completely. Claire is my Beta and my best friend. I listen to her more than I listen to myself, she is highly trained and great at what she does. She is the best tracker in the pack and the most deadly. We grew up together and we trained together sometimes. But she was always training day in and out. We have matching tattoos to symbolize our leadership. The pack listens to her as they would listen to me if I wasn't around.


"Let's go to class" said divine.

Mr. Stewart: The separation between the two races will hopefully come to an end. Nice of you to join us ladies. Mr. Stewart: Now as I was saying, this country is separated by two races that have been at war for over a century. The creatures of the night and the creatures of the moon. As you know this school was created for all wolves to grow and train to become warriors and to become leaders of a pack. "Blah blah blah". "Same old stuff" said divine.

Mr. Stewart: That's why, 5 vampires have been chosen to come to this school to study among all of you. "WHAT!" divine shouted. "Your letting vampires come to this school?!" said Claire. Mr. Stewart: yes, know that this was not my choice but I support it 100%. "The whole point of this school is to be protected from vampires!". And now you want to bring them here!" shouted divine. Mr. Stewart: This I the best way for our two races to put the wars and fighting aside to live in peace. "Who even said we wanted peace!. We are fine with how things are!. By bringing them here, it's going to start a war within the school!!" shouted divine. BELINDA: I for one think it's a great idea. it could be fun. "The packs have been enough problems with vampires as it is and now you want to bring them here?!. They have been killing our people and taking kids from their families and you expect us to sit back and let them walk among us!. "IF I SEE ANY VAMPIRES IN THIS SCHOOL I WILL PERSONALLY RIP THEIR HEAD OFF WITH MY TEETH AND SEND IT TO THEIR KING AS A GIFT!!!".


Sofia: Divine in my office now!. Sofia: I haven't seen you in awhile. "How perceptive of you to notice" said divine". said divine. SOFIA: I heard what you said in class divine. "I'm pretty sure it wasn't a secret" said divine. SOFIA: this hatred you have with vampires has to stop. it's time for vampires and werewolves to live in peace again. "How could you want peace with everything they have done! killing people for pleasure and taking kids as slaves and sacrifices for their king". " They are crossing our borders to feed on us because the human population is getting smaller by the day. They witches left the country because of them, they can not be trusted, they need to be stopped". said divine. SOFIA: And that is the very reason why peace is the best way for both races to come together. There has been enough bloodshed on both sides not just ours. I understand what happened to your father has clouded your judgement on them. " Don't you dare talk about my father!" shouted divine. "Don't you dare utter his name. you have no right, especially when you want to bring the same people who murdered him in the first place, to this very school. I swear if I see any vampires in this school, I am gonna rip his throat out!" screamed divine. "Divine that's enough!!!" she turned around to see her mother fuming. " Divine get out I want to talk to your principal alone" said her mom. she left. she started pacing up and down the hallway. after a few minutes later her mother came out of the principal's office. "How many times must I remind you to stop getting yourself into trouble" said her mom. " "But mom!.. the threatened to bring vampires to this school" said divine. " They didn't threaten anyone divine, they just want to unite the wolves and vampires" said her mom. " does that mean you think the decision to bring vampires to a wolves school is right?" said divine. " of course not, I might not agree with their logic but we can't do anything it, can we?!" said her mom. " But mother..." said divine. " No buts divine. I told you multiple times not to get into trouble but you keep on getting into trouble. if you keep on disobeying my orders I will have no choice but to suspend you as an Alpha of the red shadow pack, do you hear me divine!, I only agreed to let you be an Alpha only if you don't neglect your studies but now you're doing the complete opposite. if I hear anymore complaints regarding your studies, you'll be grounded for three months, do i make myself clear!" said her mom. " But!.." she said, before she could utter another word her mother had stormed out angrily across the hallway. while she just stood there dumbstruck and completely out of words to say, she was shocked, not only does the school want to bring Invaders to this school and I can't do anything about it and if I do, I won't be the Alpha anymore and I can't jeopardize my position and leadership as the one true Alpha, what do I do?!" said divine.

she was snapped out of her thoughts with a phone call from her friend Claire. "Hello..." said divine. "Hey girl why do you sound so down? what's wrong? asked Claire. "My whole efforts will go in vein, did you hear the news?" asked divine. " Yes I heard the news, what's the need in bringing vampires to the school?. that's gonna cause a war admist the school" said Claire. " That's exactly what I said!, but no one listens to me after all!"said divine. "ok girl you sound tensed, how about we go to a club tonight to ease you up a bit" said Claire. "Are you kidding?!, my mom would freak" said divine. "she doesn't have to know, she's out of town right now, she's dealing with a small problem, she'll be back in a couple of days, she'll never find out" said Claire. " But..." she said. "Come on" said Claire. "Fine!" said divine.


Divine head her phone buzz, it was a text from Claire saying "Hey girl are you coming?". "Yeah, I'm on my way, I just finished getting ready" divine texted. "Well hurry up" Claire texted. "Yeah see you in a bit" divine texted and ended the conversation.


"Hey" said divine. "you're late" said Claire folding her arms. "Yeah, just by a few minutes" said divine rolling her eyes. "Let's dance" said Claire while dragging divine to the dance floor.

The music was loud my adrenaline was pumped I can't remember the last time I had this much fun I felt free like a highschool girl with no responsibilities but that's not the case in reality.


"Let's go get some drinks" said Claire. "Yeah sure" said divine. But something shocked divine when they approched the counter. She could smell their scent. They were none other than vampires. They sight of them made her furious. "What are they doing here!?" asked Claire. " I don't know, but the crossed the borders onto our territory!" said divine. "But why couldn't we smell their scent?" Claire asked. "I'm guessing they tried to hide their scent but since I'm half vampire they couldn't fool me" said divine in an agitated voice. But they start living. " Where do they think there going?!" said divine in an irritated voice. "And where are you going?" I'm gonna follow them, are you coming?" asked divine. "No, no I'm not" said Claire. What, why?! asked divine in surprise. " I don't think you should follow them" said Claire. " To bad I am gonna follow them" said divine. "Then you're on your own" said Claire. "FINE!, I guess I'll go on my own then" said divine. Then Claire left. Then divine stormed off to follow them and when she finally found them she said" where do you Intruders think you're going!?!"...

But all of a sudden everything went dark.

When she wakes up all she sees is darkness surrounding her. her head is pounding. she's laying on the bed half conscious and weak, she tries to blink in the memories of last night but she recalls nothing, then after awhile she jerks out of the bed slowly, her head still spinning, her vision blurry when she finally comes to her senses, she sees she's surrounded by jail bars, she then realizes she's in a cell and she's extremely weak, she can't stay on her toes. The first thing she utters is

"Where am I?!"... To be continued