Chapter Two [2]

"Where am I" said divine.

"Good you're awake"... "who are you? and why are you hiding with the lights off" demanded divine." A little jumpy I see" he said. "it's him" she thought as he reveals his face to her. " Why didn't I smell him?" she thought. "Where am I and why am I here!?" she said. "I don't think you're in any place to be asking questions" he said. "I hate him. His voice, his scent and everything about him". she thought.

"What are you?" he asked. " I don't think you're in any place to ask questions" she said.

" I think I am. considering you've been asleep for 18 hours" he said.

"What!?" "let me out of here! all of a sudden she started getting weak "What is happening?" she asked.

"I've imbued your body with sage" he said.

"Where have I heard that name before?" she asked herself.

" Sage has been used to ward off evil spirits since the ancient times. it is also very deadly to vampires" he said.

"So your plan is to kill me"she said.

"If I wanted you dead you would be dead by already. I only gave you a small dose of it, it's only enough to dull the senses and stop transformation" he said.

" That must be why I didn't smell him. It feels like my insides are on fire"she thought.

" Your Wolf is pushing out the sage. it won't be long before it's out of your system" he said.

" You mean it won't be long before I kill you" said divine. said divine.

" Even if you do find a way to kill me you will never get out of this place alive" he said.

" I won't die not until I kill him" said divine.

" Kill who? " he asked. " The longer you are not willing to talk the longer you will be in here" he said.

" Why do you want to know so much about me?. You haven't even told me your name" said divine. "My name is Clyde, I am one of the 5 highest ranked vampires that is closet to the king" said Clyde.

" He's close to the vampire king, this could be my chance" she thought.

" My name is Divine, you don't need to know my last name and I'm the Alpha of The Red Shadow Pack" said divine.

" I would like to know how is it that you have a wolf and you can be a vampire" said Clyde. " I don't have an inner wolf" said divine.

" Then how can you be Alpha of a pack without a wolf " he asked.

"I'm half wolf and half vampire. I don't know why I don't have a wolf and I'm Alpha because it was handed down to me".

"Did a witch curse you?" asked Clyde.

" Are you trying to insult me?! " said divine.

"If a witch didn't curse you then that would mean you were born one and if you were born one that would mean... " said Clyde.

" That would mean what? " asked divine.

"Put this on, it will hide your scent. Let me know when you're done changing" said Clyde.

" Where do you think you're going!, I've not finished talking" said divine.

" Neither am I" said Clyde.

"I'm going to use you to get out of here and get to the king" she thought.

" Let's see..." said divine.

"Are you dressed?" asked Clyde.

" Yeah" she said.

" Can you stop staring at me" said divine.

"Just making sure your scent is gone. Come on" said Clyde.

"Did he just say that I stink" she thought.

" Let's go!" said Clyde.


"Claire" said Orla.

"Hello Orla. I haven't seen you in awhile" said Claire.

" Yes I know and I wish it was under better circumstances. I know that I shouldn't have been so hard on her about being an Alpha, I know how much her father meant to her and I shouldn't have tried to make her feel like she was alone in her pain. And if you could tell her to come home and talk I'm sure that we could..." said Orla.

" Orla I'm not sure what you're talking about but I haven't seen divine since last night" said Claire.

" What do you mean!. I thought that she got upset and came here" said Orla.

" I came to get her last night to go to a club and when we got there everything was alright until she picked up the scent of two vampires. She wanted to kill them for no reason and told me to get the rest of the pack. I just couldn't help her do it so I left" said Claire.

" Orla?" asked Claire.


" I couldn't help her kill them, she wanted to kill people who did nothing wrong!" said Claire.

" Just because her choices are not always right does not mean you abandon her!. She is your Alpha and your BEST FRIEND!, how could you just leave her there! Anything could have happened to her! What could you have possibly been thinking!" said Orla.

" I wasn't thinking. The world felt like it was spinning after I'd seen him. It was like nothing else mattered, not even my best friend" Claire thought.

" Tell me where this club is so I can go and find my daughter!" said Orla.

" What! you can't go alone let me come with you, I can help" said Claire. " I think you've helped enough for a life time. Now tell me where this club is" said Orla.


"What's that smell?. it smells like death" thought divine.

" By the look on your face I would say the sage is wearing off" said Clyde.

" Something like that. What is that smell it smells like rioting blood" said divine.

" This is a very rare condition, I have seen only twice before in my lifetime. This among many other things is the very reason why these creatures are not allowed to exist" said Clyde.

" You can stop talking in riddles now and tell me why I'm in a room with a dying girl" said divine.

" You don't remember her?" asked Clyde.

" I think I would remember a girl that smells as bad as she does" said divine.

"You're the reason she smells so bad!" said Riley.

" Riley" said Clyde.

"I should kill you for what you did to her!" said Riley.

" Come at me big boy. I will enjoy ripping your insides out" said divine.

" I would like to see you try you dirty..."said Riley.

" Enough!" said Clyde.

" Last night you followed us to an alley and you drank her blood, so much so that she is now dying. Not only is the loss of blood stopping her from healing. The remaining amount of blood she does have is poisoned" said Clyde.

" Now that you mention it. I think I remember bits and pieces. And even if I did drink from her even if she has a pint of blood left in her body it would heal with no problem" said divine.

" That would be true if the bite was from a normal vampire, But the bite of a hybrid cause life threatening problems. There bite is toxic and deadly to everything and everyone. Vampires and werewolves are able to live the longest when bitten around 48 hours. But witches and humans would not last an hour. Witches are the ones who have made the hybrids as like a punishment to the vampires for feeding on them. But it always backfired when the hybrids turned on them. A hybrids power is uncontrollable and their thirst for blood and to kill is to overwhelming for one person to contain. The vampire king past a law that if any where made to be killed on site. And there is only one way to kill them" said Clyde.

" So you did bring me here to kill me" said divine.


"I Don't make mistakes" said divine.

"I can assure you that you have made a very big mistake. And if you want to live then you will fix it" said Oakley.

" Don't threaten me" said divine.

"I don't make threats princess. But if you're not willing to fix what you did then I could kill you right now" said Oakley.

" Oak" said Clyde.

"Or if you help then you are free to go without being harmed" said Oakley.

" Help how" said divine.

" You were not turned by a witch which means that you were born one. The very first hybrid to be born and not turned. I've only read about it but the blood of a hybrid that was born and not turned has the similar healing abilities as The vampire king himself. You have the ability to heal anything and anyone of any illness or disease even if they are on the brink/brick of death. But again I've only read about it, I don't know if any of it is true" said Oakley.

" So the blood of a hybrid that was turned by a witch doesn't have the same healing abilities?" asked divine.

" No technically they are cursed vampires not a pure blooded hybrid so their blood isn't changed" said Oakley.

" So even if I'm a hybrid and my blood can heal, what does that mean" said divine.

" It means that you're going to heal Jade with your blood" said Oakley.

" I'm guessing Jade is the one laying half dead on the bed. I'm also guessing you actually think that I'm going to give you my blood to save her life. I don't care if she dies. I tried to kill here and so why would I want her to live" said divine.

" Everyone out!" said Clyde.

"Oak!" said Clyde.

"You love being alone with me don't you" said divine.

" I gave you a choice last night and you choose the wrong one. I'm going to give you one more chance to make the right choice. HELP HER OR DIE!!!" said Clyde.