Chapter Three [3]


"Hey, it's me, I need your help, divine is missing" said Orla.


If you think you can kill me go ahead and try, but I'm not helping her" said divine.

" we'll see about that" said Clyde.


Uma: Claire what are you doing?

"I'm looking for my pack outfit" said Claire.

Uma: Are you going to ask the pack to help you?

" No, it's my fault she's gone and I have to find" said Claire.

Uma: You can't go alone!

" I'm not going alone, I have you, divine is the one who is alone" said Claire.

" I got it" said Claire.

Uma: Please don't go Claire

" I have to find her and fix this!. She could be dead for all we know and you just want me to sit here and do nothing".

Uma: I didn't say that, I don't want you to go alone

" I'll be fine. Let's go" said Claire.


"The fact that I can still smell Jade's blood and I can barely hear her heart beat tells me that Jade is still dying. And that means the dirty abomination didn't heal her" said Oakley.

" She refuses to heal her" said Clyde.

" So the question I have for you is, why can't I smell her blood and why can I still hear her heart beat!" said Oakley.

" I can't just kill her" said Clyde.

"I will have no problem doing it" said Oakley.

If we kill her then we can't use her blood to save Jade. We have to think of a way to get her to do it willingly. Threats do nothing, she is fearless" said Clyde.

" Everyone is afraid of something, and I am going to find out what she is afraid of" said Oakley.

" Until we find out what it is, we have more important things to worry about" said Clyde.

" Which is? " asked Oakley.

"Leaving for the high school in a few hours" said Clyde.

"How is that more important? And how are we going to go without Jade? And what are we going to do with that mixed breed?" asked Oakley.

" She is the whole reason we are behind for leaving for the high school in the first place"said Oakley.

" Do you trust me?" asked Clyde.

" Haven't I trusted you for the last 900 years" said Oakley.

" Good trust me on this and for the next 900 years" said Clyde.

" Come to my room" said Clyde.

" What about going to that high school? "asked Oakley.

" Are you coming or not ?" asked Clyde.


" I know you're awake" said divine.

"Must be hard to sleep while you're in pain" said divine.

"Dying and being are two different things" said Jade.

" You know I was thinking about that. The fact that you're dying and not just in pain. When Clyde was telling me about hybrids and what happens when they bite someone, he said that vampires and wolf's can survive around 48 hours when bitten, and witches and humans only last about an hour" said divine.

" I've only heard stories of it but yes that's true" said Jade.

" Is that so, the other night when I bit you your blood was flowing out of your body along with pieces of your memory" said divine.

" What!" thought Jade.

" You're a vampire yet it's only been 17 hours since you've been bitten and you smell as if you have an hour left to live. I couldn't see much just that your mother wasn't a vampire" said divine.

" How do you that!? " said Jade.

" What are you?!" asked Jade.

" I think we pretty much covered what I am. And since you're dying so early that could mean that your mother is either human or a witch" said divine.

" Get out!, if you want to kill me then kill me! don't talk about my mother please" said Jade.

" A please instead of an insult that's surprising. Look I can sense that you have good in you, so I'll make a deal with you, you help me and I'll help you" said divine.

" What do you want?" asked Jade.

" Hold on" said divine.

" Why did you save me? " asked Jade.

" I told you I'll help you if you help me, and you can't help me if you're dead now can you" said divine.

" What if I don't help you" said Jade.

" I have a feeling you will help me with whatever I need help with" said divine.

" R-Right! of course" said Jade.

" Good girl. I want you to tell me everything you know about the vampire king" said divine.

" Why do you want to know about the vampire king?"

" Personal reasons" said divine.

if you're trying to kill my king then you can just kill me now because I won't tell you a thing" said Jade.

" Looks like mom was right they won't betray him no matter what it costs. Fine plan B it is" divine thought.

" I don't want to kill him, I just want answers" said divine.

" Meaning?" asked Jade.

" He killed someone very close to me. killed this person in cold blood just because he fell in love with the wrong person" said divine.

" The king would never kill someone for something like that" said Jade.

" That someone was my father. He was killed for letting me be born and falling In love with my mother" said divine.

" You have to be lying. The king wouldn't do that" said Jade.

" He did and it was the worse day of my life. I just want to know why did he have to ruin a happy family, what did we do so wrong" said divine.

" When did it happen?" asked Jade.

" It happened 10 years ago on my best friends birthday" said divine.


[ It was my best friends birthday and my mom was trying to get me ready for her party. I was just coming into my vampire powers and I was very hyper, so you can guess how hard it was for mom.]

"Shouldn't she be at the party by now" said dad.

" I can't get her to stay still long enough to get her ready for the party" said young Orla.

" she takes after her daddy" said dad.

" Okay daddy. Try to get her to stop running long enough for me to get her dressed" said young Orla.

" Come here baby girl" said daddy.

" Hey Daddy" said young divine.

" Daddy's girl all the way" said dad.

[ I loved my mom but my dad was my heart and he meant everything to me. Everything he told me to do I did no questions asked. He always showed me love and made sure that I was happy. Everytime that I was sad he went to the ends of the Earth to fix it, he was just amazing.]

"Why are you not ready to go to the party?" asked dad.

" I don't want to go daddy" said young divine.

" Why not?" asked dad.

" Claire was being mean to me yesterday, she said she was going to be the princess for her party and I wanted to be the princess" said young divine.

" It's her birthday so it's her turn to be the princess just like you were the princess on your birthday" said dad.

" Divine look at me, even if you're not the princess at her birthday, you'll always be daddy's princess, no matter what" said dad.

" You're the best daddy ever!" said young divine.

" I love you daddy" said young divine.

" I love you more princess, I almost forgot I have a present for you" said dad.

" Really!" said young divine.

" Turn around" said dad.

" I love it daddy, it's a pretty locket, I'll never take it off" said young divine.

" Anything for you baby girl. Now go and get ready for mommy to take you to the party" said dad.

" Okay daddy!" said young divine.

" What's wrong? asked dad.

"What did he say?" asked young Orla.

"It's not important" said dad.

" How isn't it Dax, she is 7 now and it's getting harder and harder to hide her. If he found out about her and then..." said young Orla.

" He didn't find out about her" said dad.

" So why won't you tell me what he said" said young Orla.

" She's going to be late for the party" said dad.

" DAX! TELL ME WHAT HE SAID!" shouted young Orla.

" HE FOUND OUT ABOUT US!" shouted dad.

"What do you mean he found out about us. I thought you said he doesn't know about her" said young Orla.

" He doesn't know about her but he found out that I fell in love with you and didn't kill you" said dad.

[ Just like the 5 of you my father was in the first group hand chosen by the king. And his job was to find wolf's and witches to take back to the king to store as a food supply, but instead of finding food to bring back he found the love of his life, my mother. ]

" We have to leave soon before they find out about her too" said dad.

"I'll protect both of you I promise" said dad.

" Dax we can't leave not now" said young Orla.

" We have to. It will be fine I have a place in North Dakota that would..." said dad.

" Dax I'm pregnant" said young Orla.

" Dax?" asked young Orla.

" I'm ready mommy" said young divine.

" We are leaving in a minute sweetie after I'm done talking with your dad" said young Orla.

" DAX!" exclaimed young Orla.

" Are you sure? asked dad.

" Of course I'm sure. I knew you wouldn't be happy" said young Orla.

" Of course I'm happy. I love you and divine more than anything. We are just going to have to hope he doesn't find out about this one, which means we have to leave today" said dad.

" Okay well after the party we can..." said young Orla.

"No now, we can explain it to her later on why we couldn't go to the party. Hurry and pack a bag" said dad.

" Daddy there is something bad coming!" said young divine.

" Orla, take her into the room and lock the door and do not come out until I come and get you" said dad.

" What! No I'm not leaving you to fight them by yourself" said young Orla.

"Do as I say! You have both of our children to think about now" said dad.


" Daddy what's going on! I'm scared" said young divine.

" GO!" exclaimed dad.

"Let's go, do as your daddy says" said young Orla.

" You really thought you would sneak into my house without being noticed" said dad.

" We haven't seen you in a couple of days" said Hoyt.

"So we came to check up on you, I wouldn't call that sneaking in" said Hoyt.

" Why are you transformed? asked Myra.

[ My father was close to the other members of the top 5. They basically grew up together and told each other everything. The only thing that my father didn't tell the rest of the 5 is about me and my mom. But for some reason that day I only smelt 4 of them including my dad. ]

"You guys can't come to my house without letting me know. Please leave" said dad.

" What's that smell?!" asked Edward.

" LEAVE!" said dad.

" It smells like a wolf" said Myra.

"So its true. You're sleeping with a wolf, did you mark her? asked Hoyt.

" Of course not, she's not she's not my mate" said dad.

"You've been sleeping with a wolf! How could you be so stupid!" said Myra.

" What I do is my business! Now you can tell me why you're really here or you can leave" said dad.

" We are here to see if the rumors were true or not, But by the overwhelming smell of wolf in this place there is no doubt that it's true" said Edward.

" You know the penalty for disobeying your king, you're going to have to come with us!" said Hoyt.

" If I go with you then you have to leave her alone and let her live the rest of her life free" said dad.

" That's not our call and you know it" said Hoyt.

" But for right now we just came for you. If the king wants her then we could always come back for her" said Myra.

" Fine, let's go" said Hoyt.

" I love you princess" said dad.


"He knew I was listening to everything that was going on. My father's last words to me will forever be with me" said divine.

" 2 days later some woman came to my house and told my mom to go with her" said divine.

" My mom called my uncle to look after me while she was away, I didn't see my mom for 3 weeks. My mom came home bloody and covered in bruises. It took her a week to heal, so I was without my mother or father for 4 whole weeks, my uncle told me that my father wasn't coming back and to give Mom some space. My mom didn't talk to me or even look at me for 5 months after that" said divine.

" One day I went to my uncle and asked him why did my mom want nothing to do with me" said divine.

" What did he say?" asked Jade.

" He told me to learn to live without my mother and everyone else, he told me to live for me. To not be weak or show any weakness, to grow and surpass my father in power and strength. So I trained every day. it wasn't till 2 years ago did I learn the truth that the vampire king killed my father and caused my mother to cut me off for almost a year. He has caused me so much pain and suffering and I just want to know why" said divine.

" Alright, let's do it" said Jade.

" What!" said divine.

" I'm going to help you find The vampire king" said Jade.

'But little did they know that Clyde was listening in on their conversation'