Chapter Four: [4]

"She was here" said Claire.

"Who's there!" said Claire.

"You didn't really think I was going to let you go into the Lions den alone did you" said Jayce.

" What are you doing here?" asked Claire.

" I'm making sure my baby sister doesn't do something She will regret" said Jayce.


"I heard a very interesting story a few minutes ago" said Clyde

" One that I'm sure you would want to hear about" said Clyde.


"You want to help me find the vampire king?" asked divine.

" I don't know if I believe that he would be that heartless to breakup a family or kill a man- one of which is apart of his own kind, just because he fell in love with a wolf. I want to see for myself if it's true. And if it is I want to know the reason" said Jade.

" I'm glad we see eye to eye on this" said divine.

" So where does he live? what does he look like? does he..." asked divine.

" Wait a minute, slow down. I don't know- " said Jade.

" Jade! I can't believe it, your alive" said Riley.

" What do you mean you can't believe it? asked Jade.

"Oh I...I mean, I'm glad you're alive" said Riley.

"Kiss ass" thought divine.

" How are you feeling?" asked Riley.

"I'm alright. I feel a little bit dizzy but other than that I'm fine" said Jade.

"My blood is still moving threw your system, so you might want to rest for a while" said divine.

" You let that dirty abomination give you her blood. And you drank it?" said Riley.

" Do you want to see how dirty I can be" said divine.

"Riley, I'm fine please leave" said Jade.

"I'm not leaving you hear with that thing" said Riley.

"Kill now or later?" thought divine.

" Kill now" thought divine.

Jade: Don't do it.

"What the hell" said divine.

Jade: it's me.

"What the hell are you doing in my head?" thought divine.

Jade: don't kill him please just let him leave.

"Why should I do that?" thought divine.

Jade: You want my help finding the king right. If you kill him then I won't help you.

"Fine" thought divine.

"Riley leave" said Jade.

" I told you that I'm not..." said Riley.

"RILEY LEAVE!" said Jade.

" Alright, if that's what you want" said Riley.

" Oh trust me it's what we all want" said divine.

" I'll let Clyde know that you're better" said Riley.

" Okay, I was on my way to see him anyway" said Jade.

'But Riley kept glaring at divine'.

" Like what you see baby? why don't you come have a closer look. Don't worry I don't bite" said divine.

" What?" said divine.

" How do you ever expect to find the king of you threaten everyone who serves him. You made yourself his enemy by killing his people. When you should be trying to befriend them to get info out of them" said Jade.

" The way I've been doing things are working just fine" said divine.

" Oh yeah! Look at what has happened. You've been taking Prisoner and taken away from your family for almost 24 hours, All for what? you're still not any closer to finding the vampire king" said Jade.

" Stop talking to me as if you know me!" said divine.

"I'm talking to you as a friend" said Jade.

"We aren't friends" said divine.

"It doesn't matter what we are. All that matters is that you asked me to help you and I can't do that unless you let me help you" said Jade.

" That makes absolutely no sense" said divine.

"The only way for you to find the vampire king is to be a vampire" said Jade.

" I'm not a vampire" said divine.

" You're right, your both. But you have lived as a wolf for so long that you have forgotten that your also a vampire. You can't say your one and not the other. Denying that you're a vampire is just like your denying your father" said Jade.

" No. I-I've never seen it that way. I'm so sorry daddy" thought divine.

" I have a plan, but to do this you will have to stop giving threats and trying to kill every vampire you see" said Jade.

" What is it?" asked divine.

" I'm going to take a shower first and then we can talk" said Jade.

" I'm going to get one after you and can I get a change of clothes" said divine.

" Yeah let's go" said Jade.


"You need to leave" said Claire.

"We both know that's not happening Little one" said Jayce.

"Stop calling me that" said Claire.

"You're not coming with me" said Claire.

"No I'm not, you're coming with me" said Jayce.

" Jay, leave" said Claire.

" How did you even know where I was or what I was doing?" asked Claire.

" Alma contacted me" said Jayce

" Really Alma!" said Claire.

Alma: I'm sorry but I couldn't let you go alone.

"You're not going across the border alone. There is nothing but vampires over there who wouldn't hesitate to kill you on sight" said Jayce.

" I have to find divine. it's my fault that she's out there to begin with" said Claire.

" I understand your need to find her but you can't just walk into the vampire king's territory alone because you feel guilty. Orla is getting the packs together to find her. If you really want to find her then you should be helping her instead of going alone" said Jayce.

" I'm the last person she wants to see right now, and she already told me she doesn't want my help" said Claire.

" She might not want it but she is going to need it. You're the best tracker in the pack. Divine didn't choose you to be her beta just because you guys are best friends. Your great at what you do and if I hadn't stopped you I know you would have found her but I also know that you wouldn't have made it back alive" said Jayce.

" Fine let's go. But if she refuses my help then I'm going to find her myself" said Claire.

" Great, let's go" said Jayce.

" I'm regretting this already" said Claire.


"Did you leave any clothes out for me?" asked divine.

"I put them on the chair" said Jade.

"Why are they all black and red?" asked divine.

"Mostly yeah, the king set black and red as our nations colors" said Jade.

" Of course he did" said divine.

"How cute, you both are playing dress up" said Oakley.

"Oak! I missed you" said Jade.

" I missed you too and I'm glad that your still alive and I promise we will have more time to talk later, but right now Clyde wants to see both of you" said Oakley.

" We will be right there" said Jade.

"Make sure you have that dog muzzled and on a leash" said Oakley.

" She. Is. So. Dead" thought divine.

" We should get going" said Jade.

'The first time laid eyes on her wearing our nation's color he thought "damn".

" I see you've had a change of heart" said Clyde.

" Actually I..." said divine.

Jade: Remember no threats.

" Stay out of my head!" thought divine.

"Or next time I'll start making promises" thought divine.

"Actually, I have" said divine.

" Care to share why?" asked Clyde.

"We have a common goal" said divine.

" Which is?" asked Clyde.

" Classified" said divine.

" Fair enough" said Clyde.

"Since you did save her life is owe you one favour. At any day or at any time if you choose to cash it in, just call my name and I'll come to you" said Clyde.

" How do I know that you're telling the truth and not trying to lead me into a trap?" asked divine.

" I'm a lot of things but a liar isn't one of them" said Clyde.

" I'll remember that" said divine.

" Jade, we are leaving in an hour so please go and get ready. But take your time" said Clyde.

" Where are we going?" asked Jade.

" White Crest High School" said Clyde.

" Why are you going to my high school!" said divine.

" The dean invited us to go to that school so that our races make peace" said Clyde.

" Wait a minute. You are the five vampires that are supposed to come to my school" said divine.

" I think I just said that. We were supposed to leave last night but thanks to you we got held up" said Clyde.

" What about her, is she coming with us?" asked Jade.

" That's completely her choice. She did what we brought her here to do so she isn't needed anymore" said Clyde.

" Your not the one who got what they needed" thought divine.

"She has to leave the king's territory though. There are vampires everywhere you look and you if they learn about her and what she is, it could cause a panic and they might go after her. And we all learned what happens if she bites someone. I'm pretty sure the king doesn't want to have to deal with that right now" said Clyde.

"Can she ride with us until we get across the border?" asked Jade.

Until we get over the border and then she's on her own after that" said Clyde.

"I'll go put my things in the car" Said Jade.

"Wait , Jade I'll help you" said Riley

"Your scent makes me sick" said divine.

"Is that so" said Clyde.

" I can't wait for the day I get ride of you and that disgusting scent of yours" said divine.

" Why is she not dead! Jade is alive and healthy, we were supposed to kill her after she saved Jade now we are taking her home" said Oakley.

" She's an Alpha of a pack the most powerful one. If we kill her then her pack would avenge her death and we would have a war" said Clyde.

" We have been at war with wolf's for centuries. Killing one little wolf wouldn't be any different than killing a bit one" said Oakley.

" She's a hybrid oak, we barely know anything about them. We have no idea what she is capable of or how dangerous she is. And the whole point of going to the school is to make peace so no more of our people have to die. I'm not risking peace for anything" said Clyde.


"Vampires have been over killing, over hunting and taking our children away from their mothers. Causing mothers to suffer and children to feel alone and scared, well this time they took the wrong kid. My kid, your Alpha. And they are not going to get away with it anymore. We are taking the fight to them. THIS ENDS TODAY" said Orla.