There was once a great kingdom. It was thriving with life and very peaceful, it was ruled by a man known as the strongest in the continent and regarded as a legendary hero when he freed the kingdom from the rule of a savage and heartless king. But sadly the hero's name was lost after that one fateful day.
17 years before present time
A fierce battle between the legendary hero and the Shadow King had finally concluded. Both the hero and the Shadow King are badly injured and the Shadow king lying on the ground with the hero holding a sword to his neck but barely being able to stand.
"PLEASE SPARE ME." Said the shadow king terrified.
The Legendary Hero said
"I will let you go on one condition, leave and never SHOW YOUR FACE HERE EVER AGAIN."
"OKAY OKAY GOT IT." Shadow king said with a trembling voice.
"Get lost." The hero said in anger.
As the demon king got up and started to supposedly leave.
"HAH! YOUR SUCH A DAMN FOOL, HERO!" the Shadow king says.
Then suddenly a super-fast blast of energy came towards the hero.
"WHAT?!" The Hero says in surprise.
The fight with the Shadow King had taken a heavy toll on the hero's body and he couldn't dodge in time. In an Instant, the legendary hero was critically injured.
"Didn't you learn to never let your guard down in front of your opponent?! Get ready to die." the Shadow King said.
The hero then looks up and sees a figure in the back, it was surrounded by darkness and pure evil.
Legendary Hero then casts a spell causing a BRIGHT FLASH OF LIGHT that soon vanished.
"WHAT WAS THAT LIGHT YOU INSECT?!" The Shadow King angrily asks the hero.
The Hero then says
"I have guided my spirit onto 2 warriors that will take you down one day."
The King gets angry and says "GOODBYE YOU HERO" As he stabs him.
"NO ONE SHOULD KNOW OF THIS! KILL EVERYONE WHO LOOKS LIKE THEY KNOW THIS BASTARD!" The Shadow King commanded his men in an angry tone.
After all the soldiers had left, the dark figure walks up to the Shadow king.
"You're a disgrace, how could you let yourself lose to that weakling?" The dark figure says in anger.
"I'll give you one last chance, you do put on an interesting show." The dark figure laughs just as he finishes talking and disappears.
Back in the present time, a young boy with semi-spiky dark blue hair and aqua eyes whose name was "Akihira Ryushiki" found himself in a house not his own.
Akihira wakes up covered in bandages.
"Uh what happened? My head hurts, where am I? How did I end up here? This was supposed to be a normal job." Akihira thinks to himself.
He then has flashbacks to a while back.
Akihira was out traveling selling his wares as a means to earn some coin and he had just reached a small town and decides to go in and stock up on his essentials and sell some stuff as well.
"Welcome, what can I do for you, sir?" The Shop keeper asks in a welcoming voice.
"Yeah hello, I'd like to sell some stuff." Akihira replies.
"Delightful, let's see what you have!" The shopkeeper eagerly replies.
After some time had passed, akihira was walking out of the shop after he sold everything he could.
"Pleasure doing business with you!" the shopkeeper said to him.
"Man, what a weirdo." Akihira thinks to himself.
Then akihira's stomach growls.
"Man I'm hungry, got a decent amount of coins, why not treat myself a little?" Akihira thinks.
He goes around town to try and find a decent place he could eat at.
"Here we are." Akihira says as he enters.
He goes and sits down and orders his food.
"MAN, I'M HUNGRY! TIME TO CHOW DOWN!" Akihira says to himself.
As Akihira is busy eating, he notices a girl walk in through the door and wobbling around like she was about to pass out or something. He stops eating and looks towards the girl.
"She looks like she's out of it." Akihira thinks to himself.
As he thinks that he sees the girl was about to pass out, he gets up and manages to catch her before she hit the ground.
"Hey, are you alright?!" Akihira worriedly asks the girl.
"Yeah, I'm fine." The girl replies in a tired and shy tone.
As she says that her stomach growls, her face starts turning red as she covers her face and looks away.
"Oh, so you're hungry? Come on let's eat." Akihira says.
"I-I don't have any money." the girl says.
"It's alright, lunch is on me!" Akihira reassures the girl.
"Th-thank you very much!" the girl says.
"Nah, no need to thank me." Akihira says.
As they eat akihira asks
"So, what happened?"
"huh?" The girl says in confusion.
"I mean, how come you are alone and with no money?" Akihira elaborates his question.
"Oh's a long story-"
"Nevermind then, I'm not that patient" Akihira cuts off the girl.
"oh o-okay, what about you? You don't seem like your around from here either." The girl asks.
"Yeah, I'm actually not. I'm on my way to farvein to sell some stuff heard they offer great deals there, I stopped in this town to sell some extra wares I got and to restock on my supplies." Akihira replies.
"Farvein, I see." the girl says lightly.
"Hmm? What was that?" Akihira asks.
"I-It was nothing." the girl says
After they eat they walk outside and the girl says
"I can go from here, thank you very much for the meal." the girl says as she bows.
"I already told you, don't worry about it. Always happy to help!"
"Goodbye now." the girl says then she walks away.
"What a strange girl." Akihira thinks to himself.
He then leaves the town. After over a week of walking, akihira stops to take a break right before entering a massive dense forest.