After resting for a while akihira heads into the forest, since that was the only way to his destination the prosperous town of farvein. Akihira wanders around for a while then realizes he got lost.
"CRAP! I'M LOST! How am I going to get out of this stupid forest?!" Akihira fumbles in anger.
He then hears screaming nearby, without a second thought he runs towards the screams and soon enough he sees it. A wild beast, it looked nothing like any creature he had seen before, he sees a girl on the ground scared of the beast it was the same girl he'd seen in the town before. The creature was about to attack the girl but akihira throws his bag at the beast and quickly runs to the girl and manages to save her in just the nick of time.
"IT'S YOU?! ARE YOU OKAY?!" Akihira Worriedly asks.
"OH, I-I'm fine, thank you." the girl replies.
"What are you doing here? Akihira asks.
The beast then roars loudly.
"We'll take later, run away, I'll keep this..THING distracted" Akihira says.
"A-are you sure? It's very dangerous, you will most definetely die" the girl replies.
"Way to be straightforward." Akihira thinks to himself.
Then the beast roars, the roar was so terrifying akihira stood there frozen.
"GO! RUN!" Akihira says to the girl in a panicked voice.
"I can't move my body." Akihira thinks to himself.
The wild creature attacked Akihira. But Akihira dodged it in time but it grazed his arm.
"Dammit, I shouldn't be distracted at a time like this. If I sneak behind the creature then I might be able to kill it" Akihira makes a plan.
Akihira then picks up a pointy stick and runs around and behind the trees to confuse the beast then he sneaks behind the creature and jumps to attack. But the creature's reflexes were too good and it managed to counter Akihira's attack, knocking him back into a tree with a ton of force and causing him to cough blood and hears a crack, akihira seeing no way to defeat the creature, starts to panic.
"CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP! MY ARM! IT'S BROKEN! Dammit, what am I gonna do?! This creature is way too strong for me to handle I can't do anything to kill or even distract it" Akihira thinks to himself.
Akihira tries to escape but the creature is too fast and strikes him again, receiving another critical injury. Akihira is lying on the ground.
"Is this the end for me?" Akihira asks himself.
While lying on the ground injured, Akihira hears a sound coming from the forest, it was a sound of breaking of tree branches. He then hears someone say.
"Look here you filthy animal, your mine!"
Akihira then sees a person with messy black hair and black eyes and says
"A human?"
The person says
"Your fighting ME now! TAKEEEEEEE THIS!!!"
The Person proceeds to throw a rock attached to a stick, one would call it a spear, but it looked nothing like one.
The Creature Casually knocks the "spear" away with it's tail while yawning.
"Oh Crap, TIME TO RU-" The creature interupts him.
The Creature suddenly appears in behind the person and strikes him. He was knocked back and injured.
Akihira manages to get up and help the person up and they start running as fast and they possbily can. After Running for a long while, Akihira and the stranger spot a clearing in the trees.
"Look! We're almost out of the forest." Akihira happily says.
"Yeah, your right." the mysterious person replies.
After reaching the clearing, they stop running and pass out from the loss of blood and exhaustion.
Akihira has a weird dream he hears someone
"He is not your final enemy" an unknown voice whispers but it was distorted.
"Who are you? and who is "HE"?" Akihira replies.
"Defeat him and you shall find out" the unknown voice says.
Akihira then remembers everything that happened.
"That's it! I got attacked by that weird monster, hope that girl made it out okay and also that stranger who saved me." Akihira thinks to himself.
He gets out of the bed and walks out a door, he sees children playing and people walking around and doing their work. Suddenly someone starts to speak and says.
"Hey kid, finally up are ya." Someone speaks to Akihira
"Who are you and where am I?" Akihira Asks him.
The Person answers him
"My name is Kushi Fukuhei, I am a woodcutter and this is the humble town of Farvein. I found you passed out at the edge of the forest along with another person when i went to get some wood, took you back here after i saw you bleedin"
"Oh i see so you were the one who saved me, thanks a lot. Mr. Fukuhei." Akihira Replies
Then another person came out and said
"Where am I? Are you the one who saved me? Thanks a lot mister."
"Yeah, thank you so much!" Akihira says with the stranger.
"Don't thank me, thank her. She's the one who actually tended to your injury's and took care of you for a few days." Fukuhei says.
They both look at where fukuhei was pointing at and see a beautiful young lady.
"Oh hey, it's you! Glad you got out of there okay!" Akirihira says with relief.
"Oh yes, thank you very much!" the girl says.
"Wait, you know them sugita?" Kushi asks her.
"Yes, that's the boy i was telling you about he's the one who saved my life a few days ago" She replies to kushi.
"She's a little shy, you see." Kushi says to them.
"My name is... Sugita Fukuhei it's umm...nice to meet you" Sugita says.
"Nice to meet you too, my name is Akihira Ryushiki" Akihira says.
"Thank you so much for saving my daughter, you have no idea how much she means to me." Kushi thanks them.
"Oh you must be hungry, let me ask my daughter to make you something to eat." Kushi says.
"You don't have to, we're already very grateful you saved our lives" Akihira says.
"Don't worry about it, I insist. Meanwhile why don't you go and change, there should be some spare clothes in the shed in the back." Kushi says.
He then goes in his house with Sugita.
"Hey, thanks for saving my life back there" Akihira says.
"Yeah, thanks for helping me as well" replies the man.
"What's your name?" Akihira asks.
"My name is Ichitsu Murai, Nice to meet you. You said your name was Akihira Ryushiki?" Replies Ichitsu.
"Yeah, nice to meet you."
Ichitsu then asks Akihira
"How did you end up here?"
"What do you mean?" replies Akihira.
"In that forest i mean, do you live nearby?" Ichitsu ellaborates.
"Actually no, I live quite far away. I was actually coming here to sell some stuff for a job and I got lost in that weird forest." Akihira Replies.
He has a flashback.
"Alright mom i'm heading out now" Akihira says to his mother.
"Wait, hold up! Here's your lunch, make sure to make stops as often as you can, okay dear?" His mom says to him.
"Yeah mom, i got it." Akihira replies in an embarrassed tone
Then as akihira was walking out of his house, his mom yells
"You have a very long walk ahead of you, so be extra careful. Remember your destination is the town of Farvein and try to sell as much stuff as you can along the way!"
"YES MOM I KNOW!" Akihira replies.
"Have a safe trip! See you in 3 weeks!" Akihira's mom says as she waves him goodbye.
"Oh I see, Some extra help huh?" Ichitsu says.
"What do you mean?" Akihira asks.
"I mean, your just trying to help your family right? Like with your dad?" Ichitsu explains.
"Oh uh no, I actually don't even know my dad, apparently he died shortly after I was born so I take the jobs to help my mom." Akihira replies.
"I'm so sorry to hear that." Ichitsu says.
"Nah, it's okay." Akihira says.
After talking they go in the back and grab the spare clothes Kushi had told them about. Akihira and Ichitsu wore similar unbleached, rough cotton, long-sleeved, tunic with rough texture, hand-sewn at some parts and tied with a light brown cloth, and grey trousers. Akihira's tunic was colored light blue, while Ichitsu's was colored as a dark grey.
Just as they finish up changing and walk up to the front, Kushi comes back and tells them to come inside for food.
"WOW, this looks DELICIOUS!" Akihira says while drooling.
"Are you sure this is okay?" Ichitsu Asks.
"Sure...umm it's just fine you can... eat as much as you want." Sugita Replies.
"THANK YOU FOR THE FOOD" Both Akihira and Ichitsu say.
"So tell me now what happened to you in that forest?" Kushi asks them.
Akihira and Ichitsu proceed to tell them what happened.
"You must have ran into the "Iron Oxbeast" your lucky kids, hardly anyone can escape that thing in one piece. Which is why i'm even more grateful was saving sugita's life" Kushi says.
"So what is the iron oxbeast?" asks Ichitsu.
"It's part of a race called "The Colossals". They say the beast's skin is has hard as iron, it can destroy entire homes in a matter of seconds. It once flattened a part of the forest in just a single dash." Kushi explains.
"Then how come the village dwellers aren't scared that the oxbeast would just come out of the forest and destroy the village?." Ichitsu asks.
"Oh because the Oxbeast can only live in forests, if in any case it comes out it'll be weakened and will die in a few days." Kushi replies.
"Oh well that's a relief" Ichitsu Says.
Fukuhei thinks to himself as he watches them eat.
"What incredible kids, they were injured pretty badly but they seemed to have healed quite fast.
"Alright, I'll be heading out now. Need to get some wood." Kushi Says.
"We'll go with you" Ichitsu quickly says.
"You don't have to" Kushi replies.
"It's the least we can do to help, you DID save our lives and let us rest and were even kind enough to feed us" Akihira says.
"Okay fine, you guys can help. Let me go get my spare axes from the back" Kushi replies.
"I gotta go back to my village soon" Ichitsu says to akihira"
"Oh come on man, what's the rush? LIVE A LITTLE! let's have some FUN!" Akihira replies.
Ichitsu Face palms
"Are you always this carefree?" Ichitsu asks.
Kushi comes back.
"Alright kids, today you will learn the art of WOODCUTTING!" Kushi Exclaims excitedily.
"LET'S GOOO!!" Akihira says excitedily as well.
"Are you always this enthusiastic?" Ichitsu asks.
"See you later dad, be safe okay?." Kushi's daughter waves him goodbye.
Akihira and Ichitsu started to help Kushi with his work everyday until their wounds were healed, akihira and ichitsu both sent letters to their loved ones, telling them they were okay and just got injured and were resting for a while and just like that two whole months pass by and Akihiro and Ichitsu were living peacefully with Kushi and Sugita until one day their peaceful days would come to a brutal end.
AFTER A Long day of work
"Alright! Let's head back now shall we" Kushi says.
"How come your not exhausted old man?" Akihira tiredly asks.
"I am NOT an old man, i'm merely in my 30s" Kushi replies with a bit of anger.
"But Akihira you've got some pretty impressive physical strength for your age and some insane reflexes, I'm impressed" Kushi says.
"You think so? I guess I never really noticed, i always thought i was pretty normal" Akihira replies.
"How about we just go back?" Ichitsu says.
Then while they were heading back, they were met with a horrifying sight.
The entire village of Farvein was being burned to the ground.