Sudden Awakening

Akihira, ichitsu and Kushi drop all the wood and frantically start to run towards the village.

"OH god, Sugita PLEASE BE SAFE" Kushi prays

"What in the world is happening?!" Ichitsu asks.

"We need to get there FAST" Akihira says.

When they all reach the village, they find that it was worst than what they had imagined. Mysterious figures setting fire to homes and the people's crying for their dead loved ones.

"What in the world is this?" Ichitsu shaking as he says.

"What the hell are those things?" Akihira says in a trembling voice.

"We will help them, you go on ahead and find your daughter and escape from here as soon as possible" Akihira and Ichitsu say to Kushi.

"Are you sure about this?" Kushi asks.

"Yeah, now go!" says Akihira.

Akihira and Ichitsu remain behind to help the injured people, it was a horrific sight.

"SUGITA!!! SUGITA WHERE ARE YOU?! IF YOU CAN HEAR ME ANSWER ME!" Kushi panicking and running around as he says that.

Kushi then sees sugita about to be killed by someone.

"Hang on sugita, Im coming!" he screams.

Kushi then runs at the thing and tackles it making it fall to the ground then he goes to sugita.

"Are you alright?!" Kushi asks her.

"I'm fine, i was so scared." Sugita replies

"I know dear must've been rough, but i'm here now"

"HAHAHHAHAHA! You filthy human. Do you have any idea who you just tackled?" Says an unkown voice.

The thing kushi had tackled got up.

"I am a super demon and one of the 5 thorns of hell one of the main defenses for our king, my name is Rolgith. Your going to pay for your insolence, i'll start by...Killing that precious doll of yours!"

"NO, DON'T HARM HER PLEASE." Kushi begs.

"Move!" the demon says in anger.

He then kicks away Kushi and is swings his sword that looked like steam was coming off of it to kill her. Sugita sits there crying as she looks away, then unexpectedly Kushi gets in the way of the demon's attack, and Kushi's chest gets slashed, just as this happens akihira and ichitsu reach there and see Kushi get sliced.

"NOOOOOO! MR. FUKUHEI!!!" Akihira screams.

Akihira runs towards the demon in anger Ichitsu stands there and can't believe what he's seeing.

"How dare you DEMON?!" Akihira is running towards him with a fist in the air.

Suddenly some more demons show up but they looked different than the one who attacked Kushi.

"Don't, you idiot, your gonna get yourself killed." Ichitsu says to akihira.

But Akihira didn't care, he was filled with anger.

"I won't let you get away with this!" Akihira screams at the demons.

One demon runs towards akihira to attack but akihira dodges and punches the demon, knocking him out. But then two demons come after akihira, one in front and behind him.

"Crap, can't dodge this. What am I gonna do?" Akihira thinks to himself.

"Akihira!" Ichitsu says as he towards him and picks up a sword and counter's the demon behind akihira.

"Come on akihira, are you gonna get defeated so easily?" Ichitsu says.

"Heh, like hell I'll be beaten." Akihira says.

Akihira and Ichitsu both manage to fight off the demons and akihira gets to Rolgith.

"Time to pay!" Akihira says in anger.

"You fool, you honestly think you can match me. Don't make me laugh" rolgith says in a sinister tone as he moves behind akihira.

"SO FAST, I could barely even see him." akihira thinks.

Rolgith then strikes akihira and ichitsu with his sword Injuring them badly and causing akihira to get knocked back towards Kushi.

"Akirhira!" Ichitsu shouts to him.

Ichitsu tries to go towards him but was stopped by another demon.

"Damn it, GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!!!!" Ichitsu screams.

Ichitsu then slices the demon and running towards akihira and Kushi.

"Akihira, Ichitsu, come here. Take care of Sugita please, Promise me you'll protect her and be there for her. It'll probably be difficult for her without her father but I know you guys can help her get through it, your both kind people. Please, this is my last wish." Kushi says to Akihira and Ichitsu then he dies.

Kushi's death causes something to awaken inside of akihira and ichitsu.

"Now to kill this beautiful little doll, Your death won't be an easy one, I'll use my vine sword to have spikey vines pop out of your body it's a very painful thing to experience believe me." Rolgith says in a sinister voice.

Rolgith jumps towards Sugita at a very high speed and swings his sword at Sugita, out of fear Sugita looks away but just before the sword hits her. Ichitsu comes between the two and blocks the sword with the sword he had, then akihira suddenly appears beside Rolgith.

"I won't let you lay a FINGER ON SUGITA, YOU BASTARD." Akihira says.

As he says that Akihira's fist gets surrounded in a strange red hot aura, then he punches rolgith causing him to get knocked back.

"We'll protect her NO MATTER THE COST!" THAT WAS THE LAST WISH OF OUR SOMEONE DEAR TO US." Akihira and Ichitsu say.

And as he says that Ichitsu's sword gets enveloped in a strange shadow-like aura which he then jumps ahead and slashes Rolgith with.

"WHAT?! IMPOSSIBLE! HE CAN CONTROL FIRE?! AND THAT SWORD USER CAN CONTROL SHADOWS. NO, THAT CAN'T BE RIGHT! But how could they have gotten powers like those?!" Rolgith thinks.

BUT HOW?! HOW CAN YOU EVEN MOVE?! I'm sure I hit you with my sword!" Rolgith says.


Akihira and Rolgith say as they run towards rolgith at fast speeds prepared to attack.

"Damn, what the heck?! How did these punks get so much power all of a sudden?" Rolgith thinks to himself.

"But" rolgith smiles as he says that.

"IT WON'T BE ENOUGH!" Rolgith shouts.