Chapter four: The past

 —*5 YEARS AGO * • —

With how tired y/n was from walking all those stairs, she was resting her head in the desk. Suddenly,few girls approached her. one of them kicked her desk loudly. "hey you!" she shouted.

y/n was startled. She looked up to see the mean girls of the class. They were surrounding her with disgusted looks. "go and get some snacks for us!" one of them rudely ordered.

"I don't want to" y/n replied. They started laughing while the leader was furious. the other one almost lifted her leg up to

y/n's desk and spoke out, "Look at this newbie's courage. She doesn't know anything about us."

"Let's teach her a lesson shall we?" they said while preparing their fist. But the leader stopped them. then she looked at y/n. "How about this? You'll get our work done and we'll give you, your stuff back" with smirk in her face. y/n earched for her bag and it wasn't there. "give it to me or I'll complain". She received another laugh from them.

"What are you? An elementary student? " She walked closer "This school runs in my father's hand. go get our work done if you don't want any further trouble." y/n had to. She didn't want any trouble approaching her in the first day.








[y/n'S P.O.V]

Back then, I was only an ordinary girl with a dream. I had my best friends who always supported me, Felix and Issac. We grew up together, But suddenly, my parents decided to move in to another city. I couldnt even say goodbye to them.

My mom didn't let me contact them for a while. they must be wondering why I disappeared.  In this new place and school, I felt lonelier than ever. I had no friends to hang out with and I terribly missed them. I still wanted to hold on to my dream. Which was dancing.

I'm glad there was a way to do that. I signed my name in and continued taking the classes. The dancing class. each day passed and I realized how much of an unprepared I am. I was left behind a lot. My steps were messing up. The teacher would yell at me every day. This often gathered attention of the other students.

they mocked and made fun of me. My family issues were getting fiercer. With those in my mind, I was losing my focus on everything else. everyday walking in to that gate of hell, tolerating those girl's words, Getting laughed at in the practice room, I could only stay quiet. Any complains would require my parent's presence. As a newbie in school I didn't want to cause trouble. Not to my studies, not to my parents.

Despite everything, I could still see a bit of hope in me. In those times, someone was encouraging me without even knowing. That one light in the middle of that practice room. That one figure that never looked back at me. Even when the teacher yelled and gathered the other entire student's attention. Even when everyone wanted to look at the girl who was being yelled at, He didn't even glance.

He was always there, focused on his every move. He was the most different one. Thomas. with the most outstanding visuals along with the most attraction. Soon I found out, I wasn't the only one crushing on him. All the other female students in that practice room signed in only for him. They weren't even passionate about dancing. But the teacher never paid them any heed.

Outside the practice room, He always had a group of friends surrounding him. And the one who claimed to be his official one. I heard that he won couple of dancing awards in different dance shows. That only proves how popular he is.

Even after all that, He still seemed to care too much about his performance. Does that mean he still hasn't achieved his dreams? Even after all those fame and popularity. Was a dream really that hard to reach?

That one night was too terrifying for me. I heard my parents fighting downstairs. I couldn't help but cover my ears to avoid hearing those curses. I looked at Jacob who was already sleeping with a headphone in his ear. The music was loud enough to avoid the sounds around him. He is just as depressed as I am. We both lost our home and now facing these terrible situations.

At last, I couldn't take it anymore and decided to leave without anyone knowing. I quietly passed the stairs and unlocked the doors. As expected, No one looked back at me. I was still wearing the practice cloths. That gave me an idea. I can still enter the practice room. there were no students or teachers around. I can now focus on my steps without caring about anything else.

As expected, the whole room was empty. The whole silence around was rather scary for me. I took off my jacket and ended up in a sleeveless shirt. It's the perfect time when I need music around me. I took out my earphone and put them on with the song I'm about to learn.

It was all me. I stared down the 'me' on the mirror. The mirror can only show me who I am. But I'm more than that. I need to prove it. I can't breakdown or give up cause of the things that's bothering me. I need to show who I am.






          ﹉﹉* Third person P.O.V. *﹉﹉






The music was too loud for her to hear anything. She could only focus on herself and keep trying every move till its perfect. She even failed to notice that someone opened the door and entered the room.

The person kept staring at her without stepping in. Observing her dancing skills, He could only stare. When he reached the limit of his staring, He walked inside enough to let her notice his presence.

y/n quickly took off her earphone. Suddenly she couldn't think straight. She's now in the practice room with Thomas. The time seemed to stop for her. She quickly greeted him, "Senior…It's nice to see you…" She said while bowing.

Thomas looked back and smiled in her last words. "Senior?" he repeated. y/n decided to not talk any further and keep up with her own part.

Both were quiet during their own practices. only when Thomas decided to take a glance at her few times. during the practice time, He was always being bothered by the girls. So, he used come back at night and practice properly. now noticing that y/n wasn't one of those girls who were clingy and screamed around him, He was at much ease.

Few hours passed. Y/n was pretty much satisfied with her work. She decided to head back. She didn't fail to notice Thomas, Who was also preparing to go back. Both collides their path on the way. "good night senior" Y/n said while bowing. Thomas once again smiled at her words.

"I'll walk you home. It's not safe for a girl to walk home late at night." He talked against the hesitation he felt.

"You don't have to bother-"she was

midway stopped by him."Senior. You called me that. Let me fulfill my duty as it". Y/n couldn't talk back. Both made their way walking down the streets.

They were quiet while Thomas kept his distance. Just then, they passed a store. He stopped and turned at her. "Have you eaten?" y/n shooked her head.

"Let's go. I'll treat you something". Before y/n could show any objection, He walked in and signed her to enter too. They bought cup noodles and took their seat outside the store. Y/n was sure hungry. She couldn't remember when the last time she had a proper meal. Her mom never bothered to enter the kitchen. The whole family was forced to eat outside.

she almost forgot Thomas's existence and began eating. He just sat there watching her. Y/n came back to her sense and slightly hid her face. "Messy" Thomas quietly said before eating his food.

He walked her home. They stopped outside, "I'll see you tomorrow then" He said before waving a goodbye. Y/n waved back and walked inside. Her parent's fight seemed to stop. She made her way inside her bedroom and collapsed on the bed. Without even knowing, a smile was flashing on her face. She hasnt felt this good in a while now.








Y/n was hoping for a better day in school. Just then she came across those girls again. They were staring at her furiously.

Y/n thought she could ignore them but they were aiming for her. "Going somewhere!?!" The girl in the middle shouted.The other sidekicks of her surrounded y/n. "What do you want?" she asked in her face.

"I heard you've spent a good time with Thomas last night." She stated with an arrogant tone.  Y/n was shocked. How did they spot them? They weren't even that close how they're describing. "What is it? Going after him because you wanted to get revenge from us!" "Look at you. You're more of a slut than I thought".

Before y/n could reply, she felt an aggressive pull on her hair. they grabbed her. she was screaming in pain while they were took her away. sbe was so much in pain that she couldnt even tell where they were taking her. At last, they pushed her inside the store-room and locked the doors.

Y/n stood up and slammed the door but none of them helped her. "Get me out of here", she screamed but only laughs could be heard. The room was dark. The only thing she feared. After all the banging on the door, her hand was deep shade of red. She realized it was useless and kneeled down. wrapping her arms around her legs and keeping her head hidden.

"Issac…" She whispered to herself. Only the memory of her and Issac came flooding in. She could only see him. Issac has always been the one who comforted her in darkness as far as she could remember. She missed him badly.

After half-an-hour, she was close to fainting. Just then, someone opened the door. She couldn't make out the figure and passed out.

Next thing she saw was a bright ceiling. She woke up and looked around to find herself in nurse room. The nurse wasn't there. She tried to remember what happened before.

The school ended and she made her way home. who knew something more vicious was waiting for her.