Chapter five: Separation

When she came back from school, she witnessed the most terrifying scene of her life. Her Mom was all prepared with a suitcase. Jacob was standing beside her all dressed up. Her Dad was in the sofa, looking at few papers. Why a suitcase?

Is…it that…her mom was leaving? The situation went out of hand. y/n's mom ignored her existence. She didn't even look back at her. She was busy collecting the divorce file. Y/n cried and screamed but they kept ignoring her. She requested them not to leave her alone.

That's when she realized, she never meant anything to her parents anyway. they only cared about Jacob. Y/n wanted Jacob to stand by her side but he rejected her. He had no other choice.

When their paper work was done, she picked up her suitcase and walked to the door. Y/n tried to stop her but it was no use. At last she fell on her knees, "mom, Please don't go! I can't live without you." Since she was an obstacle in their way, her mom at last looked at her.

When y/n was expecting her to say something comforting, she gave her a disgusted look. "IS THIS WHAT YOU'RE CABABLE OF!!?" Y/n stared in shock. her mom continued screaming, "IM ASHAMED OF MYSELF FOR GIVING BIRTH TO A TRASH LIKE YOU!!" y/n could only whisper in her loud voice, "mom…what are you saying"

"I have no reason to take you. You're only a burden in ones life. The only way you're useful is to be a mistress of someone! This Is what you're capable of!" Y/n broke down in that place. Those words were painful than ever. her mom took the path and left .she still didnt give up. She at last fell on her dad's knees and begged him to stop them. But he too stood still until they left.

The whole room was quiet except for y/n crying. Her dad looked down at her, "Don't expect me to feed you now". He walked away from that place.

She ran upstairs and fell on her bed. Crying and screaming. Calling out for her mom and Jacob. But they never came back. Y/n left herself in that suffering for a day. She kept calling her mom but she didn't pick up. Her dad didn't come back. She could only hug their family photo and cry all night. How long has it been? For how long she wasn't aware of her parent's divorce planning. Were they pretending the whole time?!?For 18 years they were only forced to live with each other. How much of it was real? and what was fake?

She couldn't realize when the time passed by. she woke up in an empty house next day. There were no sign of her dad. The rooms were empty. The happenings of last came flooding back. Her heart ache increases. She was all alone.

she found herself starving. She quickly went downstairs to prepare breakfast. Without a half-eaten bread, the whole fridge was empty. She wasn't even surprised.

She was against accepting the fact that her mother left her alone. She was still hoping for them to come back. Until then, she wanted to stand up for herself. Not relaying on anyone. She made up her mind and walked off.

After wearing a jacket and fixing the messy hair, she left to look for a work. The streets were busy with people. she seemed lost. She couldn't guide herself what to do anymore. Just then she noticed a store opened. This is the place where Thomas and y/n stopped the night before. She could remember their figure on the seat.

Speaking of Thomas, she wanted to go back to the practice room and see him. But the situation had something else prepared.

Y/n entered through door and found someone politely greeting her. She approached the counter and walked before a guy.

Y/n couldn't take her eyes off him. He looked perfect. Snapping out, she approached him. "I wanted to…apply for a work here". 

"Are you experienced?"

"A little…" y/n replied while brushing her arm. "You're lucky. I terribly need someone for work right now. Join me from tomorrow. Strict rules, you can't be late. Considering you're a student, I'll allow you to work after it ends." The guy replied without looking at her.

Y/n was surprised to see the sudden found of work. She was delighted. After bowing, she was about to leave, just then the store guy stopped her.  While giving her a hand to shake, "I'm Miles."

Y/n smiled and took his hand to shake,

"I'm Y/n"

"Nice to meet you y/n. You don't look like someone used to the roads. New here?"

Y/n knew he was staring at her from outside.

"Well…yea I moved in few weeks ago.-" She was mid-stopped by his sudden excitement, "Good to know… so…I'll see you around then."

"Yea… see ya."

        —*—[Present time] —*—

Y/n took her pup out for a walk in the park. the whole field was empty except for only few people. everything was foggy and cold around her. Bella seemed to be excited for her walk. She led y/n to wherever she was going. Y/n was smiling unknowingly. She felt relieved and happy. Just then her phone rang. She took out her phone to see the name. It was the very person she was expecting.

"hey Thomas,-". She couldn't speak any further.

"Where are you? Why would you leave without me!" she could make out her friends laughing beside him. " Calm down…I missed bella…so I took her out for a walk".

The other side of the phone was silent. "hey I'll be fine. Stop worrying". He was still silent. At last, she could hear his words, "you looked disturbed last night…I just wanted to make sure you're okay."

y/n smiled as if he can see her, "I'll hang up now." she heard before the call ended. she let out a long sigh. she wasn't against Thomas being this overprotective after everything that happened. Thoughts and memories were supposed to be in their own places. She knew it better than anyone else.

The other way, Thomas was silent after the call. He was staring nowhere. others were busy having fun. only Miles seemed to notice him. He patted his shoulder.

"She'll be fine. Don't worry".

thomas could only nod. But something was bothering. He picked up his jacket and walked to the door. "Sorry but I can't leave her alone". Miles was surprised for a second but then he nodded in understanding.

Half an hour passed, Y/n rested herself in a bench. Bella seemed to be acting weird. She was trying run away from there. Y/n didn't notice it until she started barking. At last, she ran off.

Y/n followed her while shouting her name. The pup was running without a stop. At last, she stopped in a far away corner, In front of a figure y/n couldn't make out.  That person patted bella for a while then he walked toward y/n. The person was still unknown since she couldn't see his face clearly. then she realized who he is and why belle ran up to him. "You followed me until here?"

Thomas only smiled before hugging her tightly. "How long has it been? I missed you", He whispered in her ears.

The next few minutes of heading back home was silent. A comfortable one. They had their own thoughts to think about. Y/n was holding one of his arms. Slightly leaning on his shoulder. While the other was holding bella's keychain.

The sun was out. everything was brightned up around them. They reached home together. Bella ran off to who knows where.

Thomas puts his arms around y/n's waist and leaned closer. Closer until they were inch apart from each other. But y/n pulled away. "Let's take a shower first."he nodded and took his hand back.


Y/n walked into her room. but there were no sign of the other. It was silent and empty. While wondering where Thomas went, she stepped ahead. Just then, he wrapped her around his arms. She was startled. But a wide smile appeared on her face. She felt warm in his arms.

"Cuddle?" he asked while lifting her off. she couldn't gather the courage to fight against his cute request. they lied down in bed and fell asleep.


Y/n woke up on hearing her phone ringing. It was louder than an alarm clock. She realized that thomas was still sleeping beside her. She tried to sit herself without waking him up. she picked up the phone to check the ID, Miles.While wondering why miles called her, she answered it.

"Please don't tell me you woke up just now"

"What is it?" she replied in sleepy voice.

"Not much. you and Thomas left few things back in my house. I'm here to give it back. Actually I'm outside your house."

"…I'll be down there in a minute"

"Okay…" The phone hung up. Y/n stretched her arms. looking at the sleeping Thomas beside her for the last time, she walked off.

"How can he sleep until this late", she whispered to herself while walking down. There she found Miles standing. He turned around and handed her a bag. "There sleepy head", He said while patting her head.

"Why would you bother to do so much? I could get there by myself."

"Why? Are you really that impatient to visit me ?" he tried to lean closer. but someone cleared his throat behind them. Both turned around and saw Thomas standing with his hand folded on his chest. "stealing her again?" He walked beside Y/n. Miles faked a scared expression. they were smiling and chatting for a while.

" I'll see you then. Got a lot of work around here."

————————* ————————

"Do you really have to leave?" Y/n asked while helping thomas with his outfit.  "Sorry sweetheart. They fixed a sudden meeting. I'll be back before afternoon. Call me if something happen, okay?" Y/n nodded. There was nothing else she could do. It always has been like this.