Chapter thirty: Be there for you

Inside her mind, she shouted at herself to run away from that place. but physically, she couldnt. She lost all her strenght to even move an inch.

She thought and cursed to herself. what did she even expect from Thomas...? If he can cheat on grace, it wont even hurt him to play with her feelings too.

Nothing but she wanted herself to calm down at that moment. while taking deep breaths, her eyes went teary. she couldnt make out anything infront of her.

backing away one step at a time, she bumped in to a vase. It made a loud sound around the hall.

Thomas heard the sound and walked toward where it came from. When they stood face to face, his eyes widened in shock. "y/n...?" he badly wished that y/n saw none of his doings. but too late, he could tell that she saw and heard everything.

y/n didnt want to stand a second before him. she picked up her bag and attempted to run the other way. Thomas grabs her wrist and stopped her from leaving, "Give me a chance to explain!"

"why?" he was speechless after hearing that word. why? he didnt know it himself

"Why do you have to explain it to me?

Who am I?" Thomas knew very well that he didnt have the answers of those questions yet.

"Dont bother, Thomas. We're nothing.

and we'll never be one." with it being her last words, she shaked off his grip on her hand and walked away. Once again, leaving him alone.

as soon as she left, Thomas fell on his knees. 'why?' her question ringing on his head. like it wasnt what he asked himself the whole time. why did he approach her in the first place? why did he thought he was happy whenever y/n was around?

Was it because, he never had to fake his emotions when she was around. He could be himself and didnt have to care what others think of him. or was it because, y/n wasnt like the others who made him feel like he had to be just perfect.

Despite his reason, he always turned blind eye on the humiliation y/n faced after he approached her. his supporters were sure to harass her after what he did. he thought to himself that, he was indeed....useless






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"Thanks for coming." Miles bowed to the customer who just left. The fake smile fades off his face. then he turned around to the other side of the store. He noticed y/n mopping the floor in an absent mind.

Since their shift started, Miles couldnt help but feel awkward in every action. he would gladly not come to work but thinking how both y/n and him took day off for the dance party, he didnt try to be cruel to the store owner.

a while later, y/n was done with her work and she walked to the counter. seeing how silent Miles was,she had a quick flashback of their last encounter. To her it didnt matter as long as they didnt take 'that' step. But They couldnt start any kind of talk with each other. The air around the store was cold and stiff. Even the passing customers could feel it.

When their shift ended, Miles tried to break the ice. he handed her a juice bottle. "my treat." he flashed her a heartwarming smile. she gladly took it and smiled back. "Did Henry tell you about the club night gathering?" the other shooked her head.

"It's happening at the end of this month...are you coming?"

"...I'll think about it." as they took seat in one of the table, the silence remained. But this time, Its wasnt awkward. Miles couldnt take his eyes off her. He knew that y/n is going through something difficult.

Miles hesitated before gently patting her on the head. He could tell that she needed it. He was right. Y/n didnt push him away, she was in deep need of comfort. With how confuse she was with her feelings lately, someone had to be there for her.

"Dont miss out on something like a gathering. It'll make you feel better." he patted her for the last time and stood up. "Now for the last thing to do today, Let's walk you home."

y/n slowly looked up to him with glaring eyes, "Do you see me as a burden?" Miles was amused with her sudden change of mood. He grabbed her hand and flashed a smile, "Im glad that only I can do it."






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As they walked on the road, casual conversations started to flow between them. Miles shared her funny happenings of school that made her laugh once in a while.

When they reached y/n's house, they knew that they had to say goodbye ,once again. It made both of them still for a while. "I'll ...just go then-"

"y/n!" she stopped in her track. She looked back and faced Miles's most nervous state. "hmm?"

"Im not so good at this ....but." he stepped closer to her. Once they stood face to face, he gently grabs her hand,

"If you ever need to talk to someone, Im here for you okay?" y/n took in his words and lets go of the nervousness she felt.

She had to admit that, whenever miles was around, she felt safe and secured. As if, he would go through any trouble just to make her laugh again. "Same goes from me." Miles was surprised with her sudden reply. "what-"

"Dont be so hard on yourself, Miles. Im here for you if you ever need to talk...thats the least I can do as a friend." He repl&ied her with a nod and smile as stepped away.

At times like this, its hard to say goodbye. Still they say it. So that the person would appear before them one more time.

"I'll see you tomorrow then."

"yeah, see you."