Chapter thirty one: Defeat

The next few days were calm and trouble-free for all of them. With the same routine everyday, they met up after classes. had lunches together and walked back home while talking about how their days went. 

At weekend, Henry and y/n did video calls and discussed if they had problems in studies. then they often hung out at parks.

Once in a while, y/n had flashbacks of the days with Thomas. But she lets it pass without thinking too much. She knew that the moments she spent with him will always trouble her to go back. but she wasnt ready to face him yet.

The only one who has changed since the dance party, was Isla. As days passed, she was slowly lessening her time with y/n and Henry. It came to a point where the other two could easily notice it. She didnt ignore them when they hung out together. But at lunch time, Isla took seat with Lucas, then she would often leave school with some new friends. 

Whenever Henry saw isla and Lucas together, he would lose courage of telling Isla the truth. because he never failed to notice how happy she was. Even if it meant leaving her real friends behind, She was happy. 

Jay didnt force Henry to say the truth since that day. He could tell Henry knew what he was doing. Better than anyone else.






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Finally the clubnight had arrived. y/n requested Isla to help her with the dress again, looking for a chance to talk with her. She arrived at her house few hours before It.

they both looked exhausted when they were done with it.

"What's with another celebration...we had the dance party only few weeks ago."

"Better make the best of time before the exams starts to hit. Besides there's difference between events held by school and students. No rules to abide and party all night." Isla replied while doing finishing touches on her makeup.

For a while, the room went silent. It was an unusual sight between them. but they had to save their energy for the night. "Is your boyfriend coming?" y/n finally gethered the courage to ask.

"Lucas? yeah, of course. I bet he's sitting in the VIP seats by now."

"Can I ask you something about him?" Isla turned around at the other. "what is it?" y/n stared at her for a while before changing her mind. "Forget it. I'll just ask about you.

Do you like him?"

Isla pretented to be serious for a second before bursting in to laughter. "Of course silly. We wouldnt be dating if not."

"Does he like you?"

"What do you mean?" Isla asked without turning around. her voice tone was replaced with more of an arrogant one. She was curious about what y/n wanted to mean, more than what she asked

as y/n missed the details, she took a long breath to explain, "lucas is a playboy, He plays with women like toys. He had never been serious with any relations-"

"So, you're assuming that im one of his toys." Isla stood up expressionless. It surprised y/n, "You were aware of it all along? why're just waiting around to be cheated on."

"I dont care if he doesnt like me or if he replaces me. What matters is that I can be together with the person I like." y/n couldnt believe what she's hearing. The person before her wasnt the Isla she knew all along. Her words and intentions were total opposite of her friend. 

"You dont have to do this...There has to be someone else out there. You dont have to hurt yourself like this-" Isla cuts into her words,

"Its been a long time. The one-sided crush I had for him. it became more and more unbearable seeing him with other girls...It should've been me...when I finally had the chance, I took it. I finally have him.

Unlike you!"

y/n stood still in shock. Those looks and action, every bit of it was familliar to her. why wouldnt it be, she was bullied by those same attitudes for a long time. All she could say now was that, she has lost her friend. Isla was completely acting like those mean girls. Over possessive, arrogant and hurtful words, she had it all. "How did you-"

"You're easy to read." Isla closed into y/n and whispered, "easier to defeat." before the other could even flinch, she walked out of her room. 

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