Chapter thirty two: Unknown

Loud thumping music was playing when they entered. It took them a while to adjust with the flashing lights. The air was thick, the room was dark. With where the girls stood, they could see the dancefloor and many people dancing.

Isla left the spot and walked to her friends. y/n didnt even try to call her out. The whole way to the club, both were silent in the ride. With how their last conversation ended, none of them dared to say anything.

With so many people around her, she couldnt make out a single person, let alone her friends. There were guys staring at her with evil intentions. It wont be long enough before one of them approaches her. She could no longer control her mind. her hands were trembling in fear. 

Just then,someone taps her on the shoulder that made her freezed on the spot. She turned around slowly and felt relived to see who it was. "Jay, thank goodness. I thought im lost-" before she could finish, Jay signalled her 'this way' before walking away.

y/n obediently followed him through the crowd. when her mind moved away from the past fear, she noticed Jay. It was rare for her to see him without the school uniform. he looked pleasing to eye. She could already hear few girls praising his looks.

As they walked closer, she noticed a table where Henry and Miles were seating. They looked lost in a conversation. The irritation on Henry's face was growing in seconds. Once they reached them, Henry began to fake cry, "y/n, Miles is stressing me out!" with having no idea of whats going on, she simply patted him, "there, there." she heard Miles saying 'childish' under his breath. Y/n took seat beside Miles.

When Henry and Jay were busy on a talk about the best drink, Miles closed the space between him and y/n, he wraps his arm around her shoulder. He glanced to see if she was bothered by his action. but felt relieved cause she wasnt. Without any intention of pushing him away, she felt warm and  comfortable in his arms. 

Jay interrupted their silence "where's Isla?" the other's mood was suddenly down. She recalled her last talk "with Lucas I guess..." Henry gulped down his drink in anger. He reached out his empty glass to Jay, "Jay, get me a drink."

"Get it yourself." with it being said, Jay walked away from that place. Henry puts on a disbelieve expression, "Come on dude, a single man is crying here." he moved his hand all around the air to call him back. but Jay ignored him as a 'not my problem'.

"Henry, if you're at it, get one for me too." before the other could even reply, y/n followed "me too." with how wrongful henry began to act, the other two burst out in laugh. he kept saying, 'oh, come on' while walking away to get their drinks.

"Spare that poor soul."

"poor? he's just spoiled."

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An unknown person walked up to Isla's seat and tapped two times beside her. when he got her attention, Isla flashed a smile to him.

"Is she here?" Isla nodded in his question. she took a sip from her drink and rashly replied, "She's all yours now."

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y/n and Miles sat still as the music changed two times by now. they started few talks before, but it soon died down since both of them prefered silence. Miles lifted his glass for a sip of wine. Just then, y/n turned to him. "Miles?"

"hmm?" the other hummed inside the glass.

"Can you sing?" it shocked miles so much at the spot that he almost spit out his drinks. he cough few times before holding himself back. "suddenly?!?"

"No reason. so...can you?" y/n acted innocent as if she wasnt the reason miles almost died. "I can." being surprised with his overflowing confidence, y/n got excited "I would like to hear you one day." 

Just then, a guy approached them. Both y/n and miles reconized him as one of their classmates.a group of other students were following him from behind. They called out Miles to join them. "I'll pass." Miles rejected him with a tired look. y/n could tell his reason to refuse. "Go ahead, I'll be fine."

Miles stared at her for confirmation, "you sure?" the other nodded in reply.

At last, he stood up and let out a sigh, "Dont go anywhere before I come back." with it being said, he joined his classmates and walked away.






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A waiter approached y/n's table. she looked confused with his presence, "we havent ordered ye-" he slides a note to her side and left. "Wait- who is - what...-" she hesitated to open the note. what could be writted on it, she thought. 

At last, the highlighted note was in her hand. She opened it and read out few words, "Meet me in the left hall." no name was written on it. "whatever..." she threw away the paper and sat still.

every single minute began to pass like hours. no matter how much she tried, her mind was brought back to that note.with no doubt, someone was waiting for her. she felt guilty to leave that person stood up. "maybe I can just take a walk...." she looked for her friends around where she was but none of them were at sight. It gave her the chance to walk off.






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In every step, she was more and more amazed with the way everything was arranged. The light flickered with the music playing loudly in the background. When she reached the spot, her steps came to an end. she stopped in a corner and waited for that person.

Just then, someone tapped on her shoulder. She turned around and met the person she couldnt expect any less, Thomas Lee. His bright smile welcomed her to his place, "how good to see you here!" he eyed her from head to toe, "You look gorgeous."

y/n could tell that he was slightly drunk. Not enough to lose his mind but enough to complicate things if she walks away. "hey...good to see you too." He handed her a drink and stood beside, "how's the night for you?" 

"pretty good, I guess."

"Im glad." Thomas figured that she was forcing her actions. his mood went down,

"I wanted to say sorry about the other day." it brought the other back in reality. When he made sure that he got her attention, he tunred around, "I just hope wont step down from dancing classes because of my careless doing."

y/n could feel the sincerity in his words. But she wondered if it was enough to forgive him. those bad events were nothing but a faint memory to her... "cheers?" she turned to look at his happy yet lonely eyes, waiting for her reply. She simply nodded and their glasses clinged.






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Miles came back to his seat and found Henry using his phone. "Where is she?"

"Where is who?"

"y/n, henry!"

"I dont know, I just got here." Miles flipped his hair in flustration. He looked around for a while before running off.