Chapter fifty eight: Gotten Together

Guess the plan to go on a trip has been made successfully.

It was just another morning when all of the friends gathered to go on a camping trip. It was indeed a plan made in a short time, so no one was that prepared. still they all learned to rely on each other.

The vehicle was a small rented campervan. Since the guys were still arriving, those present had already loaded their backpacks into the van. 

A while later, they were all surprised with someone's presence. Someone they didnt expect at all. Miles and Jay seemed at a loss while Henry 

seemed rather furious to see her.

Before them was their old friend, Isla. behind her was another woman with a boyish appearance. of course, no one paid heed to her. all of them were taken aback with how Isla showed up.

They heard y/n greeting them excitedly, "You're here!" she lead them infront of others. they were welcomed quite awkwardly by the boys. "I see you brought a friend."

"Oh, She's my cousin, yiren." the person mentioned wasnt interested in greeting back. she only nodded and proceeds to walk away, leaving Isla in a awkward situation, "She came to visit us on holiday, so I thought she might cheer up if she joined us. I'm sorry, she's not so chatty around strangers. But trust me, once you get to know her, she's a really nice person."

"Its okay. Im sure she'll get along with us just fine." as the girls continued to talk, someone in the back was feeling annoyed by them.

Henry couldnt stand still and walked off to another side. Noticing it, Isla felt outcasted. she knew really well that this wasnt gonna work out. She knew it from the moment y/n invited her to this trip. 

But still, she didnt ignore the fact that she once hurt henry and that its her responsibility to sort out their friendship.

Looking at Henry's behaviour, y/n followed him. "Come one buddy, we talked about this." with an irritated look, Henry ran his hand through his hair, "This is so messed up y/n. I cant breathe the same air with her. Its suffocating"

"But I explained it to you havent I? We all thought wrong of her."

"So what? It doesnt change the fact that she said all those mean things to you. I mean, listen. I truly respect that you decided to forgive her, but that's not the same case for me."

Y/N wasnt totally disagreeing with him. She just didnt want henry to be stuck in the past. He was allowed to take time to forgive her, even if he doesnt, It was fine too. But for now, her only goal was to give their friendship another chance .

She nodded and spoke in a faint voice, "What do you want me to do, She's already here." 

"Just tell her to stay the hell out of my sight!" Once said, Henry stormed off to who knows where. maybe he needed some fresh air so y/n didnt bother to follow him. 

She knew him well enough to know that he wont ruin their plan for this silly reason. Relieved, she returned to her other friends.

Once arrived, She saw Thomas approaching her. In a split second, all her worries disappeared. when he was there, she felt much better about herself. He had a calming presence that made her feel safe. 

Soon welcomed with Thomas's beautiful smile, he spoke out,"Hey girl, how's it going?" before he could finish, y/n leaned her head on his shoulder, which led to him hugging her tightly so that she wont fall, "Dont ask, Im beat." 

A sigh left him, "Everything will turn out fine. Its our first trip together, How about you just relax a bit." nodding in reply, y/n continued to hug him.

Knowing that they were quite away from their group of friends, nothing stopped them from staying that way. It felt safest in each other's arms.

Just then someone peeks their head in between, "hey!" surprised at his presence, they quickly parted, "Felix! when did you get here!?!"

"Just now. Sorry if i was interrupting something, but can I borrow y/n?" Thomas stood there dumbfounded while Felix dragged her away.

Turning back, y/n noticed someone new infront of her. She should've expected him when she invited Felix. But just the thought of their last exchange made her want to avoid him all over again.

Issac was standing there, his hand folded on his chest. His eyes piercing at them as they neared. who knows how long he was staring. Was he staring even when Thomas and y/n were hugging...?

Time passed and everyone was finally ready to leave. it was time for them to start their trip. The out of work ones had already taken their seats and it was their turn to decide who was going to drive. Just then they heard someone shouting.

Following the noise, they found yiren and felix behind the car, Fighting for the key. "I'll drive!"

"I should be the one driving! You dont even know how to properly apologize to someone older than you. how can I trust a car in your hand?!" yiren shouted back as she snatched the car keys.

"Excuse me, you're the one not looking where you're headed." They all stood confused. It was pretty obvious that this two had already met each other. but did it have to be in that bad way?

"Whats going on here?" Issac was the first one to step in. Since he was like a guardian to Felix and it seemed like it was his responsibility to stop him when felix did something wrong, "Is this how you talk to someone? apologize."

"Issac, this girl's being so unreasonable. I just accidently bumped into her and now she's going on about how blind I am and that she wont let me drive the car."

"If you didnt want it to happen, you should've watched where you're going. I cant even imagine what might happen if you drive today." yiren was about to shout more but Isla quickly stopped her, "I apologize for her misbehaviour, It wont happen again."

"It better not." Felix was also stopped by Issac's glare. As soon as the fighting came to an end, everyone took their seats in the van. Jay ended up the one driving.




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After the long journey, they finally reached their destination. quickly running out of the car, they all stood by the shore.

Ocean was the only thing visible on the horizon, other than the sky. The wave came crashing onto the sand. The clouds darkened as the sun disappeared. The water reflected the image of the crimson evening sky.

 "The air is so fresh ~" the wind blew while they all took in the beautiful view of sunset.

But in the back, there was Miles working on bringing the bags down. Jay walked up to him, "Why arent you joining us?"

"Well, the view isnt going to prepare our food." Miles looked determined. maybe he was having fun on his own way. Jay left soon since he was unable to change the other ones way of thinking. Joining the others, they continued to take pictures.

From where y/n stood, the fleeting colors of dusk began to fade away. The sand under her feet was blazing hot and it wasn't even smooth. It hurt. The water was cold and whenever an errant wave lapped on her feet, chill ran down her spine. she gazed at the sunset. It was a beatiful sight to see. She tried to reach out towards it. 

She felt as if It was the turning of a page in her life. Feeling assured that from now on, nothing bad could ever happen to her, 'everything's fine' she said to herself.

But then, breaking the train of thoughts, Thomas sneakily splashed water at her side. 

She was surprised with the sudden shower, "Hey!" anger rushed through her, out of revenge, she splashed back at him, "Okay, okay, Im sorry." Their play time didnt end there, both started a big splash fight on the spot.

Yiren stood far away and stared at them. Isla joined her and thought she might be enjoying the view, but it turned out to be something else,  "What are we looking at right now?"

"These two are so in Love." surprised by her words, Isla burst out in a smile. "Even you can see it...I guess they're the only one who doesnt."