Chapter fifty seven: Passerby

It was around afternoon when y/n was able to head back home from work. It was like just any other day, The roads shimmered in the heat of the midday sun. 

Fewer people were on the road now. She continued to walk in silence. When suddenly there was a disturbance in her view.

She bumped into a man. He was all covered with mask and hat. It seemed like he was too lost in his thoughts to notice the passerby, "Sorry-" he apologized before heading the other way.

The voice was awfully familliar to y/n. halt in her track, she stopped him from leaving "Arent you...?" the man turned around in a fear that she recognized him. 

Once taking in the man's feature, she made no mistake in recognizing him, "Lucas?!?"

He looked surprised for a moment but then he recognized her too. there was no way back. Lucas gave up on hiding hid identity and took off the mask. he looked in a lot worse state than the last time she saw him, "Arent you Isla's friend?"

y/n clearly figured out his reason for hanging around in this neighbourhood, and it wasnt a good one, "If you're here to see Isla, I suggest you give up."

"But I'm not here to bother her."

"Bother her?! You know how much she suffered because of you. How dare you show yourself to her again!"

"...I know...I dont deserve forgiveness ... but I found out she's really sick, so I couldnt stop worrying about her." 

y/n let out a scoff hearing his words, "Now why would you even care about her?! Do you even know how many girls you played around with?!"

"But she's different...I know...I have no excuses...but do me a favor will you?" saying it, He spoke no further. maybe he didnt have the enough courage to. When the silence became uncomfortable, she glared at him, "what is it?"

"You see back when we were dating, my friends didnt like how she used to hang out with you. So I told her to keep distance from you for our relation's sake. " He agonized over the guilt that he felt. It was quiet apparent at the moment even though he tried his best to hide it.

"We had to split up back then. now, I want a second chance but she oftens complains how because of me she lost all her friends.

I know you can understand her. I take responsibility for what she did. I forced her to do all that, even when she wasnt willing to. I just hope you'll forgive her and check up on her now and then....I promise I'll never show up again."

After the encounter with Lucas, y/n had a change in her emotions. To think that It was Lucas forcing Isla to act like that towards her friend, she couldnt help but look at her in a different way.

'She's sick...?' the thought lingered around her mind. there was nothing else she wanted than just to visit her.

She hesitated to ring the bell. but when it was done, she was warmly welcomed by Isla's mom. "Im her friend, Is it okay to see her?"

"Of course, it's just a mild fever, it's not contagious. She's upstairs." the middle-aged woman reassured her before showing her the way.

Inside Isla's room, a person lying in her bed came to the sight. at the mention of her friend visiting, she quickly sat up and forced a smile. her mom excused the young ladies and headed downstairs. "y/n, Im really glad you came. I thought you didnt want to see me again."

Letting out a sigh, y/n took the seat next to the bed, "I heard you're sick and I...caught someone milling about outside your house." It didnt take a second for Isla to figure out who was being reffered. A tired expression came over her face, "I told him not to do that."

"Is everything okay...?"

"Yeah...Its just that, he apologized for all those times and asked for a second chance."

"So, what do you think? will you give him another chance?" there was no response from the other side. Isla fidgeted in the spot, "I dont know..."

"Its all up to you. You can take your time."

"What about you? You're visiting me... should I think that you forgave me?" for a slight moment, a second thought passed her mind. But when she looked at the weak and innocent girl up front, she no longer hesitated. "I forgive you."

"Really?! Omg, thanks you! But what about henry...? and the others? I bet they wont like it If I hang out with you." just at the thought of leaving them, gloom tugged at her heart. She sat still without saying anything.

"I'll talk to them. Im sure they wont mind. After all, it's been a long time since we've all gotten together. "

"Right, Theres so many things i want to do together, how about we go for shopping?" as her excitement grew, she spoke faster, not giving the other one the chance to reply. "How should I put it ... I'm quite busy. I came across my old friends at the moment. I'm still very worried about what to plan ahead ..."

"Then, How about planning for trips?"




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Felix went out for a drive with the new car Issac had bought. Of course the reason was to show off something which wasnt even his to begin with. Regardless, he always liked the idea of being in the center of attention.

He was living in the moment. Driving fast on the road as the wind blows on his blonde hair. He adored driving in a beautiful car with the sun in his eyes. he was in a need of the excitement, the adrenaline rush that speed gave him.

But he eventually had to slow down when a busy road came ahead and there was no more parking spot left.

It spoiled his mood a bit. But then he could feel all the eyes on him. People stared at his fancy car and whispered around the road.

Noticing it, a smirk appeared on his face. He couldnt be anymore proud than this. This boy had no sense on saving. He always lavishly spent money on shoes and outfits. This fancy car had to be the only thing left to show off on his list.

Suddenly he felt a strong crash on the back of the car. when he realized someone had crashed their car on his. He was furious at the way his spotlight was ruined. swearing his way out, He made his way to the damaged side, "Who the hell scratched my car!!"

When Felix approached the other car, it gathered a crowd in front of them. they were all curious to see how it turned out.

The windows of the other car was found closed, "You coward! How dare you! Come out and face me! Do you even know how much my car costs!?!"

As he continued to shout and curse, The windows rolled down, shutting him up in a second. Because inside there was a beautiful woman sitting on the driving's seat. She took off her sunglasses and met eye with Felix.

Felix was lost in her beauty. He stammered and then lowered his voice, "Do ... you even know ... how much damage you've caused, you have to pay for it or else I'lll call the police."

But the woman was unbothered. She opened her purse and threw a stack of money outside the window, "Next time, Find yourself a parking spot." once said, she drove off.

The amount of humiliation that happened in front of the crowd was too unbearable to handle for Felix. He realized how foolish he was to let her go just because he had a weak spot for beautiful women , "You-."

Back at home, Issac was passing by the living room when suddenly he heard the younger one shouting furiously.

There was a load of cuss words coming out from him to the point it was concerning. "Will you just tell me what is it?"

Felix finally calmed down, "You wont believe what just happened! I just met the craziest woman in the world! She was the careless one while driving! But she blamed me infront of the whole crowd instead-" while felix kept complaining, Issac unbotherly left the place. "Congrats, You met your other half."