Chapter sixty: Waiting for me

After dinner they all sat by the shore, surrounding the fire. Their stay was calming and peaceful. Against the bitterly cold night, they found warmth near the fire. Sitting in silence looking into the flames, they knew this trip was a success.

When the plan was to only talk, laugh and drink away the night, Miles brought out a guitar. Surprised, they all cheered for him to sing. "Sing! Sing!"

"whoa! whoa! I can sing for you but someone has to play the guitar for me." as soon as he said it, they all went quiet. "I'll do it." Thomas took the guitar and sat beside miles.

Both began singing, the whole place became silent, Miles's low voice was beautiful and pleasing to the ear  while Thomas's voice was attractive and calm. and when these two voices blend together, It was a perfect harmony.

It was just another fascinating night filled with amazing stars spread across the sky but they were lucky they had each other.

[I found a love for me. Oh darling, just dive right in and follow my lead]Noticing that everyone's attention was on the performer, Issac took his chance to look at y/n. 

The ocean breeze cooled his back, and his heartbeat pounded harder and harder as he stared at her smile.

'I missed you...' 

[ I found a girl, beautiful and sweet. Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me.]

As they sang, Thomas looks at y/n with eyes full of love. When their eyes met, they smiled at each other. But the stare didnt last long. Thomas focused back on the guitar.

[Cause we were just kids when we fell in love, Not knowing what it was.

I will not give you up this time]

Next time, y/n's eyes fell on Issac and found him also staring at her. A flash of remembrance passed between them but he quickly looked away. There was pain in his eyes when he noticed her looking at Thomas like that.

Memories flowed back into her mind. She is reminded of the days they were together back in their place. 

Issac has always been the big brother she could rely on. But as they grew up, distance came between them.

Fear and change of emotions, which they were too scared to face. In a thought that they might lose each other if they did. But their feelings were too strong to hide. In the end, they separated with nothing.

[Baby, I'm dancing in the dark 

with you between my arms]

She looked at Thomas once more. He was busy playing the guitar while singing along with Miles. As for him, y/n was still confused as to what to feel.

There was no doubt that she liked him before, but their friendship meant much more than that and she didnt want to lose what they have.

[I whispered underneath my breath

But you heard it. darling, you look perfect tonight] They all clapped and cheered for the singer and guitarist when the song came to an end. Just like that, the night ended with it.

——♬ —— ——♬ —— —'—♬ ——




'Where did it all go wrong?'

Was it when he had a perfect life but other were too envious of it? Or when the people he called his own were too jealous to see him living that way? 

Issac grew up only hearing about his big brother, Ivan. Not being able to see him because he was always working for their family business.

He only ever gathered at family reunions but left too soon. Issac always looked up to him. He wanted to get close to the brother he called his own. 

But it ddint last long. One day he woke up finding his whole family in chaos. 'Ivan ran away with his lover' was the first thing he heard that day. Wherever he went in his house, the servants were always there whispering these words.

He was too young to understand what it meant when they said 'He wont come back'.

Since it happened, he hasnt been able to contact his parents for the next few months. They were always at the company, repairing the damage Ivan has caused.

And when they finally wanted to see their other son, there was no affection or care left in their eyes. They were cold and stern in his presence.

"Start giving him the classes, he'll be our new successor from now on." Mrs. Smith ordered the someone who used to be Ivan's tutor before. Little did Issac know at the time that his entire life was about to change.

The disappearance of his brother caused an empty spot in their family. and he had to fill in that empty space.

He wasnt allowed to leave his room, or his house if that mattered. Issac's parents did everything in their power to turn him into the ideal heir they dreamed of.

He was always imprisoned, taught and learned how to act like a successor. Thats when his whole life starts crashing down. He felt overshadowed and frustrated. He hated how his brother left him in this misery.

At the same time, he could feel how his brother felt. Caged and unable to live a life. to the point that he couldnt stand it any longer and just left everything behind. If it wasnt for him running away, issac's life wouldnt have been ruined like this and none of this would've happened.

Issac couldnt attend school as before. No hanging out with friends, Returning home and taking lesson at sharp times. One thing he knew was that he had surely lost his old life.

"I'll wait for you." then a sudden voice woke him up from the nightmare. "What...?" his vision cleared up and there was his friend sitting next to him with a smile on her face, "I know you can do this. Then one day you'll be able to take over everything you dream of."

"You really think so? The way I see it, nothing's working out. Im always lacking. My parents are always dissappointed on my result. I feel imprisoned at my house. I barely get to see you guys and have fun the way we used to. The only thing I can control is that damn pen at my desk."

He sounded heartbroken and trembled at the thought of going back to his room. Just then, She puts her hand over his and faced those teary eyes.

"I believe in you Issac. You're stronger than you think. Dont give up and remember, Im always here for you when you need me." She walked infront of him and and pointed at the sky, "And when we both reach our dreams together, we'll be invincible. Nothing in this world can bring us down."

"Do you mean it...? You'll wait for me? Even if it takes...years?"

"Of course." Hearing her say those words, Issac found a new light in his path. He finally had a reason to lead this miserable life.

At that place, He promised himself that he would go through anything to find that day when he would be strong enough to protect everyone he held dear.He wont turn out like his coward brother and prove that he's different. Until they both reach that day, they'll wait.

Waiting was all they had to do.

But not everything went their way. once again, Issac's life starts crashing down. He found out that

Y/N wasnt waiting for him anymore. She left him...

The rope of hope he held onto was torn to pieces in a second. 

He was surrounded by so many people but not one of them truly understanded him the way she did. He went through the same thing that happened when his brother dissappeared. He blamed himself for the outcome. "Everyone left me...Am I that incapable of love?"

As much as he was in pain, he also hated her.

Whenever Felix handed him the phone, requesting to talk to her, he refused. He hated the thought of talking with her like she did nothing wrong.

There were times when he couldnt contain his anger and called y/n. but it was mostly when he was drunk and alone. When their happy memories were supposed to make him hate her but it made him miss her instead.

He only wanted to hear her voice even if she had no idea who he was, he convinced himself that he'll be fine if he makes sure she's still there, within his reach.

A long time passed, at least that's how it felt for him. He successfully took over their company after his father's retirement.

Things were no longer the same. For once in his life, he felt stronger than ever. Strong enough to do anything he wanted. He had everything he dreamed of. 

But still something was missing. It was a void deep in his heart. No matter how hard he tried, he couldnt shake it off.

Then he knew it was time to face it. The biggest fear of his life. 

He wished he was strong enough to do so, but the moment they stood face to face and he had a clear view of how she looked at him now, he knew things were no longer the same.

She changed.




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At dawn, y/n was disturbed by the sudden light coming from outside. She came out of her tent and found someone standing along the shore enjoying the sunrise.

She quickly walked beside him to share the view, "Good morning." When the person turned around and faced her, she had a change of heart, "Oh, hey, Issac..."