Chapter sixty one: Wrong

"Its beautiful." caught up in a sudden silence, both were at loss of words to say and quickly changed the topic, "Arent you sleepy, waking up this early~"

"I dont sleep much. besides, the view is worth it." The sun began to rise higher very slowly and the colors became more vibrant. Both stood there quietly and calmness came over the place.

"You changed a lot. I remember you were late for school every day." with the sudden mention of their old days, Issac felt annoyed. He sighs, "It seems like you have a habit of always bringing up the old times."

"Maybe...because thats what keeps me going. those were sure good days."

"No, they were not." stating it harshly, he felt irritated with how their conversation was turning out. "What do you mean...?"

"I mean what I said. Our past is like a nightmare to me. I wish the person who ruined it themselves wouldnt bring it up again."

She thought for a moment and then turned to speak, a puzzled look on her face, "I dont do you want me to react to this? ... What do you mean I ruined it when you were the one distancing yourself the whole time." 

The other one was quietly staring ahead. he steps closer to the sea, "I wished... to never see you again. It would've been much better if we hadnt met."

Annoyed by his indirect words, she spoke louder than before, "Whats gotten into you?... If there's a problem why wont you bring it up? We can talk it out then judge who's the one to blame here." 

Stepping forward, Issac stared into her hurtful eyes. "You really dont know what you did?"

"I really dont, just tell me."

"You broke our promise."

"what promise...?"

"We promised that we'll wait for each other. you promised to stay until then." a sudden realisation burnt into her mind. 'our promise...' confused of what to say next, she stepped back.


"I couldnt stop thinking about what was so wrong in me...I wanted to be strong enough so that one day I could protect you. but you werent there anymore." he stood, dazed and dejected.

For a moment, time sat still. y/n had to organize her thoughts ten times before she could speak. she couldnt let him know of her circumstances. 'I thought if I explained myself to Felix, Issac would buy it too. but...he knew I was hiding something.'

"Our parents kept us here against our will. we had no say in it."

"That's what we thought. But you can fool Felix, not me. I kept someone close so I could know everything that happens here."

Hearing it, she looked at him as though he betrayed her. "You put a tail on me...does that mean... you know about it...? you knew it the whole time!?!"

Issac looked away since he knew he was in wrong here, "Right, Your family split up. It was the first thing I learned when i set my eyes on that report. I stopped right after. It was wrong of me to use my power on something like this."

Guilt flashed across his face but it quickly fade off, "Then I waited...I wanted you to tell me this by yourself... But turns out, you meant to hide it. you werent planning to tell us in the first place."

"I couldnt bring myself to. I didnt want you guys to worry even when we were so far away. I didnt want you both to look at me with pity in your if Im worthless and good for nothing."

He grabbed her shoulder and stared at those trembling eyes, "How could you even think of us like that. Even if we knew, there was no reason for us to pity you. It was your family matter, what has that got to do with us! why didnt you come back to us?"  

'There's more to it, isnt there? just say it!' But her silence remained. his hands dropped and he looked away, disappointed. "You never trusted us to begin with. You never thought of us as your own. And It seems like, you're really happy to be here."

'You dont know what I went through to be dont know anything!' Issac stared long enough to know that she wasnt going to speak up. He sighs and attempted to walk away. 

It was when y/n realised what she was about to lose. giving in, she followed behind. "It wasnt easy for me either. I had to give up on my dream to achieve this happiness which you speak so easily of..."

Issac stopped in his tracks, and in the most winning look, he turned around. It was all his plan to make her speak and he was successful. He stared curiously to see what she was going to say next.

"After my family split up... we were broke and I had to work all day to pay the bills... dad ran away and his friends were after me for money... Later I was so entangled with some psychotic people that they even went to the length of abducting me." 

Tears formed in her eyes when she had to look back and explain what she went through. "I was trapped in fire, if it werent for my friends, I wouldnt have been able to escape." 

Issac was done hearing the explaination he wanted all along. Suddenly, he wished he never forced her to say it. but he was too shocked to say anything.

His lips clamped together firmly, finding it hard to believe that all of this happened within the time of them being apart. "...why I never knew about this...?" he stood there in disbelieve.

"I hid it from you cause I had no choice... I didnt want myself to be a please issac, dont leave me again." all the while explaining how sorry she is that she wronged them, lowering her head, she burst into tears. 

His expression softened when he saw her crying. suddenly, his vision flickered and in front of him was the little y/n he had known before. The little girl he even wanted to give his life for. and when the vision cleared, he saw the present her crying.

It filled him with heartache that he made her cry. he hurt the only person who ever cared for him. 

'I didnt mean to...'

Interrogating her further was the last thing he could think of. Stepping forward, he hugged her close. "Its okay.. Its okay. Dont cry. I wont leave...Im right here." 

She hugged him back like it was all she needed. A lot of time has passed but she still felt safe between his arms, "I missed you..." 

Something melted within him at her words, "I missed you too."

Issac suddenly felt sorry for the way he spoke to her. He shouldnt have judged her on the basis of how little he knew, 'I wont give up on you again.' he thought as their hug tightened. As if the wait was all worth it.

Everything became fine after a while, because, as they say, time really does heal everything. when parted, issac paused worriedly before speaking up again,"But Felix still doesnt know anything about it."

"I dont know how to bring it up to him when I hid it for so long. I was sacred that he'll end up doing something crazy...But now that, we're so close, Im afraid I wont be able to hide it anymore..."