Rebirth Of Darkness

As the final bit of air began to exit my lungs that seemed to burn more and more by the second. The darkness slowly encroached upon the fading figure of my son Luke my life began to flash before my eyes.

The look of happiness she had when I was freed, aswell as the hidden hints of worry my young mind couldn't perceive, the years Obi Wan and I had together going on adventure after adventures helping the citizens of the galaxy. Then there was the praise Yoda and several other jedi gave me and the constant reminders of my "destiny" to bring balance though some of the other younglings showed looks of jealousy and others reveration. But I always wondered how was my mom doing, was she ok? Then there was the day I learned that she wouldn't be freed after I asked Obiw Wan.

That was the day the first seed of doubt was planted within my mind the jedi were meant to be heroes, saviours, and protectors of the galaxy yet they wouldn't free one boys mother, my mom.

It was no wonder Palpatine became my confident he always had a way with words, but looking back at it now he always prayed upon my doubts and insecurities; manipulating and twisting my line of thinking slowly but surely convincing me that things could be better of course I wanted to hear that who wouldn't he always was there for me he was my role model. Yet like everything else it was just another lie all to get what he wanted.

The more memories I saw the angrier I became my life was ruined due to the meddling of others the only one who seemed to care was Qui Gon the man who set me free, the only one who seemed truly genuine about the fate of my father he actually seemed sad he couldn't set her free.

Then there was the fact Obi Wan didn't even have the guts to finish what he started, he left me to be roasted alive suffering pain unimaginable to most, I felt my flesh being seared, and the embers entering my lungs causing irreparable damage; I wanted nothing more then to be put out of my misery yet Obi Wan had the gall to say he loved me as he left me there to burn, even though if he truly did love me he would've just killed me and ended my pain. I can't, no I won't ever forgive these people.

"I'm sorry Luke I don't think I can...."

Yet I couldn't finish what I was saying as I ran out of oxygen no matter how hard I tried I couldn't speak. Yet I began to hear the voices of those who caused me so much pain I couldn't make out what they were saying but I didn't want to listen.


[POV ???]

I felt as if my mind was fading away, it became harder and harder to think, but then I felt irritation from a light, I felt as if I had some liquid on my forehead and all over some sort of fabric that was sticking on my body. Yet I didn't feel any pain as I subconsciously breathed in and out without giving a second thought until I heard myself audibly exhale.

Immediately I opened my eyelids but then realization dawned on me.

'I don't have eyelids, and why am I not in pain right now? Could I have been reborn, but that shouldn't be possible it goes against everything I've ever learned.'

The first thing I saw when my eyes were finally opened was a roof that was so familair; it was made out of yellow stone like material. I then looked to my right to further figure out where I was and then I saw the familair incomplete figure of C3PO. In that moment I realized some how some way I was sent back to the past back to when I was a naive child who idolized the jedi I immediately got up to look over my precious creation that I gifted to Padme. I looked over each and ever wire, circuit, and servo trying to figure out how far was I sent back judging by the lack of missing metal plates that were meant to keep his internal wiring in, aswell as the missing audio receptors, aswell as missing the lenses for his eyes I realized I should be around ten years old but I was broken out of my musings by the sound of my bedroom door opening.

"Ani are you awake?"

I turned to face the origin of the voice and saw a face I thought I would never see again. I was filled with happiness I immediately rushed to hug my mom and embraced her I held her so tightly I was so afraid it was all an illusion just like all the times I thought I found Padme.

"Ani what's wrong?" I heard the worried tone my mother held when she asked me this question as I felt something warm going down my face and I flashed her the biggest smile I could muster.

"Nothings wrong mom, everything's just perfect."

She looked at me guiltily as she said that I easily picked up on it and just continued to embrace her.

After a while I stopped hugging her.

"Ani why don't we go eat breakfast I'm sure your hungry, and we can go see if you can get some more parts after we do our work for the day."

"I'd like that alot."

We both smiled at each other and then she wiped the tear from my eyes with the hem of her shirt. Then I followed my mother to the kitchen and observed the porridge that was on the table it smelled just like I remember. A smile came to my face as I made my way to my seat and finally started eating once my mom sat down. The porridge was fairly sweet just like how I remember the first spoon full of porridge was always the best in my opinion it was seemingly when the flavor was the most noticable. And so we silently enjoyed a meal together. I still had doubts if this was truly real but only time will tell if it is all nothing more than another illusion.