A young blonde haired boy with rather pale skin and ocean blue eyes walked down the streets of Mos Espa, the boy didn't appear to be anything special except one thing his shadow was odd its shape looked like a daunting bulky caped figure with a helmet of some kind not even resembling the boy at all. The boy just seemed to have a dangerous feeling to him, yet he seemed so harmless.. weak even.
Everywhere the the mother-son pair walked the bystanders seemed to feel uncomfortable, nervous even all of them seem to have this wave of relief after the pair left. Yet the reactions only got more drastic as time moved on it went from just minor hesitation and looks of worry, to shaking violently in fear to even running away in fright as if they were trying to save their lives. Yet it only appeared to happen in small groups at least the more extreme reactions did. Yet the boy smiled as he glimpsed at the reactions yet this smile didn't seem to be one of simple happiness it felt a little bit more sinister. Yet the boy's mother miraculously never paid any mind to it all, afterall it was seemingly just another day on Tatooine with all the criminals about there's bound to be rowdy ruffians.
10 minutes later...
A young blond haired boy with oceanic blue eyes accompanied by a woman who had dark black hair, brown eyes, and skin that wasn't pale yet wasn't really tanned. Who stood before a blue skinned creature who wore clothes that were somehow more filthy than the mother son duo who were slaves. He had a trunk that was seemingly useless aswell as canines that stuck out of his maw, he had teo fairly large wings that kept him in the air. The three figures entered the junkyard to begin today's work.
[Anakin Skywalker]
I walked with my mother along the familair streets of Mos Espa, I remembered all the years that I served Watto unwillingly. He never treated us badly infact for slaves we were treated pretty well especially compared to how we were treated by Gardulla The Hutt; the conditions under her were drastically different many of the slaves were put in holding cells it was mostly the uncooperative slaves though my mother and I had a bed due to the value a woman and a young boy could fetch yet we were still give minimalistic amounts of food certainly not enough to support a growing boy so my mother alot of times would go without food to ensure I ate my fill.
Yet even though Watto was very lenient and would let me go home early if I met my quota and even gave my mom a work space that she rarely had to leave while she was working for Watto it still prevented us from living a better life... a happier life in the end my mom had horrible things done to her. Then another memory played in my mind one where I stood before Watto with my lightsaber ignited he was begging for his life trembling in fear; looking down on his pathetic figure was just so delightful. The beatings the Toydarian gave when I was just four years old over the littlest things because he couldn't explain things made it all the more satisfying as I watched the Toydarian lose all hope of living.
I then refocused my attention on more important matters that would prove more crucial to my rise to power.
'I need to test if I can still use the force, I should be able to considering I have all the knowledge necessary to do so, I think using a derivative of the jedi mind trick known as force fear would be the perfect test.'
I was hesitant to delve back into the darkside once more but images of my mother's dying body, how she seemed to be so shaken yet seemed so relieved I finally arrived. It filled me with unbridled rage that proved incredibly difficult to quell, my fists were balled until eventually I felt fine again.
'I will not let my mother suffer such a fate again not when I can do something about it. I must become stronger than ever before if I am to save my mom and Padme, I will not fail to save them this time; I will kill every jedi, sith, and criminal that gets in my way. I refuse to be that naive boy that I once was.'
I began to bend the force to my will commanding it to prey on the fears, doubts, and insecurities of any resident I desired, initially the reactions I got were disappointing no signs of fear from the first few. But I simply focused my intent causing them to have panic attacks from fear, as I did so I had the urge to do something more I wanted to hear them scream in agony, I wanted to seem then wriggle and writhe as I looked down upon them.
Yet I managed to lessen these urges and successfully made someone shake and tremble in fear. I tried yet again not quite satisfied with my handiwork I then recreates the feelings I felt when I caused my first victim to shake and caused a human to see a cloaked figure with a Vibro sword sprinting towards him. Which caused a ruckus my mom glanced at the commotion but quickly dismissed it not wanting to get caught in the after math of what was happening; there was also the fact it wasn't common for some lunatic to cause a commotion. We continued to make our way to Wattos junkyard and I continued to refine my use of force fear after all it could prove uesful.
10 minutes later...
A familiar pungent odor was made apparent it smelled like Bantha urine, I'd know since some of the residents on Tatooine sprayed some on themselves thinking it smelled good even though it was such a repulsive scent. A Familar Toydarian was there flying at the entrance of Wattos scrapyard.
"Hurry up we have alot of work that needs to be done or else I'll whack you on your head with a pipe!"
The Toydarian demanded, he always tended to resort to threats to motivate us into moving faster.
My mom and I were ushered into our respective areas the first thing that came into my sight was a 10 droids of different models lined up before me....