A Normal Day

I watched as on as the repulsive Toydarian left to tend the counter and attract customers to his establishment. But I decided to focus on finishing the task given to me; due to one simple fact the sooner it is done the sooner I can go home and focus on more pressing matters.I looked over the various droids that lay before me half of the droids before me were various models of astromech droids, two of the droids were Pit droids, and the last of the droids were of the PK series I wasn't precisely sure what models they were at a glance I'd have to inspect them a bit closer to discern what model they were.

But what information I gleaned just by glancing at them were they are older models that are fairly worn meaning the owners were either smugglers or some sort of criminal or didn't have a whole lot of credits. I walked towards the first astromech droid and looked at the various signs of rust near the joints, its optic seemed to be caked in mud, the faded yellow accents further attested it's fairly old, though it still complimented the white paint even if there were noticable chips in the paint job. Finally after looking over the this particular astromech I discerned it was from the P2 series, a series that was discontinued and scrapped to create the R1 series.

'If it's the P2 series it's more than likely a software or internal hardware issue, and not so much a structural problem. I could try to use Mechu Deru to hasten the repair process, but that could also prove difficult due to my limited usage of this particular ability.'

'It shouldn't hurt to try it the worst I will do is fry the memory core, rendering the droid useless until you replace it, and any processors that may have been damaged. As another benefit I needn't worry about resisting the temptations of the darkside.'

'There is also the benefits that will come with affirming my ability to use this ability such as being able to take control of machines others may own to serve me or aide me in hostile situations; the possible applications of this ability are numerous which just further justifies why I need to do this. it could prove useful in keeping the ones I care about safe from harm.'

I needed to fully focus on speaking to the machine and gaining control of it to identify the exact problem I closed my eyes to increase my capability to focus and visualize the task I wish to accomplish then I crossed my legs for the sake of comfortability it's hard to say how long it will take to successfully use this ability.

I began to visualize the various circuits and servos aswell as the power source. I began to visualize the power source beginning to send energy through the various wiring that connected to the circuit boards, then the currents traveled across them. Then I envisioned another wire having electricity travel through it directly to the memory core which would cause the AI to awaken and turn on the robot. I kept on focusing on the images I created within my mind trying to make it clearer. All the while having the intent to having the machine obey my commands, I kept prodding at the machine with force trying to recreate the steps that I followed before once more.

An hour later....

My eyes jolted open as I finally felt the connection I was trying to gain, I watched as the P2 series Astromech droid came to life. I realized the memory core had minor damage a few cracks was the extent of the damage besides the rusty parts. I then commanded the droid to power off after I learned the exact problem I pulled out various tools to open the front part of the astromech body to gain access to the memory core I observed the various small cracks, then I reached for the torch to weld the cracks together. I put one a pair if goggles first ti protect my eyes before I ignited the torch within my hands I could feel the heat the torch emitted as I welded the memory core where the damage was.

After a few minutes of welding the memory core was fully repaired and the droid was fully operational. I then set my eyes on the various other droids I had left to repair, the pit droids seemed to have missing or damaged appendages, which were fairly simple to replace;I'll probably use Mechu Deru to have the droids to perform various actions to test if everything was working as it should.

Then I looked at the PK series droids that seemed to have various forms of damaged to them, it appears they may take a while longer to repair compared to the other droids.


[General POV]

Minutes turned to hours as young Anakin Skywalker worked tirelessly finishing various repairs on each droids, both internal and external. Finally looking over his handiwork he looked satisfied, then he headed towards the counter where a Toydarian was dealing with a customer who wanted to commission us to repair some piece of technology that the boy couldn't see quite yet.


Sorry if this chapter is a but short or bland but I figured it's the perfect way for the mc to see if he can use Mechu Deru. And yes Anakin has Mechu Deru and could use it fairly easily is because Anakin had a talent for it, and for force fear it isn't a advanced technique so it shouldn't take too much effort to use it considering he already knew what to do to perform the ability. Anyways I hope you all have a nice night/morning and I'll seeya in the next one.