A Slave Once More

"Boy get over here!" Watto yelled out with a but of urgency in his voice. I could feel the anticipation radiating off Watto.

'Judging by his tone and what I can sense he must've just recieved another commission. For now I'll oblige to whatever whims Watto may have to lessen the load on my mother.' I cast aside my worries for now I had a job to do, to ensure my mom's worried would be abated for near future.


[POV Wattos Junkyard]

"It took you long enough boy, you will fix this assassin droid within the next week. You know what happens when youd fail to do your job, you and your mother can go in a few hours, due to the quick work you did on those astromechs." The Toydarian spoke in Huttese.

Anakin really didn't have anything to say to Watto and so the assassin droid was put on a lift so Anakin could move it to where he worked on the Astromechs, it was afterall his workspace within the shop.

Seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to hours the boy worked tirelessly fixing various hardware issues such as broken joints, damaged wiring, and a myriad of other issues replacing the various parts. And then seemed to meditate and then the droid turned on and spoke out somewhat quietly.

"What are your orders master?"

"Deactivate for now, and listen to any orders your previous owner may have for you unless I say otherwise." Was what the boy quietly and calmly commanded.

Then he began constructing some sort device that seemed to gave some parts that are similar to that of a transponder, yet it was significantly different. The boy then opened the droid up and began to wire in said device into the droids internal hardware. The boy paused for a moment and then the droid sparked to life again.

Then the boy and droid pair walked towards the flying Toydarian at the counter. When the Toydarian laid eyes on the boy and droid a mix of greed and glee was extremely parent just staring at him.The boy stood there silently until the Toydarian spoke.

"You've outdone yourself boy, you can have the rest of today and tomorrow off." The Toydarian spoke out trying to get rid of the boy possibly to relish in the wealth he is accruing.

The boy simply left not having anything left to say to his "Master". And so he left the junkyard walking down the streets of Tatooine yet wasn't going the way he came initially.


[POV Anakin Skywalker]

I walked upon the sandy roads of Tatooine I could feel buts of course rough irritating sand in my shoes and on my skin. I loathed living here once again yet it was nothing in comparison living with longs filled with ash, and burnt irreparably. Every time I breathed my lungs would burn, even my own skin made me uncomfortable due to the extreme burns.

'How should I go about ensuring my mom will not die, should I forcefully take over Tatooine and have Jabba as a puppet leader. And if I do decide to take over Tatooine and aggressively at that should I control the gangs, or should I slowly take control over every droid on Tatooine.'

I saw a familiar group with their odd masks and wrappings covering their heads completely fuse rifles strapped on their back.

Memories of my blue lightsaber slashing through tusken men, woman, and children flashed through my mind. The battered body of my mother flashed through my mind. I began to feel a smoldering rage swell within as these memories played before my eyes once more.

'Perhaps eradicating every last one of those vermin like I should've done after what they did.'

Realizing my dark thoughts I tried calming myself breathing in and out for the next minute quelling my rage for now.

'I need to have self control, if I murder the Tuskens then that manipulative bastard maybe alerted to my prescence due to all those spies he has around the galaxy and considering he's had dealing with Jabba through his servants it'd be in my best interest to slowly take Tatooine over.'

'Palpatine managed to take over nearly the whole galaxy, there is no telling the extent of his control over neutral planets. Or there is also the option to take my mom off Tatooine, but besides a few other planets Tatooine is one of the easiest planets to hide someone especially considering the fact Obi wan seemed to have hid my son here knowing how many unsavory memories I had here.'

I decided to stop dwelling on the things Obi Wan put me through and decided to figure out what I want to get done in these next two days, afterall every day of preparation is another day closer to ensuring my mom's safety.

'First things in order is to get C 3PO only the best parts and the best way to do that , is to use the force to my benefit.'

I began to try to recall places I could get what I needed to finish and upgrade C 3PO.

I then remembered there was a shop a few streets down so I began to head there to take anything I needed for the task ahead of me.


Hey folks sorry for the late chapter I've been extremely busy lately and was struggling with motivation again, I've been working so much that I dont have much time to write now a days. But I hope it was a decent let me know what you think below and I'll seeya in what I update next.

My discord is down here: https://discord.gg/TRXGga3