As the 5 little ones stand behind me, I panic, bent over their big brother, laying on the floor. I shake his shoulders roughly, but he doesn't respond. Restraining myself from cursing in front of the children, I stay quiet as I try to figure out what happened.
The kitchen looks clean. Nothing has fallen, all cupboards are still closed. The only bang I heard was his fall.
Could it be that he has become unwell? His red face could be a sign of it. I put my hand against his cheek, then quickly pull it away again, its high temperature almost burning my cold hands.
Seems like he got a fever. Was it the rain? He wasn't able to hold his umbrella well while carrying his youngest sibling. First things first, I must move him. I can't leave him on the cold floor. But how will I do that? He is taller than I am, and I am unimaginably weak. If only all this shit with Aki didn't happen...