I wake up thanks to my growling stomach. Soup is a good base for dinner, but it's nowhere near enough to keep one nurtured. It is 8 AM. I sigh, not feeling like getting up and having to put on a happy front.
However, my stomach forces me to get a move on. With a loud, long groan, I let myself fall out of the bed, the pain of it feeling way better than the numbness that has grabbed a hold of me.
Sluggishly, I pull myself up, change into my most baggy and comfortable clothes, and head downstairs, hoping not to meet anyone.
No such luck. I run into Christine. She looks excited. Too excited to notice my off behaviour, which is a relief. "Hey, just the person I needed to talk to!" she greets me. "Are you going to eat breakfast now? I was just on my way to make some myself."
I don't really feel like talking, but it seems like she only wants me to listen, which is a nice way to keep my mind busy. I accept her invitation, and we head off to the kitchen together.