The Forest

The North – Unknown Qi World – Earth Year 2031

My first instinct was to move out of the area just in case he had a hundred little green friends. It wasn't easy keeping track of the sun through the tree canopy, but moss grew reliably on the northern side of the trees, the mountainside. I was able to maintain a western heading with a casual glance at the base of a tree.

As I breathed in the sweet, fresh air, a thunderous crack sounded in the distance. I peered up into the sky and for as far as I could see was the purple hue except - this time the different shades were swirling.

It was a storm, but like nothing I had ever witnessed. The air shimmered around me and I felt something akin to an electric shock. The air buzzed as the purple miasma encompassed my entire world. I placed my back to a tree and stood ready. For what, I had no idea, but I couldn't think of anything else to do.

I heard a roar in the distance and it sent chills through me. I couldn't place the animal, it certainly wasn't a lion or anything that I was familiar with.

I wondered what the game was doing. I had a foreboding feeling that things were getting serious.

A nervous chuckle escaped my mouth. They didn't give me long to prepare, I was still almost naked with only a stick to my name in the way of weaponry. But I was determined not to die. I would show those bastards what I was made of. And I was not about to give up the use of my new legs, even if they were imaginary.

I wasn't sure if it was my imagination, but the forest felt more dangerous as I crept towards my goal. I was not running anymore, I moved as quietly as I could with my spear held at the ready.

Listening to the sounds of the forest I suddenly noticed the birds had stopped chirping. I could hear the leaves rustling in the wind and the odd crash of something falling. One loud collision was particularly disconcerting.

I placed my hand on a thick trunk. I liked trees. They provided cover which in turn gave me a sense of protection. At least on one side and I would handle the other. It was then I realised the danger I sensed was the lack of bird sounds. They had not returned since the purple storm.

I heard more crashing which was followed by guttural screams in the distance, and as the screams grew louder, I looked for somewhere to hide. The sounds were coming from the west and as their intensity grew, I knew they were approaching my position.

I moved off to the south, away from the mountains and closer to the southern edge of the forest which I knew bordered the plains.

I could not move both quickly and silently. The forest was mostly trees, shrubs and ground cover. But every now and then the usual was broken up by a stream or rocky terrain. It was then I encountered a waterfall. The ridge dropped away by a good twenty feet. I could climb down, but it would be slow going. I decided to wait at the top of the waterfall. If whatever was screaming was heading somewhere with a purpose this would be an unlikely path to take.

I crouched and waited. I breathed, and I listened.

Much to my irritation, the screams grew louder. I didn't like running away, but I also wasn't stupid. If I entered a fight, I would like to know what I was up against and what my chances were. But given a choice and a chance - I would always fight.

I decided I would not try to avoid the noisy monsters. I would wait here and if they came this way - that was that. We would fight.

The guttural yelling continued, and the noise of them crashing through the forest grew louder. I had a good grasp of their direction and they were headed to me.

I stood and kissed my spear. My only ally. It was not a weapon I had trained with, but all the martial combat I had completed over the years was not forgotten.

I saw a line of three crashing through the trees and then behind them another three followed in their wake. They were just like my little green opponent. Scraggly hair, long pointy ears and a beak-like nose. Their teeth were sharp, and their eyes were yellow and with irises slit horizontally.

I smiled as they skidded to a halt. The sight of me scared the absolute shit out of them. It was at this moment an arrow appeared through the skull of one. Its wooden angular point protruded through its forehead while its feathers remained behind its head. It fell in a heap, it was dead before it knew what happened.

The remaining five began to panic and another went down to a second arrow. It was then they decided to charge towards me. Whether they wanted to fight me or jump off the edge, I had no idea, and I wasn't going to wait to find out.

The goblins were all screaming. Whether it was from fear or battle commands to each other - I had no clue.

I kicked the first in its centre of mass. It bounced back with a resounding crack as my comparatively large foot broke several of its ribs. I twisted and drove my spear into the next before it could jump into the pool below. I was fast but not fast enough to stop the remaining pair as they leaped from the top of the waterfall.

They screamed and fell onto the rocks peppering the stream below.

One was able to stand after the fall and it began to limp in a southerly direction. I heard a whooshing sound to my right; I turned to see the most incredible sight from my short time in this qi world and perhaps my entire life.

It was a girl, but like no other. She was thin and shorter than me by half a foot. Her wiry frame oozed strength and grace as she released an arrow which flew precisely into the back of the limping goblin. I barely noticed the goblin die because I was fixated on her.

Her long, brown hair was tied in braids with twigs and it flew behind her when she ran. Her green body was naked - barring the vines and green leaves which clung to her. They didn't leave much to the imagination. They covered a small fraction of her body and what they did cover, looked like it was painted on.

My mind should have been thinking about defending myself. While she had only attacked the goblins, I had no idea if she viewed me as friend or foe. But I am a man who recently regained the use of his legs and other than the odd prostitute, had not known the touch of a woman for too many years.

Granted she was not human. But she possessed an exotic beauty which caught and held my attention. It was obvious to me she had all the essentials. Perky breasts and firm ass to name a couple of them.

While I gawked at her, she turned and knocked an arrow in one fluid motion - aiming it at my head. We were only ten feet apart.

I closed my mouth. And my brain finally began to work on the problem at hand.

"I should kill you," she said.