Crafting Skill

The short sword came down in a sweeping arc and her qi licked the outside of the blade. My spear parried it like a staff and then I used the butt to knock her off balance.

"Good," I said while examining her core. "Enough, you're almost drained." Her attitude towards me changed dramatically during our training sessions. She wanted qi blade as much as I wanted to stay here in the forest with them. During training she treated me with a reverence and listened to every word.

But soon as it was over, it was back to normal. She glared at me. "Do you think it is wise to wander so far from the forest?"

"We have to look at the stuff going on outside. If we sit here waiting, we'll get an awful surprise one day. And strong allies are a good thing."

She sheathed her sword and walked towards the glade. The artisans moved all their gear into the trees and the glade was once again a carpet of grass with the lone willow. I could hear a rhythmic banging from above which meant they were busy at work.

She held my hand by the fingertips and pulled me close. Her eyes searched mine. "Still I do not like it, but I know I cannot control you. I accept it. You do what you feel is right."

My hand went behind my head and scratched the brown tufts which clung to my greenish scalp. "Ah, I was hoping you'd come with." I smiled at her reassuringly.

She stood on tip toes and whispered, "I want. But I have to stay here, you should take Ailen or Talila. Choose one."

"Would you be upset if I chose Talila?"

A puzzled expression crossed her face. "I said you may choose her, why would I be upset?"

I chuckled. "Good point. I'm used to women who are screwy up here," I said and tapped the side of my head. I looked up when I noticed someone approaching from the corner of my eye and it was Arcaena, the weaver.

I leaned on my spear and said, "Ailen will want to come."

Gisael nodded.

The weaver approached me with something in her hand. She wound a sling over my shoulder and across my opposite hip then she grabbed my hand holding the spear and lifted.

"Lift it up and slide it down," she said when her reach failed. She then guided the butt of my spear through a loop. "Now pull here," she said, and the spear pulled against my back. It rested on my shoulder diagonally.

She inspected it. "It should hold, but I can add more loops if it does not please you."

I skipped forward, turned, and jumped. The spear moved with me and didn't wobble at all. "It's great. Thanks," I said and smiled at her. I whipped the spear out and had to grab it twice due to its length. I tried again with a bent knee and pulled it forward. I drew it with one fluid motion.

"Wonderful," she said. She clapped and jumped for joy. "Seeing you carry your spear has been eating at me since our first day."

I pulled her close and planted a kiss on her forehead. "I love it."

"It is strong, but if you break it, I have another ready."

I flexed. "I'll try not to break your hard work on the first day." She laughed and Gisael smiled at the both of us.

"When will you go?" Gisael asked.

"Today. I'll grab Ailen and we'll leave."

She frowned at me. I smiled at her, wrapped my free arms around her and lifted her into the air. I let her fall until our faces were close, but her feet were still of the ground. "Don't worry, I'll be back." I kissed her and she struggled for a moment before she kissed me back.

Arcaena left with a giggle.

Our kiss ended and she pulled her head back. "Let me down."

"No, I like you here."

"Carry me to the southern outpost. I have duty."

I laughed and dropped her. "No, you can run."

She pushed my chest. "Your stamina is lacking."

I whispered in her ear, "That's not what you said last night."

She laughed and turned to leave. Before she ran off, she said, "Come back soon." I watched her beautiful form run through the trees. Her feline curves and fierce nature were a potent combination.

I looked around. Where the fuck was Ailen.

"Ailen," I shouted with no response. I ran to the east and called him again. It wasn't long before I ran into a gatherer who told me he was training with Talila north of the glade.

When I found them I thought that they hadn't been training at all but were wrestling. Ailen lay in the foliage with a big grin on his face and Talila smiled at me sweetly. She walked past and patted my buttocks before she climbed up into the trees.

"Good day so far?"

He didn't answer he just sighed happily.

I kicked him. "Come on. I have a quest for you."

He shot up to his feet. "A quest? We have those?"

"You do now," I said and laughed.

"Oh. So, it's just something you want done." He sounded disappointed.

I waggled my finger in his face. "We're going hunting for city men, thieves, just you and me. All the way to the east and maybe there will be a sexy, horny mountain woman who likes your scrawny butt."

"You're kidding."

I smiled and shook my head.


"As soon as your scrawny butt is ready."

He grabbed his bow and a quiver. I shook my head. He grabbed another quiver and I held up three fingers.

"Three? That's sixty arrows. How many thieves are there?"

I shrugged. "When you're out of arrows what good are you?"

He sighed and went to fetch a third quiver full of arrows.

We stocked up on new pouches full of dried food and a large water skin each. I now resembled Gisael in proper, well-made Svartalfar equipment. They were talented and dedicated to their craft and it left the crap I made for dead.

I inspected my new waterskin and said, "I guess my craft is fighting."

Ailen chuckled. "Don't forget annoying Gisael, running amok, scaring the hell out of everyone."

I pointed at him. "It was your idea to smoke meat to trade."

He smirked. "Only because you skinned the thing."

"Oh," I said and fetched a sharp skinning knife we traded from the mountainfolk. I looped it in the vine which circled my waist. The shiny wicked steel gleamed with reflected light. "It needs a sheath."

He inspected and nodded.

"I'll wrap it for now." Then I smiled. "I know my craft can be skinning."

He shook his head. "That's under survival."

"Shoosh," I said and glared at him. We made a pact to keep game terminology and real-world references to a bare minimum. We kept breaking it of course, especially Sakaala, but we'd remind each other.

"Fine, fine," he said waving his hand in dismissal. "If you want it to be your craft it can be. Mine's cooking."

"Cooking?" I said and laughed uproariously. "Such a manly craft."

"Hey. No judgment. Women are warriors here, men can be cooks."

"Speaking of women," I said with a cheeky smile. "Did you just," I looked down at his groin. "With Talila."

The bright red infusion on his green-brown face was his answer.

I laughed and we ran to meet up with the mountainfolk.