Nerve Damage

We separated the skins into three piles. Some were pristine because they came from a clean kill and my deft touch cut true. While precision was important, so was knowledge of the beast, a good sharp knife and minimal damage done to the hide during the kill.

When a monster was peppered with a dozen arrows, making a dozen holes, it wouldn't matter if my skill was a hundred. 

I smiled at my latest handiwork as a few of the Dokkalfar poured over them.

"I like your skins," one of Barrin's smiths said. His apron looked like it had better days, so his interest was personal. 

When they were all sorted Barrin said, "This is enough for your weapons. But," he grinned, "If you want masterwork from precious metals you will need to add some qi cores."

I looked at the three large piles of my best work and scoffed. "You're kidding, this is premium shit."