Ambassador Larkin

The sun's morning rays burned the ocean's haze away and a tall lean man strode towards the luxury guild hall. His hair was dark with a little grey appearing above his ears and a single streak through his hair. His beard was trimmed neatly across his jawline and his nose was hawkish.

The ambassador was dressed in neat black trousers, white shirt, and an embroidered grey cloak over the top. He carried a satchel under one arm and knocked with his free hand.

A male Svartalfar answered the door and is state of undress raised one of the ambassador's eyebrows.

"Come," Nej said and indicated the man enter.

The common room was neat and well-furnished as expected of a luxury guild. There was enough room for twenty but only two were present.

"Go to the roof and fetch them Nej," Ailen said. He held out a hand and introduced himself. "Ailen."

The ambassador shook it. "I am Larkin, your ambassador. Are you the guild leader?"