Sore Loser (Literally)

The sun was setting, and the tall ship was pulled in and tide to the docks. After the dockworkers securely tethered the ship the gang plank slid into place and the recently reset adventurers rejoined the living.

They were wearing the standard blue and white cloaks as they glumly walked on to the docks. Two ambassadors waved and escorted them quickly back to their guild halls.

"You must dress and come to the presentation immediately," the ambassador told the red queen.

She frowned. "Am I not afforded the opportunity to lodge a protest? This tournament is such a farce, you cannot allow me to die and then in less time than it takes to come back finalise the results."

Ying for the Whitecloaks pushed past and said with great relish. "You sound like a whiny bitch. Take the loss."

The Red swordsmen roiled at the insult, but it was a hollow threat. Their qi reserves were empty, they had no weapons and their skills had been reset.