The Forest is my Home

I am Benzhi and this is my home. Dark Bear had grown and he thought he was quick. I was teaching him some humility by leaving him in my dust. He knew where I was and followed me as best he could. He was big and strong but heavy. What he lacked in dexterity he made up with strength.

I ran along the wide branches and the forest spoke to me, telling me the best path. When to go up and when to fly. I leapt, glided and landed on a wide branch. I ran and leaped again, this time onto the forest floor.

I jumped a stream and wondered if it flowed into the river. I knew the east end of the forest better than the west simply because that's where all the threats had been.

Dark Bear needed time to catch me and I told him to come to the stream while I investigated. The west end was hillier than the east and the stream navigated its way through the valleys to the river upstream of our landing and future plans for docks.