Beastmen Battle

The whimpers echoed up the mountain as the beastmen squeezed their prey eking out the last scraps of information. 

Reyas hid to the right of the entrance and I was on the left. Gisael was above, high up on the mountain, lying under a blanket which matched the colour of the rocks.

The wolf walked upright but otherwise looked nothing like a man. Clawed hands, feet and with his long snout he sniffed the air. He wore a harness with weapons and pouches hanging from it but was otherwise naked. His grey fur provided the needed warmth for the mountains.

Lumbering behind the wolfman was the massive ape like beast. It was almost as wide as it was tall. It was bent over most of the time, switching between travelling on all fours and  two legs. Its arms almost touched the ground and it never stood fully upright while Demon Bird watched it.