Feral Zerg

An old soldier popped his head through the ladder opening at the top of the gate tower. "Is this where you're staying?" he asked.

I was asleep but he probably couldn't tell because of my antler mask. 

Carney answered for me. "Shh. We be resting. Yes this is where we're staying. He likes it here; it is central with a good view he said."

The ferals were screeching like a choir of madmen. "How can you sleep through that?"

I sighed. "You just block it out after a while."

"The captain wants you," the older soldier said.

"I'm here."

A mask of indecision covered the old soldiers face.

"Tell him to come here," Carney said.

"I cannot do that."

"Yes you can. The protector fought off the attack last night, the captain can damn well come to him."

The old soldier grumbled and climbed down the ladder.
