Massacre at the Manor

Dark Bear loved to fight. He'd been front seat to the action and emotion for the last few days through our link. He'd missed the chance to help with the beastmen and now there were fifteen orks arrayed in front of him - it was like Christmas.

The orks couldn't take their beady eyes off him. He stood on his hind legs and growled while pawing the air. He wasn't much taller than me, but his sheer bulk was impressive. I wondered why the orks on the roof didn't shoot, maybe they were stunned.

While the bear had their undivided attention the Svartalfar gained rooftops surrounding the manor. Snow and Kysandre walked calmly up the main street behind me.

The time had come and there would be no mercy for the orks that had killed so many civilians who were just trying to live their lives. I ran up a wall, passed Dark Bear and shouted, "Kill em all."