Swinging in the Breeze

There was mucus leaking out of every orifice. "Water," I croaked but no one could hear me - they were too far away. The massive qi core rolled ahead of me like a giant beach ball and the sight of it made me feel like it was all worthwhile.

When a core was severed from a creature that creature was surely dead. The moment this core moved far enough from its well the Gargscarab died, even though it was still inside its massive head. 

It was sure a hell of a lot easier ripping its core from its roots than chopping off the Gargscarab's head. It was just a messy, disgusting task.

Gisael was the smartest women in the world because she loaned me her waterskin and tsked while she wiped me down.

"There is a river," she said and titled her head in a northerly direction; we'd passed it on our way. Rivers large and small were abundant in the plains surrounding Salastria which is probably why it had become a city in the first place.