Wood versus Stone

It cast a shadow over a three story building. 

I drew in a sharp breath while everyone impatiently waited for me to describe what Demon Bird could see. "It's big. Fucking big. Thirty feet. It's trashing a building for the fun of it." I said.

"Describe it," Peppin said. "I've read a hundred books on monsters. I can help."

"It's arms are long; they hang almost to the ground and its holding a mace of some sort. It has armour! It's a giant armoured, ape thing."

"Does the armour look like it's made from stone?" Peppin asked.

"Yeah, it could be. It's dark grey. It just popped an adventurer in its mouth. Chewed and spat him out."

Peppin's brows furrowed. "It eats him for his core and spits him out when it has it."

"So it's refilling. There's no sign of Sakaala or the Protectors."

Peppin frowned. "If it's a Titan then the Protectors will not stand up to it easily. If it's a Colossus it will eat a protector for breakfast."