Snakes and Ladders

The tail swished back and forth slowly, and I imagined it showed the mystical snake's expectation of a lovely meal presenting itself. I was standing upside down with my feel firmly attached to the wooden ceiling.

My qi abilities had not suffered the transition into Gunt's body, but his muscles were weak as piss in comparison to my forest lump. I strained as I pulled myself up and towards the hole slowly but surely. My muscles quivered from the strain or perhaps it was fear of the snake.

It was curled up like the lid of a wicker washing basket and the snake had to be at least thirty yards long. It was thicker than me and it had beautiful, speckled colouring including greens, teals and blues. Dark Bear was an impressive beast as a juvenile, but this snake was a fully grown adult in its prime. It's core and qi paths were magnificent and terrifying at the same time.