Shade’s Choice

"I will take him," Reiko said. Her voice betrayed her concern, and it was not an emotion towards me that the master appreciated. 

"We established that you are not fit to take an apprentice and your sentiment betrays you. Has he already built a home in your heart? I don't know whether to be impressed by his skill or disgusted with your lack of fortitude."

"She fears Shade," I said. "It is not concern for me, but her fear of Shade and she would probably offer the same if someone else stood here."

The master cackled. "And now you defend her, I see you two have a bond already. You work fast adventurer. What shall we call you?"

I was hopeful I could ditch the name Gunk and choose another if I joined with the black cloaks. It was not a good reason – a good reason was receiving training from Shade - whatever race she was - if that what was on offer and reaching my goal of getting the Chancellors secrets before ending him.