The Crossover pt 4

Looking down at the figure i couldn't believe my luck. Who else would be fighting a random space armada and run into a captive Tamaranian beauty.

"So what's a tamaranian doing all the way in this neck of the woods?" She looks up at me or at least to the best of her abilities and opens her mouth.

"Unintelligible Tamaranian Language"

"Oh wait. Right we dont speak the same language." I put my hands on the bars prying them open. Apparently my actions startled the girl but she seemed to understand i at least wasnt a dominator.

She sat alert but steady, i approached her gently to not have a super strong chick kick my nads. Once i get close enough i squat down and observe the chains and visor. I couldnt tell the material but i did notice it absorbed UV radiation and dispelled it. Interesting.

I unlatch her visor and pull it off of her head slowly. She flinches from the sudden light but it doesnt her long to adjust.

I take a second to look at her and she looks back at me. My brown eyes meets her deep violet eyes that slightly glows. Her eyes lock on me and then she throws her chained arms around my neck and pulls me in to a kiss.

I forget about her racial trait for a second and just immerse myself into the kiss. We traded tongues for about 15 seconds and then she pulls away leaving a trial of saliva.

"Well hello handsome. What brings you to this part of space" she asked with a teasing grin.

I cant help but chuckle and answer her "Oh you know the usual. Fighting Dominators trying to invade my world. What about yourself? Dark orange skin, and glowy eyes....Tamaranian?"

Her eyes slightly dim when i mention her race and she sighs "...not anymore. You know the usual parents disowned you then sold you into slavery deal."

"Oooooh. Don't know about the parents part but i have an understanding of the slavery. C'mon lets walk and talk." I grip her cuffs and break them off of her. The metal held up pretty nicely under my grip. Weaker than adamantium yet the UV absorption may be useful.

She gazes at her wrists and then i see her gather a violet UV energy around her body then condense it into a deep purple starbolts. The starbolts fade as tears fall down the sides of her face and she mutters "Thank you."

I just smile and get up and start towards the doors. The door had a passcode so i did the next best thing. I punched the hell out of the door until it was sent flying into the other room with a small army of Dominators holding weird blasters.

I flew forward with my arms fully stretched out on either side decapitating all the dominators inside my reach. 23 headless aliens fell to the ground dead and their comrades aimed their blasters at me.

I tense myself to resct but instead 9 mini starbolts come flying pass my head blowing a hole in each of the Dominators. The unlucky bastards fell to the floor with a thud as the tamaranian walked out of the dungeon rubbing her wrists.

"Nice shot" i say to which she replied a small thanks. We keep moving towards the main hall and i talk to her "So what's your name?"

"Komand'r but in your language it would be BlackFire. Amd yours?"

"Damien Nyxxus. So Komand'r what's next plans?"

She hesitated for a bit and i can see a flash of anger go through her eyes "Im going to Citadel."

I take a deep sigh and stop walking causing her to stop as well. I turned around and spoke "Listen Komand'r, Citadel is a war planet. You only go to citadel to wage wars or hide. I dont think you'd wanna do either. I can't understand you're suffering, but that's not the answer. Neither war nor rage will help you find peace and happiness."

She went silent as we made our way through taking out stragglers. After finally making it to rhe Bridge i check that it was all clear. See the weird thing about Dominators is their hive mindset. You take out the highest ranked one then you take them all out. But theyve incorporated their hive mind into their ships. Soooo take out the ship, take out the Dominators connected to them.

I asked her if she could survive in a vacuum and she told me for about a week or so. Nodding my head i open every hatch causing all of the dead bodies to get sucked out into space. The two of us exited the ship before i pull out an empty capsule from my belt.

I pop the capsule and it turns into a small disk with a suction cup on the back. I pop it on the ship and the ship is scanned and popped back into a capsule which i store. Komand'r look on at the capsule in interest and i tell her ill show her later.

We look around as all of the other 6 ships that are still in tact were now powered down and all signs of life vanish so we each take 3 ships and open all the door disposing of the bodies and capsuling the ships.

Looking around to only see space wreckage and Dominator bodies i was satisfied with my work. I met back up Komand'r and got ready to say my goodbyes.

"Well Komand'r, it was nice meeting you here. If you truly believe you must go to Citadel then i wont stop you, but should you ever need me you know where to find me."

I turn around and start descending when she calls out "WAIT!...Can....can i come with you? There's nothing left for me on Tamaran and i dont really have much for plans right now."

I just smile and told her she's more than welcomed to spend as much time as she needed. So the two of us descended into the atmosphere where she needed help since she can't fly on her own.

The two of us make our way down to be greeted by a smiling Kara who then did a double take at Komand'r.

She then asked "A Tamaranian on this side of the stars? Now thats rare."

Of course Komand'r being the queen she is said something back "A Kryptonian on this planet? Didnt you guys blow yourself up or something ?"

"Ladies wait until we're back on the ground first please." And with that the three aliens head back to Earth.